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D-Lib Magazine
Suzie Allard
Suzie Allard is a Kentucky Opportunity Doctoral Fellow and instructor in the College of Communications and Information Studies at the University of Kentucky. Her work focuses on how the digital library environment facilitates knowledge creation and innovation by encouraging international information communication and document creation. Suzie is currently the chair of ASIST's SIG-DL.
To return to Suzie Allard's ACADL conference report, click (here).
B. Danette Allen
Danette Allen is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests are tracking technologies, hardware and software for human-computer interaction and virtual environments. She graduated from North Carolina State University with degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering in 1988 and 1989. She holds graduate degrees from the Manchester Business School (1990), Old Dominion University (1997) and UNC Chapel Hill (2001). She has worked at NASA Langley Research Center since 1991, and she is a recipient of NASA's Silver Snoopy award, the astronauts' award for outstanding performance in flight safety and mission success.
Web: <http://www.cs.unc.edu/~bdallen>
To return to Danette Allen's article, click (here).
William Y. Arms
William Arms is professor of computer science at Cornell University. His career includes appointments at the British Open University, Dartmouth College and Carnegie Mellon University, where as Vice President for Computing he led campus-wide networking and distributed computing, educational computing and libraries. He has more than thirty years experience applying computing to academic activities, notably educational computing, computer networks, and digital libraries. He was one of the founders of D-Lib Magazine in 1995 and Editor-in-Chief from 1998-2001. His book "Digital Libraries" was published by MIT Press in 2000.
To return to William Arms' article, click (here).
Nuala A. Bennett
Nuala Bennett is Visiting Special Projects Librarian for the IMLS "Teaching with Digital Content" program, located in the Digital Imaging and Media Technology Initiative of the University of Illinois Library. She holds a B.A. in Computer Science, Linguistics and German from the University of Dublin, Trinity College (Ireland) and an M.S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois. She has held appointments as Project Coordinator for the Digital Cultural Heritage Community project, Research Information Specialist with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and Research Programmer and Project Coordinator for medical informatics projects at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
Web: <http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~nabennet>.
To return to Nuala Bennett's article, click (here).
Hilary Berthon
Hilary Berthon is Manager, National & International Preservation Activities (NIPA) at the National Library of Australia. She is particularly interested in fostering cooperation in preservation and has been engaged in a variety of collaborative preservation projects including the development of PADI.
To return to Hilary Berthon's article, click (here).
Peter Botticelli
Peter Botticelli is Digital Projects Librarian for the Department of Preservation and Conservation, Cornell University Library. His current focus is on digital preservation issues within Project Prism, part of NSF's DLI2 program. Before coming to Cornell, as a graduate assistant at the University of Michigan he participated in a two-year study of records appraisal in collaborative work environments. His earlier research, at Harvard University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was in business history and the history of technology.
To return to Peter Botticelli's article, click (here).
Richard Entlich
Richard Entlich is Digital Projects Librarian in the digital imaging and preservation policy research unit of Cornell University Library. He has over ten years experience in library-sponsored digital imaging and electronic publishing initiatives, including the Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment (CORE), Core Historical Literature of Agriculture, Making of America I, and TEEAL (The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library). In addition to his work on PRISM, he co-authored the Moving Theory into Practice (MTIP) Digital Imaging Tutorial, is lecturer and lab instructor in the MTIP workshop series and is a regular contributor to RLG DigiNews.
To return to Richard Entlich's article, click (here).
Edward A. Fox
Dr. Edward A. Fox, director of NDLTD, is a Professor of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. He also directs the Internet Technology Innovation Center at Virginia Tech, Digital Library Research Laboratory, and a number of other research and development projects. In addition to his courses at Virginia Tech, Dr. Fox has taught over 44 tutorials in more than 15 countries and authored or co-authored numerous publications in the areas of digital libraries, information storage and retrieval, hypertext/hypermedia/multimedia, computational linguistics, CD-ROM and optical disc technology, electronic publishing, and expert systems.
To return to Edward Fox's ACADL conference report, click (here).
Tony Gill
Tony Gill is a Program Officer at RLG, with a remit to facilitate collaboration between RLG's members in the visual arts, museums and natural history arenas. He is the liaison for the RLG Art and Architecture Group and the SCIPIO Taskforce, is active in the CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group and is extensively involved in RLG's Cultural Materials Initiative.
He is also the author of a number of publications on the applications of information technology in the arts & humanities, including "The MDA Guide to Computers in Museums", "Metadata and the World Wide Web" and "3-D Culture on the Web".
