D-Lib Magazine
June 2000Volume 6 Number 6
ISSN 1082-9873Clips & Pointers
In Print
ARL Bimonthly Report, Issue 208/209, February/April 2000, Special Double Issue on Human Resources. A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions from ARL, CNI, and SPARC.
This report from the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), and the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) presents thirteen articles. The articles cover such topics as the changing profiles and roles of research librarians, educational credentials, minority recruitment, and other topics.
One of the articles is about the latest ARL Annual Salary Survey and contains a link to summarized survey findings.
Please see the ARL Bimonthly Report Issue 208/209 at <http://www.arl.org/newsltr/208_209/index.html>.
Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives, by Anne R. Kenney and Oya Y. Rieger. Published by the Research Libraries Group, 2000. ISBN 0-9700225-0-6.
This book from the Research Libraries Group has been described as "a self-help reference for virtually any institution that chooses to reformat cultural resources to digital image form."
The book covers the digital imaging process from selection to preservation and addresses the problems involved in balancing institutional objectives and practical digital applications.
Forty experts in the library, museum, and archival arenas have contributed to Moving Theory into Practice. It is edited by Anne R. Kenney and Oya Y. Reiger both of whom also functioned as principal authors of the book. Anne Kenney is the Associate Director of the Department of Preservation and Co-Director, Cornell Institute for Digital Collections, at Cornell University. (The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) recently announced that effective September 1, 2000, Ms. Kenney will also serve as CLIR's Program Director.) Oya Y. Rieger is the Coordinator of the Digital Imaging and Preservation Unit at the Department of Preservation, Cornell University Library.
More information about the book and an online order form can be found at: <http://www.rlg.org/preserv/mtip2000.html>. (A review of Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives is scheduled for the July/August issue of D-Lib Magazine.)
Authenticity in a Digital Environment, published by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), May 2000. Available in PDF format from the CLIR web site, or in print format for $20.00.
In this new report from the CLIR, five experts from the information resources community contributed papers that address the question: What is an authentic digital object? The five experts are:
- Charles Cullen, president and librarian of the Newberry Library;
- Peter Hirtle, co-director of the Cornell Institute for Digital Collections;
- David Levy, consultant and former researcher at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center;
- Clifford Lynch, executive director of the Coalition for Networked Information; and
- Jeff Rothenberg, senior computer scientist at The Rand Corporation.
Also included in the report is a concluding essay by Abby Smith, CLIR Program Director.
A press release about the report is located at <http://www.clir.org/pubs/press/pub92_press.html>. The report in PDF format is located at <http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub92/pub92.pdf>. Printed versions are available for purchase. Ordering details are to be found at <http://www.clir.org/pubs/abstract/pub92abst.html>.
From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World, by Christine L. Borgman, published by MIT Press, March 2000, ISBN: 0-262-02473-X. $42.00.
This book is the third in the MIT Press series "Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing". The book focuses on the global information infrastructure (GII) as it affects equal access to information, improvements in computers and information systems, and the trade off between customizing information systems to user needs versus standardizing them for interoperability with other systems. "Topics covered include the design and use of digital libraries; behavioral and institutional aspects of electronic publishing; the evolving role of libraries; the life cycle of creating, using, and seeking information; and the adoption and adaptation of information technologies."
More information about Dr. Borgman's book may be found at the MIT Press web site <http://mitpress.mit.edu>. (This book is scheduled to be reviewed in a future issue of D-Lib Magazine.)
"An Experiment in Using Emulation to Preserve Digital Publications", authored by Jeff Rothenberg and published by The Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, April 2000.
The preface to this report reads:
"This report presents the results of a small study undertaken by RAND-Europe for the National Library of the Netherlands (the Koninklijke Bibliotheek or "KB") in connection with their work on the NEDLIB (Networked European Deposit Library) effort...jointly funded by the European Commission's Telematics for Libraries Programme. This study was performed as the first phase of a longer term effort by the KB to test and evaluate the feasibility of using emulation as a means for preserving digital publications in accessible, authentic and usable form within a deposit library."
