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D-Lib Magazine
Mary Barton
Mary Barton is Senior Marketing Development Manager in the MIT Libraries Digital Library Research Group. She holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and has a background in finance and microeconomics.
To return to Mary Barton's article, click (here).
Mick Bass
Mick Bass was Hewlett Packard (HP) Labs' External Engagement Manager for DSpace. He has twelve years of program management and software and hardware design experience with HP. Before his work in digital media systems, Mick led the creation of management methods and supporting software to effectively manage complex development efforts. His early background is in VLSI hardware and software contributing to HP microprocessors.
In 1999, HP sponsored Mick to attend MIT's Sloan School of Management where he earned a Masters of Science in Management of Technology. He also has a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana.
To return to Mick Bass' article, click (here).
Margret Branschofsky
Margret Branschofsky is the User Support Manager for the DSpace project of the MIT Libraries, and she has been working on the DSpace project in various capacities since its inception in 2000. Margret has over thirteen years of experience as a professional librarian in academic science and engineering libraries, most recently at MIT, where she was Associate Head of the Engineering and Science Libraries for six years. Her previous experience includes work with a library automation vendor and computer programming. Margret's special interest has been the application of new technologies to library services. Margret has a Master of Science degree in Library Science from the University of Kentucky and a B.A. from Queens College, City University of New York.
To return to Margret Branschofsky's article, click (here).
José H. Canós
José H. Canós is an associate professor in the School of Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the same university, where he teaches Software Engineering and Digital Libraries. His current research interests are digital libraries, safety systems, bibliography management, software and requirements engineering, and agile methods for software development. He has had grants from the Spanish Government and European Union, among others. He was the program chair for the Third Spanish Digital Library Conference. He is the coordinator of the NDLTD node at the School of Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
To return to Josés' article, click (here).
Sally Jo Cunningham
Sally Jo Cunningham is a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Waikato (Te Whare Wananga o Waikato, located in Hamilton, New Zealand). She is a founding member of the New Zealand Digital Libraries project (http://www.nzdl.org), which has produced the Greenstone system (http://www.greenstone.org) to support the development and maintenance of digital libraries. Her research focuses on user studies through quantitative transaction log analysis of digital library usage and qualitative studies of information behavior.
To return to Sally Jo Cunningham's conference report, click (here).
Susanne Dobratz
Susanne Dobratz is head of the Electronic Publishing Group (edoc.hu-berlin.de), a joint effort of the Library and the Computer and Media Services, at Humboldt University. She has graduated in Computer Science and has been responsible for several e-publishing projects at the Computer and Media Services at Humboldt University since 1997, e.g. Digital Dissertations, Germany-wide Dissertation Online project, XML Portal, Open Archives Forum. She worked within the UNESCO Guide on Electronic Theses and Dissertations and works for Humboldt University within NDLTD.
To return to Susanne Dobratz's article, click (here).
Keith Humphreys
Keith is a co-author of the iVia system and responsible for the keyphrase identification and extraction program among other work. Keith is a doctoral student in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). He has an M.S. in Mathematics and an M.S. in Computer Science from UCR. His interests include theory of algorithms, data mining and resonating with numbers.
To return to Keith Humphrey's article, click (here).
Javier Jaén
Javier Jaén is an associate Computer Science professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Prior to this position, he has served as a staff member of the European Laboratory of Nuclear Research and participated as deputy manager in the European Data Grid project. He is a recipient of the Fulbright scholarship, a member of the Upsilo-Pi-Epsilon Computer Science Honor Society and graduated with honors from the Virginia Polytechnic and State University (USA), the Institut Naltional des Sciences Apliquees de Lyon (France) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). His research interests include digital libraries, cluster and grid computing, dynamic architectures for grid computing and conceptual models for self-adaptive architectures.
To return to Javier Jaén's article, click (here).
Leonid A. Kalinichenko
Leonid A. Kalinichenko, Head of the laboratory for Compositional Information Systems Development Methods at the Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow. His research interests include semantic interoperability and mediation, compositional development of information systems, middleware architectures, and digital libraries. He is the Chair of the Moscow ACM Sigmod Chapter, a co-founder of the East European Conference "Advances in Databases and Information Systems" (ADBIS) and of the All-Russian Conference on Digital Libraries (RCDL).
To return to Leonid Kalinichenko's conference report, click (here).
Artur Kedzierski
Artur is a programmer/developer in the INFOMINE project and has co-authored the iVia system. Artur has a B.S. and an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of California, Riverside. He is interested in data mining and Web-related programming. Artur is responsible for, among many other modules in iVia, the automated annotation creation software.
