An Arc Demo
This demo is recorded in the Microsoft "avi" format and is approximately 16MB. Software to replay this demo can be found at http://www.realplayer.com/ or MediaPlayer under Microsoft Windows 2000/NT/98. This demo shows typical search scenario in Arc. If you have RealPlayer or MediaPlayer, you may run the demo by clicking here.
A transcript of actions, beginning with the Arc home page and the simple search interface.follows:
- Objective: Simple search, relevance ranking and cross archive capacity
Steps: In the simple search page, search for "ATM and network", sort by "relevance ranking", group by "archive". In the left panel of the result page, the archive name and number of hits are shown. In the right panel of the result page, the result set is shown for the selected archive.
Objective: Advanced search, all publications of one author in different archives
Steps: In the advanced search page, search for "carl lagoze" in the author field, sort by "datestamp", group by "year", then group by "archive"
Objective: 1. Browse new publications
Steps: In the advanced search page, select "arxiv" in the archive field, and search for "2001/03/10" in the datestamp field. The list all the publications in the "arxiv" collection based on the datestamp.
Objectives: Browsing by publication type Steps: Search for all objects of type "map" in the American Memory collection from the Library of Congress.
Objective: Arc as a data provider Step: Using the experimental OAI data provider interface, extract the metadata records that Arc has harvested from its constituent data providers.
Objective: Use the OAI protocol to describe the archives harvested by Arc. Step: Using the other experimental OAI interface, list the archives harvested by Arc (returned records describe in Dublin Core the harvested archives).
Copyright© 2001 Xiaoming Liu, Kurt Maly and Mohammad Zubair. (Although he is a co-author of this article, Michael Nelson is not listed as a copyright holder because his work on this project was done as an employee of the U.S. Federal Government.)