"Since this report is intended to document the results of this study for the KB, it relies heavily on the KB's understanding of the context in which the study was performed, including issues concerning the background of the problem, the motivation for the study, and the choice of approach and methodology. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the discussion may be of interest to other members of the library community as well as archivists, government recordkeepers, and preservationists concerned with the problem of preserving information in the digital age."
The report is available online in PDF format at <http://www.kb.nl/coop/nedlib/results/
emulationpreservationreport.pdf>.Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), Volume 51, Number 9.
To see the Tables of Contents, please click here.
The ASIS home page <http://www.asis.org/Publications/JASIS/tocs.html> contains the Table of Contents and brief abstracts from January 1993 (Volume 44) to date.
The John Wiley Interscience site http://www.interscience.wiley.com includes issues from 1986 (Volume 37) to date. Guests have access only to tables of contents and abstracts. Registered users of the Interscience site and ASIS members who have selected electronic access have access to the full text of these issues and to preprints.
Richard Hill
American Society for Information Science
8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, USA.
(301) 495-0900
FAX (301) 495-0810
Point to Point
The UK Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries: re:source.
Launched in April 2000, The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries is a new UK strategic organization that will work with and for museums, archives and libraries to foster collaboration between and among them. The Council is called Resource, and it recently announced a temporary web site named re:source. The web site has been described as an interim measure to provide general information about the organization.
In a press release dated 1 June 2000, Neville Mackay, Chief Executive of Resource is quoted, "Information available on <http://www.resource.gov.uk/> includes Resource press releases, a media page and news section, Board members' biographies, a staff list, office and staff contact details, sections on recruitment and publications, and various links to other relevant sites. The website will be updated on a daily basis."
For more information about Resource and the new web site re:source, please visit the web site or contact Henry Girling, <[email protected]>.
INRIA, Centre Virtuel de De'mos, De'monstations Interactives.
INRIA stands for the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (in English: the French National Research Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control). Their web site provides many English and French language resources including this interactive demonstration site for digital library developers and others.
As of 31 May 2000, the interactive demonstrations listed included:
- 2nd order homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation solver
- Surfimage : Content-based Image Retrieval with Relevance
- Xcorpus
- CGAL Online Demo
- Demo for binocular stereo calibration
- Computation of the epipolar geometry
- Online 3-D Modeling with images
The INRIA demonstration site is located at <http://www.inria.fr/multimedia/CentreVirtuelDemos/demos-web-interactive.html>.
Deadline Reminders
CRIDALA 2000: First Conference on Research in Distance & Adult Learning in Asia, 21 - 24 June 2000, Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Please see the CRIDALA site for more information: <http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/cridal/cridala/>.
DECOMATE II: Final Conference, 22 - 23 June 2000, Barcelona, Spain. Please visit the conference web site at <http://www.bib.uab.es/decomate2> for detailed information.
15th Annual NASIG Conference: Making Waves: New Serials Landscapes in a Sea of Change, 22 - 25 June 2000, San Diego, California, USA. For information regarding the program and registration, please see <http://orpheus-1.ucsd.edu/nasig/nasigframe.htm>.
12th Conference - Ligue des Bibliotheques Europeennes de Recherche Groupe des Cartoth�caires de LIBER (European Map Curators Group), 27 June - 1 July 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark. Detailed information may be found at the Conference web site: <http://www.kb.nl/infolev/liber/12th.htm>.
Digital Cultural Heritage II: Interoperability of Content - MEDIA-1, 29 June - 1 July 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For more information about this seminar, please see <http://www.amsu.edu/2000/MEDIA1.htm>.
