Ryan Chute is a researcher and software engineer on the Digital Library Research and Prototyping Team at the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Since joining the team in 2005, Ryan has served as project manager for the aDORe project and is actively involved in other Prototyping Team efforts, such as OAI-ORE and MESUR. Ryan's research focuses on leveraging existing standards and technologies to develop highly scalable, component-based systems.
To return to Ryan Chute's article, click (here).
Angela Dappert is a Senior Analyst at the British Library. Her current focus is on conceptual modelling of preservation planning and characterization within the Planets project. She serves on the PREMIS Editorial Committee. She has previous experience with eJournal ingest, digital rights modelling, and digital metadata standards. Previously Angela has worked at the Siemens Research Laboratories in Munich, at the Stanford University Knowledge Systems Laboratory, and as a consultant for The University of California Extension Service and Schlumberger Oilfield Services. Angela holds a Dipl. Inform. Med. from the University of Heidelberg and an M. Sc. in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin.
To return to Angela Dappert's article, click (here).
Marisa R. De Giusti is an Engineer in Telecomunications at UNLP and a researcher in Comisiõn de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC-PBA). She teaches graduate and postgraduate courses at Computer Science College at UNLP, and since 1990 has worked with the Iberoamerican Science and Technology for Education Consortium (ISTEC). She is currently Director of Research and Development of ISTEC's Library Linkage project (LibLink). In 2008 she obtained the degree of Professor in Literature granted by UNLP. She initiated the PrEBi (Proyecto de Enlace de Bibliotecas) for UNLP in 1997, serving as its Director. In 2003 she created the SeDiCI project, which she also directs. De Giusti has worked in many scientific areas and has authored more than 50 international publications, many of them related to statistics, experiments, information and digital libraries areas.
To return to Marisa R. De Giusti's article, click (here).
Markus Enders is working as a "Technical Architect" at the British Library and has contributed to several METS and PREMIS based digital library projects developing METS profiles for eJournal and newspaper preservation.
Before he joined the British Library he was the Technical Head of the Digitization Centre at the Goettingen State and University Library since 1999. He developed METS and PREMIS based documents models for internal purposes as well as for international projects as "Ensuring Access to Mathematics over Time" (with Cornell University Library). His involvement included the development of appropriate tool to create and manage METS files.
To return to Markus Enders's article, click (here).
Robert L. Frost is an associate professor at the U-M SI. He holds degrees from
Grinnell College and the University of Wisconsin and has taught undergraduates
for over 20 years in courses ranging from French history to technology
management. Undergraduate students in Bob's class played the game, evaluated its
effectiveness, and suggested improvements.
To return to Robert L. Frost's article, click (here).
Andres Imhof has worked as a research associate in a university library, a library network and an archive. At the State and University Library Goettingen he was involved in establishing a print-on-demand service from 2001 until 2003. Following that, from 2003-2007 he focussed on enhancing the information portal of the Cooperative Library Network of Berlin and Brandenburg (KOBV). Since September 2007 he has worked at the Bundesarchiv in Berlin where he is developing the reference model of a union finding aid for German archives.
To return to Andres Imhof's article, click (here).
Andrea Jenkins is a lecturer in the Education Department at the University of Michigan, Flint. She
holds a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the University of Michigan and a master of
arts degree in educational technology from the University of Michigan, Flint. Andrea is a programmer on the Storygame Project team.
To return to Andrea Jenkins's article, click (here).
Brian Jennings is a sophomore at the University of Michigan, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. He has been programming since 2002 and has a considerable knowledge of networking and creating computer graphics. Brian is a programmer on the Storygame Project team.
To return to Brian Jennings's article, click (here).
Ariel J. Lira has worked at PrEBi since 2005, in software development and maintenance. He has participated in Celsius DL development, and he is now leading the development of the Celsius Network, the last version of Celsius software. Ariel has made his theses together with Gonzalo Villarreal, and is about to obtain his degree in Licenciate in Computer Science from Computer Science College, UNLP. His research has focussed on XML databases, especially very big databases, as well as on new web technologies for software engineering and development.
To return to Ariel J. Lira's article, click (here).
Jack M. Maness is an Assistant Professor and the Acting Associate Director of the Engineering Library at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is interested in assessing how students and scholars interact with information, one another, and librarians in computer-mediated environments, and how libraries can facilitate change in scholarly communication through these environments. He holds a B.A. from the University of Colorado at Denver and an M.L.S. from Emporia State University, where he was the American Library Association's 2002 Marshall Cavendish Scholar.
To return to Jack M. Maness's article, click (here).
Karen Markey is a professor in the School of Information (SI) at the
University of Michigan (U-M) and holds degrees from Johns Hopkins and Syracuse
Universities. She is the principal investigator of the Storygame Project.
To return to Karen Markey's article, click (here).
Tomasz Miaskiewicz is a Ph.D. candidate in the Systems Division at the University of Colorado at Boulder. His research and teaching interests are primarily in the human computer interaction (HCI) area. Currently, he is studying how personas can improve user-centered design approaches. He has also worked in a variety of roles at several technology and design consulting companies.
