D-Lib Magazine
November 2005
Volume 11 Number 11
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the November 2005 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Dr. Anne Adams is a Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Interaction Centre and a visiting Senior Lecturer at the Middlesex University 'Interaction Design Centre'. From an interdisciplinary background in psychology, ergonomics and computing, Dr. Adams has developed a wide range of research interests varying from digital libraries to security and Human Computer Interaction (HCI), the social impacts of technology, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Qualitative methods in HCI. Previous research projects were based within a variety of organisations from clinical (i.e., hospitals and health centres) to industry (i.e., telecommunications and building) and academic settings.
To return to Anne Adams' conference report, click (here).
Digital preservation is one of Andreas Aschenbrenner's focus areas. After completing his studies in computer science with a master thesis on web archiving, he joined ERPANET to establish an institutional network and knowledge-base on the preservation of digital resources. Other activities he contributed to include LEAF) and the reUSE! project. At the SAT Research Studio he currently works on virtual collaboration and social software.
To return to Andreas Aschenbrenner's conference report, click (here).
Laura Bartolo is a professor in the Materials Informatics Lab, College of Arts and Sciences at Kent State University. As principal investigator of the NSF National Science Digital Library Materials Digital Library Pathway, Laura heads a multidisciplinary team of researchers from Kent State University, the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, Iowa State University, and Purdue University building an information infrastructure to support the integration of education and research in materials science. Laura's research focuses on development and implementation of markup languages, metadata, and data formats in science digital libraries. Laura is co-chair of NSDL's Educational Impact and Evaluation Standing Committee.
To return to Laura Bartolo's conference report, click (here).
Olaf Brandt is working as a researcher for the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen, Germany) in the kopal project. kopal is a cooperative project which aims at developing a digital archival system for Germany that is reusable by other institutions.
Olaf is a member of the PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) group and will also be engaged in its further developments. In addition, he was involved in the organisation of the international conference on preservation of digital objects (iPRES) which was held in September 2005 in Göttingen.
To return to Olaf Brandt's conference report, click (here).
Timothy W. Cole is Mathematics Librarian and Professor of Library
Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. A member
of the Library faculty at Illinois since 1989, he has held prior
appointments as Systems Librarian for Digital Projects and Assistant
Engineering Librarian for Information Services. He is currently principal
investigator for an Institute of Museum and Library Services National
Leadership Grant to build a collection registry and metadata repository for
digital content developed under the auspices of IMLS grant programs. He is
past chair of the National Science Digital Library Technology Standing
Committee and a former member of the OAI Technical Committee. He has
published widely on OAI-PMH, metadata, and the use of XML and SGML for
encoding STM journal literature, and has spoken about these topics at
multiple venues including the IMLS Web-Wise Conference, ALA annual meeting,
ASIST annual meeting, AALL annual meeting, NSDL annual meeting, JCDL, OAI4,
and the Open Archives Forum.
To return to Timothy W. Cole's conference report, click (here).
Barbara DeFelice is the Head of the Kresge Physical Sciences Library and the Cook Mathematics Collection at Dartmouth College. She is responsible for digital and print collection development and management for the physical sciences, mathematics and computer science, as well as science information literacy and reference services for science students and faculty. She has been working with DLESE, the subject of the article in this issue, in different capacities since 1999, including service on the Steering Committee, and worked on collections assessment for DLESE as part of an NSDL grant. She holds a MS in Library Science from Simmons College and a MA in Liberal Studies from Dartmouth College, with a concentration on the history of geology.
To return to Barbara DeFelice's article, click (here).
Holly Devaul is Outreach and Community Relations Liaison at the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Program Center (DPC). Holly supervises the metadata cataloging and quality assurance (QA) teams at the DPC, and coordinates these efforts with the Collections Core Services. She is a member of the Collections Accessioning Taskforce, and provides direct support for community members in their collection development efforts. She is collaborating with several National Science Digital Library
(NSDL) projects, investigating how to embed educational standards
within digital libraries. Holly holds a BA in Human Ecology and an MS in Wildlife Biology.
To return to Holly Devaul's article, click (here).
Christopher DiLeonardo is Professor of Geology and the Head of the Earth Sciences Program at Foothill College, a Community College located on the San Francisco Peninsula. He earned his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz. His work has included NSF funded projects helping to build the collections of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE). He was a member of the Steering Committee of DLESE from 2000 through 2004, the last year serving as Chair.
To return to Christopher DiLeonardo's article, click (here).
Sarah Giersch is a Consultant to the Association of Research Libraries (http://www.arl.org), the National Science Foundation's National Science Digital Library (http://www.nsdl.org) and is Evaluation Director for the Materials Science Digital Library (http://www.matdl.org) at Kent State University. Research interests include evaluating the development, application and sustainability of digital libraries used in education; studying the expansion of institutional repositories; and, developing new measures for libraries, physical and digital, to identify impact. She received her MSLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1999.
To return to Sarah Giersch's conference report, click (here).