Digital Futures 2000: The Royal Photographic Society Image Science Group Annual Conference, 11 - 13 September 2000, Harrow, United Kingdom. Call for papers. The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2000. Please see the Conference web site at <http://leonardo.itrg.wmin.ac.uk/DF2000/> for more information.
International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) 19th Annual Course: A Common Law for Europe Legal Systems and Legal Information, 20 - 24 August 2000, Dublin, Ireland. Registration deadline 1 July 2000. See below for additional information.
ICML 2000: 8th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, 2 - 5 July 2000, London, United Kingdom. Program and registration information may be found at <http://www.icml.org/qe2.htm>.
Semantic Web: Models, Architectures and Management, 21 September 2000, Lisbon, Portugal. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 3 July 2000. Please see <http://www.ics.forth.gr/proj/isst/SemWeb/> for instructions on submitting a paper.
IATUL Down Under - 21st Annual Conference: Virtual Libraries, Virtual Communities, 3 - 7 July 2000, Brisbane, Australia. For details, please see <http://wwwlib.qut.edu.au/IATUL/>.
American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference 2000, 8 - 12 July 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The ALA conference web site is located at <http://www.ala.org/events/ac2000/>. There are many associated pre- and post-conference ALA division workshops scheduled as well.
Human Computing Unit (HCU) Summer Seminars at Oxford, 10 - 14 July 2000, Oxford, United Kingdom. Please see the HCU site at <http://www.hcu.ox.ac.uk/Summer/> if you wish more information about the summer seminars.
9th UKOLUG Conference - Information for Empowerment: Resource Discovery & Management, 12 - 14 July 2000, Cambridge, United Kingdom. This is a biennial conference that is open to non-members of UKOLUG. If you are interested in attending, please see <http://www.ukolug.org.uk/meetings/conf2000.htm> for more information.
CaTaC - 2nd International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, 12 - 15 July 2000, Perth, Australia. Please see <http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/~sudweeks/catac00/> for details.
Third International Conference of Asian Digital Library, 6 - 8 December 2000, Seoul, Korea. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 July 2000. Suggestions for topics and submission guidelines may be found at the Conference web site <http://adl2000.kaist.ac.kr/>.
INET 2000, 18 - 21 July 2000, Yokohama, Japan. For program, registration, and other information about the INET 2000 conference, please see <http://www.isoc.org/inet2000/>.
IV2000 (Information Visualisation 2000), 19 - 21 July 2000, London, United Kingdom. Please see the IV2000 web site for more information: <http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/IV2000/>.
SIGIR 2000 - Twenty-third Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 24 - 28 July 2000, Athens, Greece. Please see the SIGIR 2000 web site for complete details: <http://sigir2000.aueb.gr/>.
EVA Scotland 2000: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, 26 - 29 July 2000, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Please see the EVA web site at <http://www.vasari.co.uk/eva/scotland/scot2000.htm> for more information.
International Summer School on the Digital Library, 30 July - 11 August 2000, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Please see the TICER web site for contact information to see if any openings remain for the TICER Summer School: <http://cwis.kub.nl/~ticer/summer00/>.
Calls for Participation
CACM (Communications of the ACM) Special Digital Library Issue. Call for Contributions for the April 2001 issue. The deadline for submission is 1 August 2000.
"In their second decade, digital libraries (DLs) are maturing and widely used. They bring together advances in information retrieval, multimedia, hypertext, HCI, and visualization -- into high-end information systems with seamless interfaces. They combine physical and digital objects, multiple genre, data/information/knowledge, documents/processes/workflows, sensor information/provenance/dynamic simulations, business/academic, and other diverse content. They extend the technology of the book into documents "born digital". Building upon thousands of years of experience in sharing and collaborating with the aid of written documents, they let us preserve and share our cultural heritage. They aid learning and facilitate global understanding. They promote access and aim to ensure equity, obliterating the "digital divide". This special interest will highlight research, development, and practice that illustrate "best practices" regarding integration of technologies and/or building upon desirable values -- leading to the not-too-distant era where enormous stores and ubiquitous access to a world memory support human endeavors."
