Collage created by Joe Fitzgerald National Library of Medicine National Institute of
Health. Used with permission.
The image above represents the
variety of information on MEDLINEplus, D-Lib Magazine's featured collection this month.


William Y. Arms
Editor in Chief
Cornell University
Peter B. Hirtle
Associate Editor
Cornell University
Bonita Wilson
Managing Editor
Catherine Rey
Art Director
Laurence Lannom
Technical Advisor
Carrie Barnett Administrative Assistant CNRI |

Usable Information Designs: A review of two recent books:
Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity, by Jakob Nielson, New Riders Publishing: 2000; and
Information Design, edited by Robert Jacobson, MIT Press, 1999.
By Jeremy Hylton: "...both books suggest that the measure of a design's quality should be its effect on user behavior and satisfaction and that the only way to achieve that quality is to do real tests with real people during the design process."

Report on the IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries 2000 Conference
Pamela Memmott, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Open Archives Initiative
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech
First ACM/IEEE CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries Announced
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech
Göttingen Gutenberg Bible Goes Digital Norbert Lossau, State- und University Library Goettingen
Cooperation between the British Library and UK
Alicia Wise, Old Library, Kings College London
A National Union Catalogue for the UK? Peter Stubley, University of Sheffield
OED Online for FE and HE Institutions Susanna Lob, Oxford University Press
New Open Access Resources from Megan Schade,
Naval Research Laboratory Press Release Public Affairs Branch, Naval Research Laboratory

