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January/February 2015 Volume 21 Issue 1/2 [ Full Contents ]
Guest Editorial: Data as "First-class Citizens"
Authors: Łukasz Bolikowski, Nikos Houssos, Paolo Manghi, Jochen Schirrwagen
Article: Semantic Enrichment and Search: A Case Study on Environmental Science Literature
Authors: Kalina Bontcheva, Johanna Kieniewicz, Stephen Andrews, Michael Wallis
Article: A-posteriori Provenance-enabled Linking of Publications and Datasets via Crowdsourcing
Authors: Laura Drăgan, Markus Luczak-Rösch, Elena Simperl, Heather Packer, Luc Moreau, Bettina Berendt
Article: A Framework Supporting the Shift from Traditional Digital Publications to Enhanced Publications
Authors: Alessia Bardi, Paolo Manghi
Article: Science 2.0 Repositories: Time for a Change in Scholarly Communication
Authors: Massimiliano Assante, Leonardo Candela, Donatella Castelli, Paolo Manghi, Pasquale Pagano
Article: Data Citation Practices in the CRAWDAD Wireless Network Data Archive
Authors: Tristan Henderson, David Kotz
Article: A Methodology for Citing Linked Open Data Subsets
Author: Gianmaria Silvello
Article: Challenges in Matching Dataset Citation Strings to Datasets in Social Science
Authors: Brigitte Mathiak, Katarina Boland
Article: Enabling Living Systematic Reviews and Clinical Guidelines through Semantic Technologies
Authors: Laura Slaughter, Christopher Friis Berntsen, Linn Brandt, Chris Mavergames
Article: Data without Peer: Examples of Data Peer Review in the Earth Sciences
Author: Sarah Callaghan
Article: The Tenth Anniversary of Assigning DOI Names to Scientific Data and a Five Year History of DataCite
Authors: Jan Brase, Irina Sens, Michael Lautenschlager
March/April 2015 Volume 21 Issue 3/4 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Storage is a Strategic Issue: Digital Preservation in the Cloud
Authors: Gillian Oliver, Steve Knight
Article: Managing Digital Collections Survey Results
Authors: Liz Bishoff, Carissa Smith
Article: OpenDOAR Repositories and Metadata Practices
Authors: Heather Lea Moulaison, Felicity Dykas, Kristen Gallant
Article: A French-German Survey of Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Access and Restrictions
Authors: Joachim Schöpfel, Hélène Prost, Marjorie Piotrowski, Eberhard R. Hilf, Thomas Severiens, Paul Grabbe
Article: Trustworthiness: Self-assessment of an Institutional Repository against ISO 16363-2012
Author: Bernadette Houghton
Article: Development of Linked Data for Archives in Korea
Author: Ok Nam Park
Article: Tools for Discovering and Archiving the Mobile Web
Authors: Frank McCown, Monica Yarbrough, Keith Enlow
Article: Digital Library Research in Action: Supporting Information Retrieval in Sowiport
Authors: Daniel Hienert, Frank Sawitzki, Philipp Mayr
Article: Reconstructing the Past Through Utah Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: A Geospatial Approach to Library Resources
Author: Justin B. Sorensen
May/June 2015 Volume 21 Issue 5/6 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Helping Members of the Community Manage Their Digital Lives: Developing a Personal Digital Archiving Workshop
Author: Nathan Brown
Article: An Assessment of Institutional Repositories in the Arab World
Author: Scott Carlson
Article: Semantic Description of Cultural Digital Images: Using a Hierarchical Model and Controlled Vocabulary
Authors: Lei Xu, Xiaoguang Wang
Article: Facing the Challenge of Web Archives Preservation Collaboratively: The Role and Work of the IIPC Preservation Working Group
Authors: Andrea Goethals, Clément Oury, David Pearson, Barbara Sierman, Tobias Steinke
Article: Linked Data URIs and Libraries: The Story So Far
Authors: Ioannis Papadakis, Konstantinos Kyprianos, Michalis Stefanidakis
Article: Metamorph: A Transformation Language for Semi-structured Data
Authors: Markus Michael Geipel, Christophe Böhme, Jan Hannemann