For more information, please contact:
Edward A. Fox
Email: <[email protected]>
Phone: +1-540-231-5113
Fax: +1-540-231-6075
Gary Marchionini
Email: <[email protected]>
Phone: +1-919-966-3611
Fax: +1-919-962-8071International Paper Contest on Digital Library or Information Science & Technology in Developing Countries, American Society for Information Science (ASIS), International Information Issues Special Interest Group. The deadline for submission is 31 August 2000.
The American Society for Information Science (ASIS) will be holding its annual conference 13 - 16 November 2000, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The International Information Issues Special Interest Group has announced a competition for papers on the theme, "Practical collaborative applications of digital library or information science and technology in advancing communications, information and knowledge in the developing world." More detailed suggestions regarding topics, information about prizes and publication opportunities are available at the ASIS web site.
Only papers by a principal author who is a citizen of a developing country are eligible. The papers should be original, unpublished, and in English. Librarians, information and network specialists, and educators involved in the creation, representation, maintenance, exchange, discovery, delivery, and use of digital information.
If the author of a winning paper is not able to attend the conference, it will be read for the author by an ASIS member. For more information, please see <http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/Announce/paper2000.html>.
MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship, Call for contributors for the Fall 2000 issue. The deadline for submission is 1 September 2000.
A call for contributions has been issued by the editors of MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship for the Fall 2000 issue, the theme of which will be "The Digital Media Center." Suggestions for topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Digital audio and video storage and delivery
- Media center management of digital formats
- E-books containing audio and video
- Sound and visual databases
- Effects on library media collections
- Annotated bibliography, mediaography, webliography
Please see the Current Issue, Volume 7, Number 1, Spring 2000, Mission Statement, and the Guidelines for Authors if you might be interested in submitting a manuscript. The main page for MC Journal is at <http://wings.buffalo.edu/publications/mcjrnl/>.
BOBCATSSS Open 2001: 9th Bobcatsss Symposium, 29 - 31 January 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 15 September 2000.
Topics suggested by the conference organizers include, but are not limited to:
- Democracy
- The role of the library and information workers in realizing democracy, openness and transparency
- What characterizes the relation between free access to information and free access to new technology?
- Pluralism and democratic variety vs. monopolistic ownership in the media and communication sector
- Minority groups in the library
- Censorship: pluralism and variation in the library
- Knowledge
- 'The learning society: the library and lifelong learning
- New technology: new approaches to user training
- What do we stress in the training and education of new library and information
workers?- Information - Information as a commercial product vs. the right to knowledge
- Information overload: what is quality and who defines it?
- Internet and new channels for information distribution: the role of the library
The BOBCATSSS Open 2001 conference web site is still under construction, but you can find the Call for Papers at <http://www.bobcatsss.com/2001/call_for_papers.htm>.
Goings On
Moving Theory Into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives - Workshop, (next session) 31 July - 4 August 2000, Ithaca, New York, USA.
This workshop is part of a new series with the goal of promoting critical thinking in the technical realm of digital imaging projects and programs. The workshop will be held four times in 2000. In addition to the July/August workshop, sessions will be held 25 - 29 September 2000 and 23 - 27 October 2000, and the workshop will be offered three more times in 2001. You may register now for any of the sessions for which openings remain. Payment must be received six weeks prior to the workshop date, and enrollment is limited.
The following statement is from the workshop web site: "A prerequisite for attendance will be a Web-accessible, self-directed tutorial that will introduce vocabulary and key concepts, and cover the core components of a technical infrastructure to support digital imaging projects and programs. Completion of the tutorial will assure that workshop participants possess the same base-level knowledge prior to coming to Cornell, enabling them to focus on issues and learning processes best addressed in a limited enrollment seminar."
