
Christiane Fellbaum, ed., with a preface by George Miller, MIT Press, 1998
By Dagobert Soergel: "A landmark book . . . a useful collection of papers and a rich source of ideas."

Collaborative Information Space Analysis Tools
Robert Neches, Sameer Abhinkar, Fangqi Hu, Ragy Eleish, In-Young Ko, Ke-Thia Yao, Quan Zhu, Peter Will
University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute
Middleware for Digital Libraries
Jean Bacon, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, Richard Hayton, APM Limited, and Ken Moody, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
A National Digital Library for Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education
Frank Wattenberg
National Science Foundation
National Library of Energy Science and Technology
Karen J. Spence
U.S. Department of Energy
Realizing the Hybrid Library
Stephen Pinfield, University of Birmingham; Jonathan Eaton, London Business School; Catherine Edwards, University of Northumbria at Newcastle; Rosemary Russell, University of Bath; Astrid Wissenburg, King's College London; Peter Wynne, Manchester Metropolitan University


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