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January/February 2009 Volume 15 Issue 1/2 [ Full Contents ]
Article: A Policy Checklist for Enabling Persistence of Identifiers
Authors: Nick Nicholas, Nigel Ward, Kerry Blinco
Article: A Set of Transfer-Related Services
Author: Justin Littman
Article: Sharing Functionality on the Web: A Proposed Services Infrastructure for The European Library
Authors: Theo van Veen, Michel Koppelaar, Georg Petz, Christian Sadilek
Article: Search Web Services The OASIS SWS Technical Committee Work: The Abstract Protocol Definition, OpenSearch Binding, and SRU/CQL 2.0
Author: Ray Denenberg
Article: Institutional Repository on a Shoestring
Authors: George Wrenn, Carolyn J. Mueller, Jeremy Shellhase
Article: Classroom Information Needs: Search Analysis from a Digital Library for Educators
Author: Marcia A. Mardis
March/April 2009 Volume 15 Issue 3/4 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: What's Wrong with Citation Counts?
Authors: José H. Canós Cerdá Manuel Llavador Campos, Eduardo Mena Nieto
Article: Going Grey? Comparing the OCR Accuracy Levels of Bitonal and Greyscale Images
Authors: Tracy Powell, Gordon Paynter
Article: How Good Can It Get? Analysing and Improving OCR Accuracy in Large Scale Historic Newspaper Digitisation Programs
Author: Rose Holley
Article: Profiling Social Networks: A Social Tagging Perspective
Authors: Ying Ding, Elin K Jacob, James Caverlee, Michael Fried, Zhixiong Zhang
Article: Digitization Education: Courses Taken and Lessons Learned
Author: Mats Dahlström, Alen Doracic
Article: Toward Digitizing All Forms of Documentation
Author: George V. Landon
May/June 2009 Volume 15 Issue 5/6 [ Full Contents ]
Commentary: Time Challenges - Challenging Times for Future Information Search
Authors: Thomas Mestl, Olga Cerrato, Jon Ølnes, Per Myrseth, Inger-Mette Gustavsen
Article: EScience in Practice: Lessons from the Cornell Web Lab
Authors: William Arms, Manuel Calimlim, Lucia Walle
Article: Towards a Repository-enabled Scholar's Workbench: RepoMMan, REMAP and Hydra
Authors: Richard Green, Chris Awre
Article: Evaluation of Digital Repository Software at the National Library of Medicine
Authors: Jennifer L. Marill, Edward C. Luczak
Article: NeoNote: Suggestions for a Global Shared Scholarly Annotation System
Author: Bradley Hemminger
Article: The Fierce Urgency of Now: A Proactive, Pervasive Content Awareness Tool
Authors: James E. Powell, Linn Marks Collins, Mark L.B. Martinez
Article: Unlocking Audio: Towards an Online Repository of Spoken Word Collections in Flanders
Authors: Tom Evens, Laurence Hauttekeete
July/August 2009 Volume 15 Issue 7/8 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Measuring Mass Text Digitization Quality and Usefulness: Lessons Learned from Assessing the OCR Accuracy of the British Library's 19th Century Online Newspaper Archive
Authors: Simon Tanner, Trevor Muñoz, Pich Hemy Ros
Article: 21st Century Shipping: Network Data Transfer to the Library of Congress
Author: Michael Ashenfelder
Article: Semantic Integration of Collection Description: Combining CIDOC/CRM and Dublin Core Collections Application Profile
Authors: Irene Lourdi, Christos Papatheodorou, Martin Doerr
September/October 2009 Volume 15 Issue 9/10 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Establishing Trust in a Chain of Preservation: The TRAC Checklist Applied to a Data Staging Repository (DataStaR)
Authors: Gail Steinhart, Dianne Dietrich, Ann Green
Article: Subject-based Information Retrieval within Digital Libraries Employing LCSHs
Authors: Ioannis Papadakis, Michalis Stefanidakis, Konstantinos Kyprianos, Rosa Mavropodi
Article: Analysing Selection for Digitisation: Current Practices and Common Incentives
Authors: Bart Ooghe, Dries Moreels
Article: OA Network: An Integrative Open Access Infrastructure for Germany
Authors: Uwe Müller, Robin Malitz, Peter Schirmbacher, Thomas Severiens
Article: Curriculum for Digital Libraries: An Analytical Study of Indian LIS Curricula
Author: R.S.R.Varalakshmi
November/December 2009 Volume 15 Issue 11/12 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Beyond 1923: Characteristics of Potentially In-copyright Print Books in Library Collections
Authors: Brian Lavoie, Lorcan Dempsey
Article: Service-Oriented Models for Educational Resource Federations
Authors: Daniel R. Rehak, Nick Nicholas, Nigel Ward
Article: From TIFF to JPEG 2000? Preservation Planning at the Bavarian State Library Using a Collection of Digitized 16th Century Printings
Authors: Hannes Kulovits, Andreas Rauber, Anna Kugler, Markus Brantl, Tobias Beinert, Astrid Schoger
Article: A Low Cost, Low Memory Footprint, SQL and Servlet-based Solution for Searching Archived Images and Documents in Digital Collections
Authors: Cristina Tofan, Daniel Tofan
Article: Measuring Citation Advantages of Open Accessibility
Author: Samson C. Soong
Article: The Importance of Digital Libraries in Joint Educational Programmes: A Case Study of a Master of Science Programme Involving Organizations in Ghana and the Netherlands
Authors: Marga Koelen, Jonathan Arthur Quaye-Ballard