To return to Tony Gill's article, click (here).
Diane Hillmann
Diane is the Project Manager and Metadata Specialist for the National Science Digital Library Project at Cornell University. Prior to joining the project, she was Authorities Librarian and manager of technical services support at Cornell University Library, where she managed the library's MARC database. She has been a member of MARBI (the American Library Association's Committee on Machine Readable Bibliographic Information) and is currently the editor of "Using Dublin Core" (the official usage guidelines for Dublin Core) and a member of the Advisory Board of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
To return to Diane Hillmann's article, click (here).
Anne Kenney
Anne R. Kenney is Assistant University Librarian for Instruction, Research, and Information Services at Cornell University Library and Director of Programs, Council on Library and Information Resources (www.clir.org). For the past five years, her research interests have focused on digital preservation through such projects as establishing a central depository for Cornell's digital image collections, Risk Management of Digital Information, Project Harvest, and Project Prism. She is co-author of three award-winning monographs, including Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives and numerous reports and articles. She is the past president and Fellow of the Society of American Archivists, and co-editor of RLG DigiNews.
To return to Anne Kenney's article, click (here).
Dean B. Krafft
Dean B. Krafft is a Senior Research Associate and Director of Computing Facilities at the Cornell University Computer Science Department. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell in 1981 and has since remained with the department as a researcher and project/support manager. He was the principal investigator at Cornell for the DARPA-funded Computer Science Technical Report (CS-TR) project and its successor, the NCSTRL distributed digital library project. He is currently a Cornell co-PI on the NSF-sponsored National SMETE Digital Library project.
To return to Dean Krafft's article, click (here).
Carl Lagoze
Carl Lagoze is Digital Library Scientist in Computing and Information Science at Cornell University. At Cornell he teaches and co-directs the Digital Library Research Group, which undertakes research in digital library, electronic publishing, and distributed information systems. His main research interests include metadata, digital library architecture, and policy expression and enforcement.
To return to Carl Lagoze's article on interoperability, click (here).
To return to Carl Lagoze's article on preservation risk management, click (here).
Richard Marisa
Richard Marisa is Manager of Electronic Publishing Initiatives for Cornell Information Technologies. He is developing the NSDL Metadata Repository and associated NSDL web services. He is also architect and project manager for HeinOnline (http://www.heinonline.org, winner 2001 American Association of Law Libraries Best New Product Award), in collaboration with William S. Hein & Co., Inc and the Cornell Law Library. He has been Technical Product Manager for Cornell's campuswide printing service and for campus document management and distribution systems.
To return to Richard Marisa's article, click (here).
Nancy Y. McGovern
Nancy Y. McGovern is the coordinator for the Digital Imaging and Preservation Policy Research (DIPPR) team in the Department of Preservation and Conservation of Cornell University Library where she facilitates digital research, practical implementations, publications, and training projects. She has over 15 years of experience in digital preservation research and practice. For DIPPR, she is working on Project Harvest, Project Prism, and the Central Depository project, and has just become the co-editor of RLG DigiNews. She authored the Cornell University Electronic Student Records Systems Project Report (2000). She is working on her PhD in digital preservation at University College London.
To return to Nancy McGovern's article, click (here).
Paul Miller
Paul Miller holds the post of Interoperability Focus at UKOLN. This post is jointly funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee of the United Kingdom's Further and Higher Education Funding Councils, and by Resource, the government agency responsible for libraries, museums and archives.
In his current work, Paul is responsible for encouraging and facilitating the development of interoperable solutions across a range of domains, principally museums, libraries, archives, and government. Paul sits on a wide range of committees and working groups related to this area, both internationally (for example, the executive committees of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and the CIMI Consortium and within the UK.
To return to Paul Miller's article, click (here).
Michael L. Nelson
Michael L. Nelson received his B.S. in computer science from Virginia Tech in 1991, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from Old Dominion University in 1997 and 2000. He has worked at NASA Langley Research Center since 1991, originally in distributed and parallel computing and then shifting to WWW and digital libraries in 1993. He is an adjunct assistant professor at Old Dominion University, and was a visiting assistant professor at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the 2000-2001 academic year.
Web: <http://mln.larc.nasa.gov/~mln>.
To return to Michael Nelson's article, click (here).
