Rowan, Ellis. Red plumed bird of paradise, watercolour 75.7 x 50cm. Copyright The National Library of Australia. Used with permission.
The image above is from the National Library of Australia's Pictorial collection, IMAGES1, D-Lib Magazine's featured collection this month. The IMAGES 1 database contains over 20,000 historical and contemporary images relating to Australia and its place in the world. 

William Y. Arms
Editor in Chief
Cornell University
Peter B. Hirtle
Associate Editor
Cornell University
Bonita Wilson
Managing Editor
Catherine Rey
Art Director
Laurence Lannom
Technical Advisor
Carrie Barnett
Administrative Assistant
e-Skeletons®: The Digital Library as a Platform for Studying Anatomical Form and Function
John Kappelman, Timothy Ryan, and Myriam Zylstra, University of Texas, Austin
Canonicalization: A Fundamental Tool to Facilitate Preservation and Management of Digital Information
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
The ISI® Web of Science® - Links and Electronic Journals: How links work today in the Web of Science, and the challenges posed by electronic journals
Helen Atkins, Institute for Scientific Information
MPEG-7: Behind the Scenes
Jane Hunter, Distributed Systems Technology Centre
Long-term Preservation of Electronic Publications: The NEDLIB project
Titia van der Werf-Davelaar, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands
The LIBLICENSE Project and How it Grows
Ann Okerson, Yale University

