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D-Lib Magazine
Neil Beagrie
Neil Beagrie was appointed Assistant Director, DNER Office, Joint Information Systems Committee, in June 2000. He is responsible for the activities of the JISC Digital Preservation Focus. This programme is developing JISC policy, guidance to institutions, and collaborative programmes for digital preservation, electronic records and digital collection management on behalf of the Higher and Further Education Councils and institutions in the UK. He co-ordinated the development of a Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK and will shortly become its first Company Secretary. In addition to moderating the digital preservation listserv, he is a member of the PADI International Advisory Group and the RLG/OCLC Working Group on Attributes of Trusted Digital Repositories.
To return to Neil Beagrie's project update click (here).
Steven Paul Davis
Stephen Paul Davis (BA, MA in German Literature from Yale, MS in Library and Information Science from Columbia) currently coordinates the Columbia University Library's Digital Library Program. He got his start in library computing as an analyst in the Library of Congress's Network Development and MARC Standards Office, and then spent over a decade as Director of Columbia's Library Systems Office. He has written and spoken on digital library management, standards and metadata. Among his current projects is providing technical coordination for APIS, the Advanced Papyrological Information System <http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/projects/digital/apis/>.
To return to Stephen Davis' book review, click (here).
Erik Duval
Erik Duval is a professor in the computer science department of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. His current research interests are metadata, computer science education, and, more generally, the application of information and communication technology in education and training. He coordinates the development of the Knowledge Pool System (a distributed database of reusable pedagogical documents) for the ARIADNE Foundation <http://www.ariadne-eu.org>, is the technical editor for the IEEE Standard on Learning Object Metadata and chairs the CEN/ISSS Learning Technologies Workshop. Erik teaches on human-computer interaction, multimedia, and web technologies.
To return to Erik Duval's article, click (here).
Amy Friedlander, Ph.D.
Amy Friedlander is Special Project Associate at the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) in Washington, D.C. She is assigned full time to the Library of Congress where she is working on issues related to the long term preservation of digital content. Prior to joining CLIR, Dr. Friedlander was Associate Director of Research at the Center for Information Strategy and Policy, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). She was the founding editor of D-Lib Magazine (1995-1998).
To return to Amy Friedlander's article click (here).
Gary Geisler
Gary Geisler is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, San Diego and a Master's degree in Information Science at UNC. Before beginning his graduate studies, Gary worked as a software engineer at IBM in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. His research interests include digital libraries, user interaction design, digital video, and recommender systems.
To return to Gary Geisler's article, click (here).
Sarah Giersch
Sarah Giersch received a B.A. in History and English from Henderson State University and an MLS from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has worked as an analyst in Strategic Services at CollegisEduprise delivering market analysis, competitive intelligence and assessment services. She is currently working on a Digital Library Initiatives-Phase 2 (DLI-2) grant to develop iLumina, a digital library of educational resources for science and math (<http://www.ilumina-dlib.org>). Her research interests include digital libraries, user services and collection management.
To return to Sarah Giersch's article, click (here).
Wayne Hodgins
Wayne Hodgins is Director, Worldwide Learning Strategies at Autodesk, and is a chief architect and strategic futurist responsible for increasing human performance (employees, partners and customers). As a "Strategic Futurist", Mr. Hodgins sits on advisory boards for many industry and government groups, commissions and associations in Canada, the USA, Latin America, and Asia. He is currently the elected Chair of the IEEE P1484 Standards Working Group for Learning Object Metadata, as well as the President and co-founder of the Learnativity Alliance, which works at the intersection of learning, productivity, creativity and activity and is the inflection point of the New Learning Economy.
To return to Wayne Hodgin's article, click (here).
Adam Hodgkin
Adam Hodgkin is Managing Director of xrefer.com Ltd., a company that aggregates and integrates reference works for the web. Adam's first experience of publishing was as Philosophy Editor at Oxford University Press. Subsequently, he founded Cherwell Scientific, an Oxford-based software company which developed scientific applications for the PC and Mac. In 1999, with three colleagues, he founded xrefer, which has now put together one of the largest ready reference resources on the web. Adam's current preoccupation is finding ways of pushing xrefer's extended reference linking technology ('xreferences') to mesh with documents other than reference works.
To return to Adam Hodgkin's article, click (here).
David McArthur
David McArthur is a Senior Consultant with Eduprise, a CollegisEduprise company. In addition to helping clients develop and implement strategic plans for online education, Dr. McArthur also leads applied-research efforts at Eduprise to assess and design next-generation products and services for Web-based learning. One such effort is the development of iLumina, an NSF-funded digital library of educational resources for science and math (<http://www.ilumina-dlib.org>). The goal of iLumina is to provide an online community where faculty and instructors can build and share digital learning objects for their online and web-enhanced courses.
To return to David McArthur's article, click (here).
Marilyn McClelland
Marilyn "Marty" McClelland is a Senior Java Developer at CollegisEduprise and Professor of Computer Information Systems in the School of Business at North Carolina Central University. At CollegisEduprise, Dr. McClelland mentors higher education clients on the integration of leading edge enterprise applications. In addition, she is part of the team implementing iLumina, a digital library of educational resources for science and math, funded by a DLI-2 NSF grant. Dr. McClelland's research interests include digital libraries, learning styles, the digital divide, new technologies, and effective teaching strategies.
To return to Marilyn McClelland's article, click (here).
Stuart Sutton
Stuart A. Sutton is an associate professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. Before coming to Seattle, he was an associate professor in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Director of the Masters of Library Science degree program and Senior Research Scientist with the Information Institute of Syracuse. He is a member of the California Bar and received his JD from Golden Gate University School of Law and his LLM in copyright from the University of California at Berkeley: Boalt Hall School of Law. His current research interests include metadata and networked information discovery and retrieval, technology-mediated teaching and learning, and the law and policy of intellectual property.
To return to Stuart Sutton's article, click (here).
Stuart L. Weibel
Stuart Weibel has worked in the Office of Research at OCLC since 1985. During this time he has managed projects in the areas of automated cataloging, document capture and structure analysis, and electronic publishing. He has been active in Internet standards work for 10 years and is currently the director of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
To return to Stuart Weibel's article, click (here).
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DOI: 10.1045/april2002-authors