The cost of attending the workshop will be reduced because of substantial support for the workshop from the National Endowment for the Humanities. More information about the workshop, including an online application form, is available at <http://www.library.cornell.edu/preservation/workshop/>.
DAC 2000: 3rd International Digital Arts & Culture Conference, 2 - 4 August 2000, Bergen, Norway.
The Conference web page describes the conference this way:
"DAC 2000 gathers a diverse community of digital media writers, artists, performers, theorists, and designers with the aim of exploring new "meshworks" of digital arts and culture for the new millenium."
A preliminary program is now available at the conference web site <http://cmc.uib.no/dac/>, and it includes abstracts for most of the scheduled panels and presentations.
A small and random sample of the dozens of scheduled presentations follows, but the program is subject to change, so please see the entire program at the DACS 2000 site:
- FREEZE: An Experiment in Learning to See with Different Eyes
Jasminko Novak, German National Research Center for Information Technology, Germany- Questioning Digital Aesthetics
Bo Kampmann Walther, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark- The Shadow of the Network
Alok Nandi, Commediastra, Belgium- Ghost Architecture: The Hybrid Spaces of Moving Image Projections
Maria Sieira, University of Missouri, USA- Curating New Media: A Few Institutional Case Studies
Sarah Cook, University of Sunderland, UKOnline registration is also available at the conference web site, and students who register before 1 July will receive free registration. After 1 July, students will be required to pay a registration fee. Discounted fees for non-students are also available prior to 1 July 2000. Please see the DAC 2000 web site <http://cmc.uib.no/dac/> for complete information.
Electronic Resources for a New Majority, A Pre-Conference of the Reforma National Conference II, 3 August 2000, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
The National Conference II (RNCII) of REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library Service to the Spanish Speaking will hold its second national conference 3 - 6 August 2000 in Tucson, Arizona. This will be preceded by a pre-conference on developing library collections for Latino communities using Internet resources. The fee for the pre-conference is $100.00. A brochure in PDF format is available at <http://www.reforma.org/rnc2/pre-conference/
preconf.brochure.pdf>.Information about the REFORMA National Conference II -- the theme of which is "The Power of Language: Planning for the 21st Century" -- may be found at <http://clnet.ucr.edu/library/reforma/rnc2/>.
66th IFLA General Conference - Information for Cooperation: Creating the Global Library of the Future, 13 - 18 August 2000, Jerusalem, Israel.
The 66th IFLA conference will address "the enormous potential for international co-operation in the exchange and utilisation of information which today's technology offers, and tomorrow's technology promises, and presents a unique opportunity to library and information professionals. The growing demand for bibliographic exchange, multicultural Internet resources, research unhampered by geographic or linguistic limitations, and cross-cultural networking, both in the sense of online technology and offline partnerships, is a challenge to libraries which should be welcomed and which must be addressed."
"The Global Information Infrastructure which is developing and which will surely be in place early in the 21st century, will require information professionals with a sense of obligation, both to their national needs and to the larger goals of the international community, to digitise, navigate, distribute and preserve all the world's knowledge for all the world's people."
Subtopics that will be addressed by the IFLA Conference include:
- Exchange of electronic bibliographic data
- Cross-cultural networking partnerships
- The multicultural Internet
- Management of information: "librarianship" for the 21st century
- The on-site library in the era of the virtual library
- Educating the professional for the Global Information Infrastructure
- Research in a global environment
- The study of reading in the digital society
- Preservation of the past for the future
Please see the IFLA site for complete information: <http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla66/66intro.htm>.
Extreme Markup Languages 2000, 15 - 18 August 2000, Montreal, Canada.
The Graphic Communications Association (GCA) has announced a new, highly technical conference, Extreme Markup Languages, which will replace the following six GCA conferences:
- Markup Technologies,
- Metastructures,
- XML Developers Conference,
- International Markup,
- HyTime, and
As described at the conference web site, Extreme Markup Languages 2000 will concentrate "on the evolving abstractions that underlie modern information management solutions, how those abstractions enhance human productivity, and how they are being applied. Abstract and concrete information models, systems built on them, software to exploit them, SGML, XML, XSL, XLink, schemas, topic maps, query languages, and other markup related topics are in scope for this conference."