To return to Artur Kedzierski's article, click (here).
Vladimir V. Korenkov
Vladimir V. Korenkov, Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (LIT JINR). Since 1993 he has led the "Development of Networking and Computing at JINR" project. Additionally, he is a leader of the project "Creation of distributed bases of data and knowledge in fundamental properties of matter and applied nuclear physics (BAFIZ)" and a project on digital library development at JINR. He is one of the pioneers who created a GRID segment in Russia and introduced this GRID segment in the European and global GRID structure. He leads and coordinates some projects on the matter.
To return to Vladimir Korenkov's conference report, click (here).
Juan C. Lorente
Juan C. Lorente is a graduate in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where he collaborated in the development of a node of NDLTD at the School of Computer Science. Recently, he has focused on application of digital library technologies to hypermedia systems (safety systems, hybrid museums) and works as a J2EE developer for a firm in Valencia.
To return to Juan Lorente's article, click (here).
Julie Mason
Julie is an INFOMINE Co-coordinator and is business manager of the INFOMINE grant-based projects. She is interested in Internet-based services in libraries and has been involved with INFOMINE since 1996. Julie is the University of California, Riverside, Library's selector in chemistry, in which she has a B.S. from St. Louis University. Previously, Julie has worked as chemistry information specialist at Monsanto and as UCR Library Outreach Coordinator.
To return to Julie Mason's article, click (here).
Birgit Matthaei
Birgit Matthaei graduated in art history and collected several years of professional experience within a commercial, scientific print publishing house. Based on these experiences, her current interest emphasis expanded to the range of electronic publishing in the academic field. She is scientific employee of the working group 'Electronic Publishing' of the Humboldt University, Berlin. One of her main points of work is supporting the Open Archives Forum project, in particular the realization of the workpackage "Technical Validation".
To return to Birgit Matthaei's article, click (here).
Greg McClellan
Greg McClellan is DSpace Systems Manager at MIT. Prior experience includes work on Project Prism at Cornell and the Cornell University Library Gateway. He holds an MLS from Florida State University and a BA in Biology from the University of Georgia.
To return to Greg McClellan's article, click (here).
Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell is a Co-coordinator of INFOMINE and is INFOMINE Grant Projects Director. Steve has close to ten years of Internet service provision experience and has been a science reference librarian for sixteen years. He has a B.A. in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a M.L.I.S. from the University of California, Berkeley.
To return to Steve Mitchell's article, click (here).
Margaret Mooney
Margaret is an INFOMINE Co-coordinator and Head of the Government Publications Department at the Library of the University of California, Riverside. Margaret has a B.A. in French from UCLA and an M.L.I.S. from California State University, Fullerton. She is interested in new library services involving Internet finding tools. Margaret is also active in writing software that automates the cataloging and processing of government publications.
To return to Margaret Mooney's article, click (here).
Norman Paskin
Norman Paskin became the first Director of the International DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Foundation in March 1998, which was established to support the needs of the intellectual property community in the digital environment.
Norman has led the DOI Foundation in its development of the DOI as a standardised identifier for the intellectual property communities (including text, music, images, and multimedia), which can work with existing identifiers and internet technology.
Prior to this, he worked for twenty years in the scientific publishing industry in both the U.S. and Europe, in roles including editorial, management, and information technology development.
To return to Norman Paskin's article, click (here).
Gordon W. Paynter
Dr. Gordon W. Paynter is the INFOMINE Lead Programmer. His Ph.D. in Computer Science was awarded by the University of Waikato in New Zealand for work on Programming by Demonstration. He then spent a year as a Post-doctoral Fellow with the New Zealand Digital Library Project, where he worked on keyphrase extraction, phrase-based interfaces, and the Greenstone Digital Library Software. Gordon is currently working on automatic metadata extraction and record creation, hierarchical classification, focused Web crawling, and interoperability.
To return to Gordon Paynter's article, click (here).
Jennifer Pérez
Jennifer Pérez is a recent graduate in Computer Science of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Her research interests include software architectures, their structure and data evolution. She is especially interested in Multimedia Systems.
To return to Jennifer Pérez's article, click (here).
Richard Rinehart
Richard Rinehart is Director of Digital Media at the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, Digital Media Faculty in Art Practice at UC Berkeley, and is manager of MOAC. Richard can be contacted at <rinehart@uclink.berkeley.edu>.