Sandra Payette
Sandra Payette is a Researcher and Project Manager in the Digital Library Research Group <http://www.cs.cornell.edu/cdlrg/> in the Computer Science Department at Cornell University. Her research areas include interoperable architectures for digital libraries, security for digital content, metadata, and digital preservation. At Cornell she has been the leader of the Fedora (Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture) project, and developer of the original Fedora reference implementation. Currently, she is collaborating with the University of Virginia on a Mellon-funded project to develop an open source implementation of Fedora <http://fedora.comm.nsdlib.org> suitable for a variety of digital library contexts. As a member of Cornell's Project PRISM, she is focusing on the areas of digital preservation and policy enforcement for digital objects <http://www.cs.cornell.edu/payette/prism/security/policy.htm>.
To return to Sandra Payette's article, click (here).
Evangeline S. Pianfetti
Dr. Evangeline S. Pianfetti is Associate Director of the Office of Educational Technology at the Univeristy of Illinois' College of Education in Urbana-Champaign. She is also a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Departments of Educational Psychology and Educational Organization and Leadership. Her research interests include visual literacy, technology integration in the P-12 curriculum, and professional development in technology for P-12 and higher education faculty. She is a Smithsonian Laureate for classroom innovation in technology and a Gold Award winner in the ThinkQuest for Tomorrow's Teachers competition.
To return to Evangeline Pianfetti's article, click (here).
Beth Sandore
Beth Sandore is Associate University Librarian for Information Technology Planning and Policy and Professor of Library Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. Her professional experience and research focus on the development and evaluation of image and multimedia systems for cultural heritage information in libraries, museums and archives. She currently holds an NCSA Faculty Fellowship.
Web: <http://www.library.uiuc.edu/faculty/sandore.htm>
To return to Beth Sandore's article, click (here).
John Saylor
John M. Saylor has been the Director of the Engineering and Computer Science Library at Cornell University since 1988. He began his library career at Cornell as Reference and Collection Development Librarian in the Engineering Library in 1973. Prior to that he was a Research Engineer for a year at Bethlehem Steel Corporation. He received his bachelors degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and his master's degree in library service from Rutgers University. He has been involved in many digital library efforts including the National Science Foundation (NSF) Synthesis Coalition from 1990-1995 and is currently Co-PI of Cornell University's prototype project sponsored by the NSF to build a National Science Digital Library (http://www.siteforscience.org). He is a former Director of the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society of Engineering Education.
To return to John Saylor's article, click (here).
Suzana Sukovic
Suzana Sukovic is a librarian in the Rare Book and Special Collections at the University of Sydney Library. Her primary interests are electronic texts, digitisation issues and web site design. She completed MA (Information) at the University of Technology, Sydney with a master's project in the area of electronic texts.
To return to Suzana Sukovic's opinion piece, click (here).
Carol Terrizzi
Carol Terrizzi is communication director for Cornell University's core integration technical effort to build a National Science Digital Library. Research interests include design and development of portals, user interfaces, and communication tools for the NSDL. Her background is in art direction, marketing, and production for publications and web media with a specialization in applied digital imaging. Clients have included Cornell University College of Engineering, Cornell Magazine, and American Demographics, Inc. where she led the effort to convert their publications from paste to bits in 1987. She has written and lectured on applied computing topics for Publish Magazine, Folio Magazine, Folio Publishing Congress, and MacWorld.
To return to Carol Terrizzi's article, click (here).
Susan Thomas
Susan Thomas is currently a Manuscripts Librarian at the National Library of Australia. Since joining the Library thirteen years ago, she has worked on a range of projects including the recent PADI Subject Gateway Phase 2 (PadiUpdate) project. Susan's areas of interest include manuscripts, archives and preservation.
To return to Susan Thomas' article, click (here).
Herbert Van de Sompel
Herbert Van de Sompel graduated in mathematics and computer science at Ghent University, and in 2000, obtained a Ph.D. from Ghent University for his research on dynamic and context-sensitive reference linking, now commonly known as the OpenURL framework. From 1982 to 1998 he worked as Head of Library Automation at Ghent University. In 1998, Herbert received a grant from the Belgian Science Foundation that enabled him to fully concentrate on digital library research for a year. During that year, Herbert spent six months at the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory working on reference linking problems and preprint related matters. While at Los Alamos, Herbert started the Open Archives Initiative with Paul Ginsparg and Rick Luce. With Carl Lagoze, Herbert published the Santa Fe Convention for the Open Archives Initiative (2000) and the Open Archives Metadata Harvesting Protocol (2001). Currently, Herbert is Visiting Professor in Computer Science, Digital Library Research Group, Cornell University.
To return to Herbert Van de Sompel's article, click (here).
Colin Webb
Colin Webb is Director of Preservation Services at the National Library of Australia.
To return to Colin Webb's article, click (here).
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DOI: 10.1045/january2002-authors