Article: Statistical Translation of Hierarchical Classifications from Dewey Decimal Classification to the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation
Author: Markus Michael Geipel
July/August 2015 Volume 21 Issue 7/8 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: The DOI Twenty Years On
Author: Mark Bide
Article: Data Stewardship in the Earth Sciences
Authors: Robert R. Downs, Ruth Duerr, Denise J. Hills, H. K. Ramapriyan
Article: The Role of Libraries in Science 2.0: Focus on Economics
Authors: Stephanie B. Linek, Josefine Bäßler
Article: Developing an Image-Based Classifier for Detecting Poetic Content in Historic Newspaper Collections
Authors: Elizabeth Lorang, Leen-Kiat Soh, Maanas Varma Datla, Spencer Kulwicki
Article: Evaluating the Impact of the FWF-E-Book-Library Collection in the OAPEN Library: An Analysis of the 2014 Download Data
Author: Ronald Snijder
Article: Semantic Enrichment: a Low-barrier Infrastructure and Proposal for Alignment
Authors: Theo van Veen, Juliette Lonij, Hanna Koppelaar
Article: "Bottled or Tap?" A Map for Integrating International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) into Shared Shelf and Artstor
Authors: William Ying, James Shulman
September/October 2015 Volume 21 Issue 9/10 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Success Criteria for the Development and Sustainable Operation of Virtual Research Environments
Authors: Stefan Buddenbohm, Heike Neuroth, Harry Enke, Jochen Klar, Matthias Hofmann, Uwe Schwiegelshohn
Article: Enduring Access to Rich Media Content: Understanding Use and Usability Requirements
Authors: Madeleine Casad, Oya Y. Rieger, Desiree Alexander
Article: Enhancing the LOCKSS Digital Preservation Technology
Authors: David S. H. Rosenthal, Daniel L. Vargas, Tom A. Lipkis, Claire T. Griffin
Article: The Value of Flexibility on Long-term Value of Grant Funded Projects
Authors: Lesley Parilla, Julia Blase
Article: Taking Control: Identifying Motivations for Migrating Library Digital Asset Management Systems
Authors: Ayla Stein, Santi Thompson
Article: The Future of Institutional Repositories at Small Academic Institutions: Analysis and Insights
Author: Mary Wu
Conference Report: The Sixth Annual VIVO Conference
Author: Carol Minton Morris
November/December 2015 Volume 21 Issue 11/12 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Reminiscing About 15 Years of Interoperability Efforts
Authors: Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson
Article: Developing Best Practices in Digital Library Assessment: Year One Update
Authors: Joyce Chapman, Jody DeRidder, Santi Thompson
Article: The OpenAIRE Literature Broker Service for Institutional Repositories
Authors: Michele Artini, Claudio Atzori, Alessia Bardi, Sandro La Bruzzo, Paolo Manghi, Andrea Mannocci
Article: Using Scenarios in Introductory Research Data Management Workshops for Library Staff
Author: Sam Searle
Article: Collaborative Construction of Digital Cultural Heritage: A Synthesis of Research on Online Sociability Determinants
Author: Chern Li Liew
Article: Efficient Table Annotation for Digital Articles
Authors: Matthias Frey, Roman Kern
Article: Structured Affiliations Extraction from Scientific Literature
Authors: Dominika Tkaczyk, Bartosz Tarnawski, Łukasz Bolikowski
Article: NLP4NLP: The Cobbler's Children Won't Go Unshod
Authors: Gil Francopoulo, Joseph Mariani, Patrick Paroubek
Article: MapAffil: A Bibliographic Tool for Mapping Author Affiliation Strings to Cities and Their Geocodes Worldwide
Author: Vetle I. Torvik
Article: PubIndia: A Framework for Analyzing Indian Research Publications in Computer Science
Authors: Mayank Singh, Soumajit Pramanik, Tanmoy Chakraborty
Article: Semantometrics in Coauthorship Networks: Fulltext-based Approach for Analysing Patterns of Research Collaboration
Authors: Drahomira Herrmannova, Petr Knoth