Volume 10 Number 10
ISSN 1082-9873
Reports on Special Events
There is no substitute for being able to attend and participate in special events like conferences, workshops, and symposia. Having the opportunity to ask questions of presenters and to immediately follow up on points that might have been unclear in a particular presentation; being exposed to different viewpoints during question and answer periods; and taking advantage of the chance to meet and speak with other researchers, one-on-one, between sessions are compelling reasons to attend these events.
However, out of the dozens of such events focusing on digital libraries and related topics held each year (see the D-Lib calendar of events), most people cannot attend more than a few. Consequently, in order to serve its audience, each year D-Lib Magazine invites and publishes reports on major digital library conferences. In addition, the magazine welcomes proposals from authors who wish to cover other special events for D-Lib.
There are two venues in D-Lib for reporting on special events: authors can submit 200 - 500 word reports for consideration for D-Lib's "In Brief" column (as Avramenko and Kalinichenko, and Rauber have done this month), or longer reports can be proposed or submitted for consideration (see, for example, full-length reports by Jones et al., Holmström, Peters, Adams and Kostkova, and Nielsen in this issue). Before writing a lengthy report to contribute to D-Lib, however, it may be best to check to be sure another author is not already scheduled to cover the event for the magazine.
Even for those fortunate enough to attend, for example, the European Conference on Digital Libraries this year, it was impossible to attend every talk, or to attend more than one of the concurrent workshops. Therefore, I'm grateful to those authors who have contributed their time and effort to provide the reports published in this and previous issues of D-Lib. I hope that you will find the reports as interesting and useful as I have. In addition, I invite you to consider contributing similar reports on future special events to D-Lib Magazine.
Bonita Wilson
Copyright© 2004 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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