The three and a half day conference will be preceded by two days of tutorials (13 August - 14 August). Papers selected for presentation will have been peer-reviewed. Members of GCA will receive discounts on fees, but the conference is also open to non-members.
For further information, including online registration, please see the Extreme Conference web site at <http://www.gca.org/attend/2000_conferences/Extreme_2000/>.
ISIC 2000 - Information Seeking in Context: The Third International Conference on Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, 16 - 18 August 2000, Goteborg, Sweden.
This will be the third biennial ISIC Conference and will offer an opportunity to hear results of the latest research in the field of information seeking, to debate methodological issues, and to identify areas for further research. The primary goal of the conference is to provide a forum for discussion of information needs, seeking, and use in light of contextual factors, which currently may include information technology, multimedia environments and networked information.
Online registration is available now, and the conference program is expected to be available at the ISIC 2000 web site soon. For more information, please see the conference web site at <http://www.hb.se/bhs/bibvet/isic/>.
Electronic Publishing 2000, 17 - 19 August 2000, Kaliningrad, Svetlogorsk, Russia.
This conference is being presented by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and the International Council for Computer Communication (ICCC). The conference will concentrate on electronic publishing for both specialists and the general public. Speakers will make presentations on both non-technical and technical tracks with the objective of sharing experiences for scientific and practical purposes. The program will consist of plenary and parallel sessions, panels and online presentations.
For further information, please see the conference web site at <http://www.albertina.ru/elpub2000/start.html>. A registration form at the site may be printed for mailing.
KDD-2000: Sixth ACM DIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 20 - 23 August 2000, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
This conference will focus on new developments in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. The conference should interest researchers in several fields, including statistics, databases, pattern recognition, machine learning, data visualization, optimization and high-performance computing.
The technical program for the conference will feature the presentation of research papers. In addition, the conference will provide:
- Industrial Track Presentations: These presentations will focus on industrial practice and experience in KDD.
- Tutorials: This track will provide a tutorial program at no extra cost to conference registrants.
- Panels: Panels will provide opportunities for discussion on topics that concern the KDD community and will address foundational issues as well as issues of practice and applications.
- Workshops: Workshops will focus on advanced research areas of knowledge discovery, and provide for small group, focused interactions.
- Demonstrations and Exhibits
For more information please see the KDD-2000 web site at <http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigkdd/kdd2000/>.
International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) 19th Annual Course: A Common Law for Europe Legal Systems and Legal Information, 20 - 24 August 2000, Dublin, Ireland. Registration deadline 1 July 2000.
The annual course in international law librarianship is the Association's main meeting and educational event of the year. There are three main themes this year:
- The convergence and interaction of legal systems in Europe
- Irish law and legal literature
- Access to legal materials, particularly free access on the Internet
The provisional program and a registration form in PDF that can be printed for mailing may be found at the IALL web site <http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/library/iall/iall_dublin.htm>.
Electronic Text Centre 2000 Summer Institute: Creating Electronic Texts and Images, 20 - 25 August 2000, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Contributed by:
Alan Burk
Associate Director of Libraries and
Director of the Electronic Text Centre
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
<[email protected]>Creating Electronic Texts and Images is a practical "hands-on" exploration of the research, preservation and pedagogical uses of electronic texts and images in the humanities. The instructor will be David Seaman, University of Virginia, The Institute will be held at the University of New Brunswick and is sponsored by the Electronic Text Centre at the University of New Brunswick Libraries and the Department of Archives and Special Collections.
