D-Lib Magazine
February 2006
Volume 12 Number 2
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the February 2006 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
William Y. Arms is professor of computer science at Cornell University. His career includes appointments at the British Open University, Dartmouth College, and Carnegie Mellon University, where as Vice President for Computing he led campus-wide networking and distributed computing, educational computing and libraries. At Cornell, he was the first director of the Information Science program. He has more than thirty years experience applying computing to academic activities, notably educational computing, computer networks, and digital libraries. He was one of the founders of D-Lib Magazine in 1995 and Editor-in-Chief from 1998-2001. His book Digital Libraries was published by MIT Press in 2000.
To return to Wlliam Arms' article, click (here).
Selcuk Aya joined the Ph.D. program at Cornell University in Fall 2003. He is interested in digital libraries and mining interesting data out of large collections of data. His current work includes giving meaning to edges in the citation graph of scientific papers. He did his undergrad at the computer science department of Bilkent University in Turkey.
To return to Selcuk Aya's article, click (here).
Christophe Blanchi is a member of the Technical Staff at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). He has been involved in CNRI's Digital Object Architecture research project and has focused his research on the development of distributed, extensible and interoperable information architectures. He has designed and implemented several prototypes of the Digital Object Architecture to address general information management issues in the context of digital libraries.
To return to Christophe Blanchi's article, click (here).
Pavel Dmitriev is a Ph.D. candidate with the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. He received his B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Moscow State University in 2002. His research interests include Web structure and evolution, algorithms for content management and information retrieval on the Web, metadata extraction and collection generation from the Web.
To return to Pavel Dmitriev's article, click (here).
Esther Hoorn recently started as a researcher at the Dutch Institute for Information Law. She is now participating in a study on the use of Creative Commons licenses for cultural-heritage institutions. She is also involved as information specialist in the library of the Law Faculty in Groningen and she lectures on cybercrime law. Previously she was project leader of the project Truth or DARE that developed best practices in the use of institutional repositories in the field of law in the Netherlands.
Her articles are available at:
To return to Esther Hoorn's article, click (here).
Henry Jerez holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of New Mexico where he performed research in the area of distributed Digital Object repositories, load balancing and wireless communications. Dr. Jerez joined CNRI in 2005 as a Senior Research Scientist and is the technical lead for the ADL-R CORDRA project. He has contributed to the area of digital libraries and Digital Object repository architecture as a member of the Prototyping team for the Research library at Los Alamos National Laboratory where he worked from 2002 to 2005 performing research and development in the new architecture for the LANL digital object architecture. Dr. Jerez has served as faculty member, conference reviewer, enterprise consultant and international advisor to several companies and universities across Latin and North America. His contributions to the fields of Digital libraries, Advanced Networks and Wireless communications are reflected in several conference and journal articles, international presentations and a book chapter.
To return to Henry Jerez's article on ADL-R, click (here).
To return to Henry Jerez's article on FeDCOR, click (here).
Blazej Kot graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Physics and Computer Science from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2005. He is now studying towards a PhD in Information Science at Cornell University. He is interested in information visualization, the analysis of large data sets and the semantic web.
To return to Blazej Kot's article, click (here).
Larry Lannom is the Director of Information Management Technology for the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), which he joined in 1996. In his current role for CNRI, he works with organizations in both the public and private sectors to develop experimental and pilot applications of advanced networking and information management technologies. Originally trained as a librarian, Larry has over thirty-five years of experience in computer science, publishing, and libraries. He has worked in both academic and commercial environments in the creation and management of information products and services, research in digital libraries and information retrieval, development of computer applications, and management studies in the library and publishing fields.
To return to Larry Lannom's article, click (here).
Giridhar Manepalli is a Sr. Software Engineer at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives. In addition, he is also a research consultant to Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center. He is a Masters graduate in Computer Science from Old Dominion University. His research interests include digital libraries, information retrieval, data mining and knowledge discovery, GIS and simulation.
To return to Giridhar Manepalli's FeDCOR article, click (here).
To return to Giridhar Manepalli's ADL-R article, click (here).
Frank McCown is a Ph.D. student in computer science at Old Dominion
University. His research interests include digital preservation, Web
crawling, and search engines. His dissertation focuses on digital
preservation of web sites using the publicly available Web infrastructure
(search engines and caches). McCown obtained a MS in computer science
from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2002 and has been an
instructor of computer science at Harding University since 1997.
To return to Frank McCown's article, click (here).
Ruth Mitchell is a systems programmer at the Cornell Theory Center specializing in mass storage technologies. Her responsibilities include architecting and managing backup and archive strategies for CTC and the Cornell Computer Science department using Tivoli Storage Manager. In addition she is working closely with three data-intensive computing initiatives: the Evolution of the World Wide Web, the Arecibo Data Management and Analysis Project, and the Physically Accurate Imagery Project, developing archiving solutions, providing computer systems support and managing the 100TB storage infrastructure shared by these projects. Ruth has been with Cornell University since 1990 and with CTC since 1995 where previously she has lead efforts in the areas of networking and computer security.
To return to Ruth Mitchell's article, click (here).
Michael L. Nelson joined the Computer Science Department at Old Dominion University in 2002. He worked at NASA Langley Research Center from 1991-2002. Through a NASA fellowship, he spent the 2000-2001 academic year at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research interests include repository-object interaction and digital preservation.
To return to Michael Nelson's article on FeDCOR, click (here).
To return to Michael Nelson's article on Web Robot Behavior, click (here).
Joan A. Smith is a doctoral student in computer science at Old Dominion
University. Prior to this, she spent over 10 years working in the software
development field. She was the eigth recipient of the CLIR Zipf
Fellowship, and recently attended the first Google Workshop for Women
Engineers. Her current research focuses on accessibility and preservation
of digital library resources.
To return to Joan Smith's article, click (here).
Maurits van der Graaf started Pleiade Management and Consultancy in 2000, focusing on archives, libraries, library consortia, publishers and database providers. Its activities include market research, evaluation studies, strategic studies and product development studies. Recent assignments with publicly available reports include a national study into the future of the interlibrary document delivery system in the Netherlands for SURF/UKB and a study into the evaluation of bibliographic database platforms for Elsevier, see also <http://www.pleiade.nl>.
Before Pleiade he held various jobs at publishers and libraries, such as Product Manager Excerpta Medica database (Elsevier Science Publishers), Director of the Dutch Current Research Agency (NBOI) and Deputy-Director of the Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (NIWI). He studied Biology at the Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht.
To return to Maurits van der Graaf's article, click (here).
Titia van der Werf joined the African Studies Centre in Leiden (the
Netherlands) in 2002. As well as leading the Library and ICT department,
she is involved in new developments that foster the electronic
dissemination of research on Africa. Titia has worked for the National
Library of the Netherland on Internet resources projects and digital
preservation projects. She has contributed to standardisation efforts
such as the Dublin Core Metadata workshops and the OAIS archiving
standards workshops.
To return to Titia van der Werf's article, click (here).
Lucia Walle is the Manager of Research and Development Group at CTC
where she uses the latest technologies available to enhance high
performance computing clusters and data intensive computing.
She is experienced with C#, VB, and C++ and has worked on various
projects integrating the use of COM, COM+, and .NET technologies. Lucia
has worked on the development of a new scheduler and resource manager,
provided material used to help partners build and maintain clusters, and
wrote a program that was previously included in the Computational
Clustering Software pack.
To return to Lucia Walle's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2006 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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