To return to Tomasz Miaskiewicz's article, click (here).
Carol Minton Morris is the Communications Director for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) <http://NSDL.org> and Fedora Commons <http://fedora-commons.org>. She is also a research associate in the digital libraries group in Cornell Information Science <http://www.infosci.cornell.edu/dl/dl-people.html>. Her interests are informed by her background in publishing and the visual arts and include community development around establishing collaborative communications systems and tools for distributed content creation. She is the founding editor of NSDL Whiteboard Report <http://content.nsdl.org/wbr/Issue.php?issue=current> featuring information from NSDL projects and programs nationwide since 2000.
To return to Carol Minton Morris's conference report, click (here).
Victor Rosenberg is an associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Information. He is the former chairman and CEO of Personal Bibliographic Software, where he developed the widely used bibliographic management system named ProCite. Vic is a co-principal of the Storygame Project.
To return to Victor Rosenberg's article, click (here).
Ariel Sobrado is an Analyst in Computing (2006) and has worked on the PrEBi and SeDiCI projects since 2003. He has been one of the main developers of the Celsius software (used in the PrEBi project in many Universities in America and Spain) and of Celsius DL (the software behind SeDiCI). He is currently conducting research into web semantics as applied to Digital Libraries as well as software engineering and databases. Ariel Sobrado is the lead teacher in the subjects of Database I and II and Software Engineering I and II at the Computer Science College.
To return to Ariel Sobrado's article, click (here).
Beth St. Jean is a second-year doctoral student at the University of Michigan School of Information (U-M SI). She holds a
bachelor's degree in mathematics from Smith College and a master's degree in
information with a specialty in library and information services from U-M
SI. She is a research assistant on the Storygame Project.
To return to Beth St. Jean's article, click (here).
Tamara Sumner is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado,
with a joint appointment between the Institute of Cognitive Science
and the Department of Computer Science. Her research and teaching
interests include personalized learning, interactive learning
environments, user-centered design, digital libraries, and intelligent
information systems. She is also Executive Director of Digital
Learning Sciences (www.dlsciences.org), a joint research and
development center between the University of Colorado and the
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Our research and
development team combines expertise in computer science, cognitive
science, science education, user-centered design and evaluation,
digital content management, and machine learning/natural language
To return to Tamara Sumner's article, click (here).
Fritz Swanson is a lecturer in the English Department at the University of Michigan (U-M) and holds an
MFA in fiction and non-fiction from the U-M. Fritz is the writer for the
Storygame Project.
To return to Fritz Swanson's article, click (here).
Ray Uzwyshyn is Head of the Department of Digital and Learning Technologies for the University of West Florida Libraries. Prior to this, he was responsible for Web Services at the University of Miami Libraries. Ray possesses a Ph.D. (Summa cum Laude) from NYU in Media Studies and MLIS from the University of Western Ontario. His interests are in information visualization, the application of visual technologies and semiotics to information systems and multimedia possibilities for digital libraries. He has chaired the American Society of Information Science and Technology, Special Interest Group in Visualization, Information and Sound and his research and projects have been recognized internationally for the intelligent application of technological possibilities for academic and institutional learning environments.
To return to Ray Uzwyshyn's article, click (here).
Herbert Van de Sompel graduated in Mathematics and Computer Science at Ghent University, and in 2000, obtained a Ph.D. there. For many years, he was Head of Library Automation at Ghent University. After having left Ghent in 2000, he has been Visiting Professor in Computer Science at Cornell University, and Director of e-Strategy and Programmes at the British Library. Currently, he is the team leader of the Digital Library Research and Prototyping Team at the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Herbert has played a major role in creating the Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services, the SFX linking server, and info URI. He currently focuses his attention on the Open Archives Initiative Object Re-Use & Exchange effort (ORE) and on the MESUR project that researches usage-based indicators of scholarly impact. See also his personal homepage at http://lib-www.lanl.gov/~herbertv/.
To return to Herbert Van de Sompel's article, click (here).
María M. Vila is an Analyst in Computing (2006) and has worked on the PrEBi and SeDiCI projects since 2003. She has developed Celsius software and has been one of the main developers of Celsius DL. Her research has focussed on digital image processing and digital libraries.
To return to María M. Vila's article, click (here).
Gonzalo L. Villarreal is an Analyst in Computing (2005) and Licenciate in Systems (2008). He has worked on the PrEBi and SeDiCI projects since 2004 in the development of Celsius and Celsius DL software, and he has researched in areas related to digital image processing, digital libraries and computer simulation, the subject in which he focussed in his final thesis. He is now teaching at the Computer Science College.
To return to Gonzalo L. Villarreal's article, click (here).
Xingxing Yao is a first-year doctoral student at the U-M SI. She holds
Bachelor of Arts (2002) and a Master of Management Science (2005) degrees in
library science from Peking University. She is a research assistant on the
Storygame Project team.
To return to Xingxing Yao's article, click (here).