Course Description:
The course will centre around the creation of a set of electronic texts and digital images. Topics to be covered include:
- SGML tagging and conversion
- Using the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
- The basics of archival imaging
- The form and implications of XML
- Publishing SGML on the World Wide Web
- EAD - Encoded Archival Descriptions
The course is designed primarily for librarians and archivists who are planning to develop electronic text and imaging projects, for scholars who are creating electronic texts as part of their teaching and research, and for publishers who are looking to move publications to the Web. Course participants will create an electronic version of a selection of Canadian literary letters from the University of New Brunswick's Archives and Special Collections. They will also encode the letters with TEI/SGML tagging, tag an EAD finding aid and explore issues in creating digital images.
Course Prerequisites:
This year's institute presupposes that participants have some experience with the Web and an elementary understanding of HTML.
The course will be held in the Instructional Technology Learning Centre (ITLC) in the Harriet Irving Library on the UNB campus. This state-of-the-art lab facility has a Windows 98 PC for each participant and a high end digital projection system. The facility is air conditioned.
Registration fees / Hotel Accommodations:
Registration will be limited to 20. The tuition ($800 Canadian dollars) will include all course fees for the Institute, nutritional breaks, and lunches. Tuition does not include cost of accommodations.
In addition, the week-long institute will include a number of special social events. Please check our webpage for details: <http://www.hil.unb.ca/Texts/SGML_course/Aug2000/>.
The Lord Beaverbrook Hotel in downtown Fredericton is offering special room rates at:
$85.00 + tax (Canadian) Single Room
$91.00 + tax (Canadian) Double RoomCourse participants will be responsible for making their own reservations. Lord Beaverbrook Hotel: Tel. 506-455-3371. When booking rooms, please ask for block reserved under Harriet Irving Library to receive special rates. Reservations must be made by 21 July 2000 to ensure availability and special rate. All blocked rooms will be released after this date.
Further Information:
You may obtain further information or request an email version of the registration form by contacting Karen Maguire <[email protected]> or phone: 506-453-4740. You can also register online using the Web Registration Form located at: <http://ultratext.hil.unb.ca/Texts/SGML_course/
Aug2000/register.html>.CIDOC 2000, 22 - 26 August 2000, Ottawa, Canada.
The International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Council of Museums has chosen as its theme for this year's conference: "Collaboration, Content, Convergence: Sharing Heritage Knowledge for the New Millenium." The goal of the conference is "to explore how documentation is influencing and being influenced by the rapid growth of new technologies and the corresponding development of audience expectations."
The conference will include workshops, meetings, study tours, presentations, and social events. The program for the conference has been posted on the CIDOC web site, and online registration is also available there. For complete information, please see <http://www.chin.gc.ca/cidoc/>.
8th International Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Workshop (DC-8), 4 - 6 October 2000, Ottawa, Canada. Registration is limited and opened on 1 June 2000.
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, in conjunction with the National Library of Canada, the IFLA UDT program, and OCLC, has announced that registration is now open for the 8th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop.
This workshop might be of interest to librarians, museum informatics specialists, archivists, digital library researchers, government information providers, publishers, and content specialists from a broad cross-section of sectors and disciplines. Stuart Weibel, from OCLC says, "Participants are expected to be familiar with Dublin Core basics and should have expertise and interest in advancing the state of Dublin Core standards or deployment. Representatives of other metadata initiatives or standards interested in liaison with DCMI are also encouraged to participate."
"The specifics of the agenda will be determined by a steering committee as the workshop approaches, however major themes that will be developed at DC 8 include:
- Issues in multi-lingual metadata
- Policies and functional requirements for metadata registries
- Structured representation (eg., agent descriptions for Creator, Contributor, and Publisher elements)
- Creation and management of name authority structures
- Extending Dublin Core metadata for Domain-specific metadata entities
Registration will be limited with regard to the number of participants, but unlike previous workshops, which have been by invitation only, DC-8 will be open registration until filled.
For complete details about registration and venue, please see the DC-8 home page at <http://www.ifla.org/udt/dc8/>.