Kathryn Ginger is the metadata architect for the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Program Center. She leads metadata framework design, controlled vocabulary development and collections integration. Katy provides substantial technical support and training for collections developers. She has detailed knowledge of the current state and history of all DLESE policies related to collections accessioning and deaccessioning. Katy is also an atmospheric scientist and instructional designer. Katy also works with the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) on controlled vocabulary issues and is a member of the Dublin Core Education Application Profile Drafting Committee.
To return to Kathryn Ginger's article, click (here).
Kenneth Hamma is Executive Director for Digital Policy at the J. Paul Getty Trust. He oversees the management of the Getty Trust website, www.getty.edu, as well as strategic planning for information management across all Getty programs including the Museum, the Research Institute, the Conservation Institute and the Foundation.
To return to Kenneth Hamma's opinion piece, click (here).
Susan Jesuroga is the Director of Project Relations for NSDL at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. As a project liaison, Susan works with all NSDL-funded projects to enable collaboration and communication between projects, and assist with integration into the core NSDL infrastructure. With degrees in computer science and management, she is interested in the organizational challenges of managing distributed projects like NSDL, and building communities of practice. Susan's prior work included building a Web-based professional development environment, real-time meteorological data-display workstations, and various scientific analysis software packages.
To return to Susan Jesuroga's article, click (here).
Kim Kastens is a Doherty Senior Research Scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, the Earth and environmental research lab of Columbia University. She holds a B.A. in Geology & Geophysics from Yale University and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. She chaired the Collections Committee of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) from 1999 to 2004, and served on the DLESE Management Council from 2003 until the present. She has also led the development of DLESE's Community Review System.
To return to Kim Kastens's article, click (here).
Dr. Patty Kostkova is a Research Fellow and the head of the City ehealth Research Centre (CeRC), City University, London. She received her MSc in Computer Science from the Charles University, Prague, and her Ph.D. in Computer Science from City University, London. Dr. Kostkova is interested in digital libraries in healthcare, multi-agent technologies, impact evaluation of Web sites, Semantic Web, healthcare ontologies, and agent-based personalisation. She leads the development of medical Internet projects including: National electronic Library of Infection, Bugs and Drugs, National Resource of Infection Control and Training In Infection. She has published a number of technical reports at international conferences and journals and a book chapter on adaptive IS. As a consultant at WHO HQ, Dr. Kostkova was involved in the development of information systems for international surveillance and currently leads the evaluation of the WHO Resource Center for National Public Health Laboratories. She organised and chaired three Healthcare Digital Libraries Workshops (HDL 2003, HDL 2004, and HDL 2005).
To return to Patty Kostkova's conference report, click (here).
Dean B. Krafft is a Senior Research Associate and Director of Information
Technology in Computing and Information Science at Cornell University. He is
also the Principal Investigator on the National Science Digital Library
project at Cornell. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell in
1981 and has remained with the department ever since as a researcher and
manager. He was the principal investigator at Cornell for the DARPA-funded
Computer Science Technical Report (CS-TR) project and its successor, the
NCSTRL distributed digital library project. In addition to digital libraries,
his research interests focus on ensuring the availability in the digital
world of pre-digital published and manuscript materials, as well as related
issues on copyright, the public domain, and public access to older and
out-of-print materials.
To return to Dean B. Krafft's article, click (here).
Carl Lagoze is a Senior Research Associate in Computing and
Information Science at Cornell. In this role he teaches and leads research in
a number of NSF and Mellon funded projects. His primary research interests
include architecture and protocols for distributed information environments,
automatic organization of web information, and new environments for scholarly
communication. In research collaborations with colleagues at Cornell and
elsewhere he has played a major role in the Open Archives Initiative for
Metadata Harvesting, the Dienst/NCSTRL architecture and protocol for
distributed digital libraries, the ABC metadata ontology, and the Fedora Open
Source Repository System. In contrast to his feelings about digital
libraries, he only has optimism for his daughter's entry into adolescence.
To return to Carl Lagoze's article, click (here).
Suzanne Larsen is the Faculty Director of the Jerry Crail Johnson Earth Sciences and Map Library and the Oliver C. Lester Mathematics and Physics Library at the University of Colorado. She chaired the Collections Committee of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) from 2003 to 2005.
To return to Suzanne Larsen's article, click (here).
Thomas Lipkis is Senior Software Architect of the LOCKSS program at the Stanford University Libraries, where he is primarily responsible for leading the design and implementation of the production LOCKSS system. His background includes work in operating systems, knowledge representation, manufacturing, communications and embedded systems.
To return to Thomas Lipkis' article, click (here).
David Mogk is a professor of geology at Montana State University. He
has recently worked on the development of the Digital Library for Earth
System Education (DLESE) and the National Science Digital Library
(NSDL). Dave has served as Program Director in the Division of
Undergraduate Education at NSF and is recipient of the American
Geophysical Union Excellence in Geophysical Education Award (2000).
To return to David Mogk's article, click (here).