To return to Richard Rinehart's article, click (here).
David Robins
Dr. Robins is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Robins has an undergraduate degree from Colorado State University (Bachelor of Fine Arts), a Master of Science (Library Science) form the University of North Texas, and a Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of North Texas. He has experience as an information assistant in Adult Services, at the Fort Collins Public Library in Fort Collins, Colorado, and in addition, he worked in General Reference at Willis Library at the University of North Texas. Dr. Robins' primary teaching duties are in the areas of information retrieval and information architecture. His research interests include digital libraries, knowledge management, information architecture, information retrieval, and information retrieval interaction.
To return to David Robins' conference report, click (here).
Johannes Ruscheinski
Dr. Ruscheinski is a co-author of the iVia system. He has a doctorate in physics from the University of Oregon and has worked extensively as a C++ programmer/developer. Johannes is just about to achieve a Master's degree in Computer Science at the University of California, Riverside. He is responsible for much of the foundation of the iVia system. His interests are in software craftsmanship, programming languages, Linux, data mining, Web-related programming and open source software.
To return to Johannes Ruscheinski's article, click (here).
Vladislav P. Shirikov
Vladislav P. Shirikov, Head of Division of Software and Information Support in the Laboratory of Information Technologies at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). He is also one of the experts at the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Programming". His interests include networking problems (technical solutions for network constructions, software protocols and architectures, in particular for interoperable distributed systems), Web-oriented digital libraries and collections, Web portals design and support, and application software for physics and mathematics.
To return to Vladimir Shirikov's conference report, click (here).
Alexey N. Sissakian
Alexey N. Sissakian is a professor and Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, and Vice President of Dubna University. A. Sissakian is well-known scientist in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics and high energy physics. He is an author of over 300 publications. A. Sissakian is a leader and active participant of a number of projects related to preparation and realization of frontier physics experiments. He is actively involved in science organization and educational activities. He pays significant attention to the education of young scientists, many of whom are widely recognized and are active working physicists.
To return to Alexey Sissakian's conference report, click (here).
MacKenzie Smith
MacKenzie Smith is Associate Director for Technology at the MIT Libraries, where she oversees the Libraries' use of technology and its digital library research program. She is currently acting as the DSpace project director. She was formerly the Digital Library Program Manager in the Harvard University Library's Office for Information Systems where she managed the design and implementation of the Library Digital Initiative, and she has worked in library IT departments at Harvard and the University of Chicago. Her background is in applied technology in libraries and academia, and digital libraries in particular.
To return to MacKenzie Smith's article, click (here).
Dave Stuve
David Stuve has been a software engineer for Hewlett-Packard (HP) Company for the past nine years. His most recent project was team leader for a knowledge management system for HP's ink jet printer division. Previous projects include a distributed computing environment and modeling and simulation tools. Before coming to HP, David ran a consulting company that specialized in graphics tools and firmware for networked devices.
To return to Dave Stuve's article, click (here).
Oleg V. Sunturenko
Oleg V. Sunturenko, Director of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, is a leading expert in the area of development of information and communication systems, systems for management, and information security methods. He is one of the initiators of a new direction in informatics in Russia - the direction of Digital Libraries. He actively provided for the development of large interdisciplinary programs for the new generation of Internet and supercomputer centers in Russia. His research interests include convergence of information and communication technologies, development of information infrastructure for science and education, application of informatics methods in scientific research.
To return to Oleg Sunturenko conference report, click (here).
Robert Tansley
Robert Tansley completed a PhD in the application of semiology to multimedia information at the University of Southampton, UK in 2000. During his time at Southampton, he also designed and implemented the original version of the EPrints open source preprint and reprint archive software, now used at several universities. He was a member of the Open Archives Initiative technical group. At the end of 2000 Robert joined Hewlett-Packard Laboratories to work on the DSpace project in Cambridge, MA. During his spare time, Robert enjoys music, film and travel.
To return to Robert Tansley's article, click (here).
Julie Harford Walker
Julie H. Walker has extensive experience in business planning and product management for emerging technologies. At the MIT Libraries she was part of the team that developed the business plan for the DSpace service at MIT and currently is MIT's liaison for a project to implement DSpace at Cambridge University in the UK. Her previous experience includes product management at GE and Adero, a content distribution company, and management consulting to high technology companies with Pittiglio, Rabin, Todd & McGrath. Walker has an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a BS in Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
To return to Julie Harford Walker's article, click (here).
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DOI: 10.1045/january2003-authors