Pointers in this Column
12th Conference - Ligue des Bibliotheques Europeennes de Recherche Groupe des Cartothécaires de LIBER (European Map Curators Group), 27 June - 1 July 2000 Copenhagen, Denmark.
15th Annual NASIG Conference: Making Waves: New Serials Landscapes in a Sea of Change, 22 - 25 June 2000, San Diego, California, USA.
66th IFLA General Conference - Information for Cooperation: Creating the Global Library of the Future, 13 - 18 August 2000, Jerusalem, Israel.
8th International Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Workshop (DC-8), 4 - 6 October 2000, Ottawa, Canada.
9th UKOLUG Conference - Information for Empowerment: Resource Discovery & Management, 12 - 14 July 2000, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference 2000, 8 - 12 July 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
"An Experiment in Using Emulation to Preserve Digital Publications", by Jeff Rothenberg
emulationpreservationreport.pdfARL Bimonthly Report
Authenticity in a Digital Environment, Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
BOBCATSSS Open 2001: 9th Bobcatsss Symposium, 29 - 31 January 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania.
CaTaC - 2nd International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, 12 - 15 July 2000, Perth, Australia.
CIDOC 2000, 22 - 26 August 2000, Ottawa, Canada.
CRIDALA 2000: First Conference on Research in Distance & Adult Learning in Asia, 21 - 24 June 2000, Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
DAC 2000: 3rd International Digital Arts & Culture Conference, 2 - 4 August 2000, Bergen, Norway.
DECOMATE II: Final Conference, 22 - 23 June 2000, Barcelona, Spain.
Digital Cultural Heritage II: Interoperability of Content - MEDIA-1, 29 June - 1 July 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Digital Futures 2000: The Royal Photographic Society Image Science Group Annual Conference, 11 - 13 September 2000, Harrow, United Kingdom.
Electronic Publishing 2000, 17 - 19 August 2000, Kaliningrad, Svetlogorsk, Russia.
Electronic Resources for a New Majority, A Pre-Conference of the Reforma National Conference II, 3 August 2000, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Electronic Text Centre 2000 Summer Institute: Creating Electronic Texts and Images, 20 - 25 August 2000, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
EVA Scotland 2000: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, 26 - 29 July 2000, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World, by Christine L. Borgman
Human Computing Unit (HCU) Summer Seminars at Oxford, 10 - 14 July 2000, Oxford, United Kingdom.
IATUL Down Under - 21st Annual Conference: Virtual Libraries, Virtual Communities, 3 - 7 July 2000, Brisbane, Australia.
ICML 2000: 8th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, 2 - 5 July 2000, London, United Kingdom.
INET 2000, 18 - 21 July 2000, Yokohama, Japan.
INRIA, Centre Virtuel de De'mos, De'monstations Interactives.
International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) 19th Annual Course: A Common Law for Europe Legal Systems and Legal Information, 20 - 24 August 2000, Dublin, Ireland.
International Paper Contest on Digital Library or Information Science & Technology in Developing Countries
International Summer School on the Digital Library, 30 July - 11 August 2000, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
ISIC 2000 - Information Seeking in Context: The Third International Conference on Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, 16 - 18 August 2000, Goteborg, Sweden.
IV2000 (Information Visualisation 2000), 19 - 21 July 2000, London, United Kingdom.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS)
KDD-2000: Sixth ACM DIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 20 - 23 August 2000, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship
Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives," by Anne R. Kenney and Oya Y. Rieger
Moving Theory Into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives - Workshop, (next session) 31 July - 4 August 2000, Ithaca, New York, USA.
Semantic Web: Models, Architectures and Management, 21 September 2000, Lisbon, Portugal.
SIGIR 2000 - Twenty-third Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 24 - 28 July 2000, Athens, Greece.
The UK Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries: re:source
Third International Conference of Asian Digital Library, 6 - 8 December 2000, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright (c) 2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/june2000-clips