Growth and Maturation by
Laurence Lannom
To the Editor:

A Framework for
Evaluating Digital Library Services
Sayeed Choudhury, Benjamin Hobbs, and Mark Lorie, Johns Hopkins University, and Nicholas Flores, University of Colorado
Interdisciplinarity: The Road Ahead for Education in Digital Libraries
Anita Coleman, University of Arizona
Federated Digital Rights Management: A Proposed DRM Solution for Research and Education
Mairéad Martin, David L. Kuhlman, John H. McNair, William A. Rhodes, and Ron Tipton, University of Tennessee, and Grace Agnew, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Learning Lessons Holistically in the Glasgow Digital Library
Dennis Nicholson and George Macgregor, Strathclyde University
Photograph of a wildfire in Yellowstone Park.
Courtesy of the NOAA Paleoclimatology web site. Used with permission. The image above is from the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program web site, D-Lib Magazine's featured collection this month.
Digitizing Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for a Full Color,
Publicly Accessible Collection
Kenning Arlitsch, University of Utah
My Library at Virginia Commonwealth University: Third Year Evaluation
James Ghaphery, Virginia Commonwealth University
 NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
Bruce A. Bauer, NOAA Paleoclimatology Program

IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries Web Site Launched Erich Neuhold, GMD-IPSI
OECD Follow-up Group on Issues of Access to Publicly Funded Research Data Peter Arzberger, Peter Schroeder, Geoffrey C. Bowker, and Kathleen Casey, University of California at San Diego, USA, * Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Netherlands
ARCHway: Access to the UK's Best Archaeology Libraries and Their
Journals William Kilbride, Archeology Data Service
OAIster Search Interface Launched Kat Hagedorn, University of Michigan
Citebase: An OAI Citation-ranked Search Service Steve Hitchcock, University of Southampton
Update on the FAIR Programme Christopher Pressler, JISC
In the News:
Recent Press Releases and Announcements

In Print
Point to
Calls for Participation
- Computers in Libraries 2003, 12 - 14 March 2003, Washington, DC, USA. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 1 August 2002
- Serials in the Park: Blazing Diverse Trails in the Information Forest, North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) 18th Annual Conference, 26 - 29 June 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 1 August 2002
- Linking Digital Libraries with Virtual Learning Environments (DiLVLE Programme), JISC. Call for Projects. The deadline for full proposals is 20 August 2002
- Bobcatsss 2003, Information Policy and the European Union, 3 - 5 February 2003, Torun, Poland. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 September 2002
- Mapping Technology on Libraries and People (MTLP), 10th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutes, INFLIBNET, 14 - 16 February 2003, Shillong, Meghalaya, India. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 30 November 2002
Goings On
- 24th International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts (SIBMAS): Performing Arts Collections and Their Treatment, 2 - 7 September 2002, Rome, Italy
- Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH 2002), 8-11 September 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
- ADBIS 2002: Sixth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 8 - 11 September 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) 2002: 4th International Conference on Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, 11 - 13 September 2002, Lisbon, Portugal
- ECDL 2002: 6th European Conference on Digital Libraries, 16 - 18 September 2002, Rome, Italy
- 2nd ECDL Workshop on Web-Archiving, post-conference workshop at ECDL 2002, 19 September 2002, Rome Italy
- I-KOMAT2002: International Workshop on Intelligent Knowledge Management Techniques, 16 - 18 September 2002, Crema, Italy
- MAX 2002 International Conference: Musical Application Using XML, 19 - 20 September 2002, Milan, Italy
- ECKM 2002: 3rd European Conference on Knowledge Management, 24 - 25 September 2002, Dublin, Ireland
- 10th Biennial OLAC Conference: Electronic and Media Cataloging for the 21st Century, 27 - 29 September 2002, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
- EDUCAUSE 2002 Annual Conference: Juggling Opportunities in Collaborative Environments, 1 - 4 October 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- 2002 LITA National Forum: Making Connections, 10 - 13 October 2002, Houston, Texas, USA
- ISMIR 2002 - 3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 13 - 17 October 2002, Paris, France
- Fourth All-Russian Scientific Conference RDCL 2002, Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections, 15 - 17 October 2002, Dubna
- School for Scanning: Creating, Managing, and Preserving Digital Assets, Northeast Document Conservation Center, 16 - 18 October 2002, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Gaining independence with e-prints archives and OAI, 17 - 19 October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
- Brick and Click Libraries: Changes and Challenges, A Regional Academic Library Symposium, 18 October 2002, Maryville, Missouri, USA
- Institutional Repositories: A Workshop on Creating an Infrastructure for Faculty-Library Partnerships, ARL-SPARCj-CNI, 18 October 2002, Washington, D.C., USA
- 14th International Chemical Information Conference & Exhibition, 20 - 23 October 2002, Nîmes, France
- National Convention on Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2002): Bridging the Divide, Delnet, 21 - 24 October 2002, Kochi, Kerala, India
- First Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication, 22 - 24 October 2002, Lund (22 - 23 October) and Copenhagen (24 October), Denmark
- EEI21-Memphis-2002, The Ethics of Electronic Information in the 21st Century, an annual scholarly symposium at the University of Memphis, 24 - 27 October 2002, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
- 2002 Federated Symposium Event: DOA'02, ODBASE 2002, CoopIS 2002, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems and Ubiquitous Computing, 28 October - 1 November 2002, Irvine, California, USA
- The First Eurasian Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 29 - 31 October 2002, Tehran, Iran
Deadline Reminders
- The Challenge of Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR 2002)
- Brick and Click Libraries: Changes and Challenges
- Grindstone Island Summer Programs
- CoLIS4, The Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Emerging Frameworks and Methods
- EVA 2002 London, Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts
- KDD-2002: Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- New Directions in Humanities Computing
- Theory Development in Information User Studies
- International Summer School on the Digital Library 2002
- Museums, Libraries, and Archives: Summer Institute for Knowledge Sharing
- ASIS&T 2002 International Paper Contest on International Digital Libraries and Information Science & Technology Advances in Developing Countries
- Grants to State Library Agencies
- AOM/IAOM 20th Annual International Conference
- Project 2005 - Reinventing Work: Interlocking Relationships between Management, Education, Cybertechnology and Leadership
- Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian
- RIDE-MLIM'2003, 13th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Multi-lingual Information Management
- International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) Annual Conference
- IASL 2002: School Libraries for a Knowledge Society
- ACM Workshop on XML Security
- SIGIR 2002 Conference: ACM 25th International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
- 18th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning
- New Directions in Metadata
- E-magine: gateways to the changing landscape of art information
- Workshop on Distributed Computing Architectures for Digital Libraries
- Electronic Text Centre 2002 Summer Institute: Creating Electronic Texts and Images
- 68th IFLA General Conference and Council
- 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2002)
- CAUDIT EDUCAUSE Institute 2002
- IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2002)
- Central Asia-2002 International Conference:, Internet and Libraries - Information Resources in Science, Culture Education and Business
- National Convention on Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2002): Bridging the Divide
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