
Arc - An OAI Service Provider for Digital Library Federation Xiaoming Liu, Kurt Maly, and Mohammad Zubair, Old Dominion University, and Michael L. Nelson, NASA Langley Research Center
Kepler - An OAI Data/Service Provider for the Individual Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair, and Xiaoming Liu, Old Dominion University
Information Objects and Rights Management: A Mediation-based Approach to DRM Interoperability John S. Erickson, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Automated Name Authority Control and Enhanced Searching in the Levy Collection Tim DiLauro, G. Sayeed Choudhury, Mark Patton, James W. Warner, and Elizabeth W. Brown. Johns Hopkins University
Renardus Project Developments and the Wider Digital Library Context Rachel Heery, Leona Carpenter, and Michael Day, United Kingdom Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN)

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
Courtesy of Debbie Nail Meyer, Gail Piper de Mesa, and Nancy Barr, MBARI

The eScholarship Initiative Catherine H. Candee, University of California
Scholnet and Cyclades: Extending the Role of Digital Libraries Donatella Castelli, Pasquale Pagano, and Umberto Straccia, Instituto di Elaborazione della Informazione - CNR
Taking a Common View of Educational Metadata Paul Miller, UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN)
The Electronic Privacy Information Center Chris Hoofnagle, Electronic Privacy Information Center
Bobby: CAST's Free Public Service for Web Accessibility Lucinda M. O'Neill, CAST
ERCIM offers Postdoctoral Fellowships Aurélie Richard, ERCIM
NISO Issues Report on Statistics Forum Marilyn Geller, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
NISO Publishes Environmental Conditions Standard Marilyn Geller, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
New NISO Standard on Title Pages for Conference Publications Marilyn Geller, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
In the News: Excerpts from Recent Press Releases
In Print
Point to Point
Deadline Reminders
Calls for Participation
- ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2001, 9 - 10 November 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 4 June 2001.
- ICDM '01: The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 29 November - 2 December 2001, San Jose, California, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 June 2001.
- The eContent Programme: European Digital Content on Global Networks. Call for proposals. The submission deadline is 15 June 2001.
- DC-2001: International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2001, 22 - 26 October 2001, Tokyo, Japan. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 20 June 2001.
- Computer Support for Collaborative Learning 2002 - CSCL 2002: Foundations for a CSCL Community, 7 - 11 January 2002, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 1 July 2001.
Goings On
- First DELOS International Summer School on Digital Library Technologies , 9 - 13 July 2001, Pisa, Italy. The registration deadline is 1 June 2001.
- Special Libraries Association (SLA) Annual Conference - 2001, An Information Odyssey: Seizing the Competitive Advantage, 9 - 14 June 2001, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Second Annual Global Information Technology Management World Conference: Meeting the Challenges of a Global Marketplace in the New Millennium, 10 - 12 June 2001, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Educause Institute Management Program, 10 - 14 June 2001, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- ACH/ALLC 2001 - Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, 13 - 17 June 2001, New York City, New York, USA.
- National Conference on Asian Pacific American Librarians, 13 - 15 June 2001, San Francisco, California, USA.
- American Library Association Annual Conference, 14 - 20 June 2001, San Francisco, California, USA.
- Canadian Library Association Annual Conference, 13 - 17 June 2001, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- Northwest Academic Computing Consortium - Networking for the 21st Century: Content, Conduits, and Policies, 14 - 15 June 2001, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Taming Technology Institute, 17 - 19 June 2001, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Joint DELOS-NSF Workshop on Personalisation and Recommender Systems in Digital Libraries, 18 - 20 June 2001, Dublin, Ireland.
- 2001 Informing Science Conference: Where Parallels Intersect, 19 - 22 June 2001, Krakow, Poland.
- iGSS 2001: International Graduate Summer School in Librarianship and Information Science, 23 June - 20 July 2001, Aberystwyth, Wales.
- The First ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 24 - 28 June 2001, Roanoke, Virginia, USA.
- National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH) Copyright Town Meetings, 28 June 2001, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- The Eighteenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2001), 28 June - 1 July 2001, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA.
- ARLIS/UK & Ireland Conference 2001, 28 June - 1 July 2001, London, United Kingdom.
Sites for D-Lib Magazine:
The Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Reston, Virginia, U.S.A. (originating site)
UKOLN: The UK Office for Library and Information Networking, Bath, England (mirror site)
The Australian National University Sunsite, Canberra, Australia (mirror site)
State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany (mirror site)
Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina (mirror site) Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (mirror site)
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DOI: 10.1045/april2001-contents Top | Editorial |