D-Lib Magazine
September/October 2016
Volume 22, Number 9/10
Table of Contents
Virtuous Cycle
Laurence Lannom
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
DOI: 10.1045/september2016-editorial
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We are once again pleased to publish a special issue focused on text and data mining of scientific publications. The program committee of the 5th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications, recently held in conjunction with JCDL 2016, has selected a set of papers from that conference to constitute our September/October issue. An expert overview of the papers and topics can be found in the Guest Editorial by Drahomira Herrmannova and Petr Knoth.
This is the fourth D-Lib issue in five years dedicated to this topic and the tools and approaches continue to grow, reflecting in part the growth of available repositories of both articles and associated data. The potential of such a virtuous cycle, with the increasing availability of scholarly content yielding increasingly ambitious efforts to analyze, validate, and reuse that content, is a positive development across the digital library landscape.
About the Editor
Laurence Lannom is Director of Information Services and Vice President at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), where he works with organizations in both the public and private sectors to develop experimental and pilot applications of advanced networking and information management technologies.