Seth Morabito is a member of the LOCKSS team at Stanford University Libraries. As a software engineer, his primary focus is on designing and implementing new features for the LOCKSS system. Seth has worked for a number of leading companies in the collaborative and web spaces, and practices bookbinding in his spare time.
To return to Seth Morabito's article, click (here).
Sandy Payette leads digital library research and development
projects at Cornell University Information Science program. She is founder
and co-director of the internationally-recognized Fedora Project that deploys
sophisticated open-source software that forms the basis of digital libraries,
institutional repositories, digital archives, and educational software. She
is currently collaborating with colleagues from Cornell and Los Alamos
National Laboratory in the NSF-funded Pathways project to design new
information architectures for integrating heterogeneous digital repositories
and services, and to demonstrate a next-generation scholarly communication
system. Sandy's other research areas include digital preservation,
information networks, and automated policy enforcement.
To return to Sandy Payette's article, click (here).
Vicky Reich is Director and co-founder of the LOCKSS Program. Prior to the LOCKSS Program, she was, for eight years, the Assistant Director of HighWire Press. Vicky works to facilitate the industry's transition from print to online publishing models. She has over 20 years of extensive library experience in both public and technical services and has held positions at the: Upjohn Company; University of Michigan; Library of Congress; National Agricultural Library; and Stanford University. She earned her MLS from the University of Michigan. <http://www.lockss.org/vicky.htm>
To return to Vicky Reich's article, click (here).
Thomas S. Robertson earned his B.S. in Symbolic Systems from Stanford University. He is the Assistant Director and Technical Manager of the LOCKSS Program at the Stanford University Libraries. He has been with the LOCKSS Program since 2001. He is currently working to build a technical community around the LOCKSS software and to make LOCKSS work with existing technologies including OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting). Before joining the LOCKSS Program he worked at HighWire Press.
To return to Thomas S. Robertson's article, click (here).
Dr. David Rosenthal is Senior Scientist of the LOCKSS program at the Stanford University Libraries. He is investigating peer-to-peer techniques for fault and attack resistance. David joined Sun Microsystems in 1985 from the Andrew project at Carnegie-Mellon University, where he worked to develop both NeWS and the X Window System, now the open-source standard. David left Sun in 1993 to be Chief Scientist and employee #4 at Nvidia, the leading supplier of high-performance graphics chips for the PC industry. In 1996 he joined Vitria Technology, a leading supplier of e-business infrastructure technology. David received an M.A. degree from Trinity College, Cambridge and a Ph.D. from Imperial College, London. He is the author of several technical publications and holds 23 patents.
To return to David Rosenthal's article, click (here).
Dagobert Soergel has been Professor, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, since 1970. He has been working in the area of IR, specifically classification (taxonomy, ontologies) and thesauri, for over 40 years. He has authored two textbooks and serves as a consultant for the AOD Thesaurus and Harvard-Stanford Business Thesaurus. His tutorial on Thesauri for knowledge-based assistance in searching digital libraries is a regular feature at JCDL and ECDL. He has served repeatedly on the program committees for JCDL and ECDL. In 1997 Dr. Soergel received the highest award of the American Society for Information Science, the Award of Merit.
To return to Dagobert Soergel's conference report, click (here).
Stephan Strodl is a student of business informatics at the Vienna University of Technology. His research interest is digital preservation, and he is involved in the DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries.
To return to Stephan Strodl's conference report, click (here).
Sharon Tahirkheli is the Director of Information Systems for the American Geological Institute, where she directs the production of GeoRef, the primary bibliographic system for the geosciences. She serves on the Management Council of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE), and directs the cataloging group that provides metadata for the DLESE Community Collection. She holds an MSLS from Catholic University. Her interests include the development and maintenance of controlled vocabularies and the applications of geographic metadata for information retrieval.
To return to Sharon Tahirkheli's article, click (here).
Douglas Tudhope is Reader in the School of Computing, University of Glamorgan and leads the Hypermedia Research Unit. His main current research interest is the application of Knowledge Organization Systems in intelligent indexing/search applications. He directed the UK research council (EPSRC) funded FACET project, which investigated semantic query expansion in thesaurus-based retrieval and the integration of the thesaurus in the search interface. Since 1977, he has been Editor of the journal, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia and he is acting Theme Editor, Information Discovery, Journal of Digital Information (JoDI). He has been involved in organising all four European NKOS workshops at ECDL conferences. <http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/pages/staff/dstudhope/>
To return to Douglas Tudhope's conference report, click (here).
Michael Wright is currently the Technical Director at the DLESE Program Center where he is responsible for developing the core infrastructure for DLESE. He also participates in the NSDL Technical Committee where he is currently co-chair. Current projects involve linking Geoscience Data projects to the digital library, and investigating the use of knowledge organization structures in a digital library environment. He also has interests in digital libraries and electronic publishing: e-print archives, community-based publishing, peer review systems, and Web technologies supporting distance learning infrastructures.
To return to Michael Wright's conference report, click (here).
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