November/December 2012
Table of Contents
In Print
Point to Point
Calls for Participation
- Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec2013), 4 - 6 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 December 2012.
- Second International Conference on e-Technologies and
Networks for Development (ICeND 2013), 4 - 6 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 December 2012.
- 5th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 4 - 7 June 2013, Rome, Italy. Call for papers. The submission deadline for abstracts is 20 December 2012.
- 17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 13 - 14 June 2013, Karlskrona, Sweden. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 10 January 2013.
- 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2013, 3 - 7 July 2013, Angers, France. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 30 January 2013.
Goings On
- Eighth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS 2012), 17 - 19 December 2012, Tianjin, China
- CurateGear 2013: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections, 9 January 2013, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
- 8th International Digital Curation Conference 2013 (IDCC13) , 14 - 16 January 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 21st BOBCATSSS Conference, 23 - 25 January 2013, Ankara, Turkey
- ALA Winter Meeting and Exhibits, 25 - 29 January 2013, Seattle, Washington, USA
- The Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2013), 29 January - 1 February 2013, Adelaide, Australia
Deadline Reminders
November/December 2012
In Print
Intelligent Human-Machine Collaboration: Summary of a Workshop, by M. Chiang and Patricia S. Wrightson, Rapporteurs; Board on Global Science and Technology; Policy and Global Affairs; National Research Council. Published by the National Academies Press, 2012. Download free PDF version or purchase print version.
"On June 12-14, 2012, the Board on Global Science and Technology held an international, multidisciplinary workshop in Washington, D.C., to explore the challenges and advances in intelligent human-machine collaboration (IH-MC), particularly as it applies to unstructured environments. This workshop convened researchers from a range of science and engineering disciplines, including robotics, human-robot and human-machine interaction, software agents and multi-agentsystems, cognitive sciences, and human-machine teamwork. Participants were drawn from research organizations in Australia, China, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States."
Swatting the Long Tail of Digital Media: A Call for Collaboration, Ricky Erway, OCLC Research, Copyright OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
"[This report] urges a collaborative approach for conversion of content on various types of digital media....the document refers only to born-digital material on physical media. This essay is intended for managers who are making decisions on where to invest their born-digital time and money. It should help them understand that any expectations that local staff will be able to handle everything are probably impractical. We hope it'll also help archivists (and others) in the trenches breathe a sigh of relief to think that perhaps they won't have to deal with an array of obsolete media all on their own."
Sustainability of Open Access Services
Report Phase 1 and 2: Scoping the challenge and consulting the stakeholders, by Alma Swan, Knowledge Exchange, September 2012.
"Although some services that support Open Access have developed a sustainable business model, many started
as projects and continue to run on recurrent project funding or goodwill. If these are critical components of the
evolving scholarly communication system, the foundation of Open Access is vulnerable. The Knowledge
Exchange Open Access Working group commissioned this study as part of a larger programme of work to look at
the issue of sustaining key services into the long term. This document reports on Phases One and Two of the
NISO SUSHI Protocol: COUNTER-SUSHI Implementation Profile, NISO RP-14-2012, Copyright 2012 by the National Information Standards Organization.
From the Purpose section of the Profile: "This Implementation Profile has been developed to improve the consistency and interoperabiity of SUSHI client and server implementations. This profile offers guidance to developers of SUSHI server and client applications by setting out detailed expectations for how the SUSHI protocol and COUNTER XML reports are to be implemented so that they effectively meet the needs of the information community that relies on these reports to provide consistent, credible and comparable usage statistics."
Queensland Government Digital Continuity Strategy, Queensland State Archives, Australia, 2012.
"The Digital Continuity Strategy sets out the basis for the work to be undertaken by Queensland State Archives to develop a digital continuity approach for all Queensland public authorities. Developed after extensive consultation with public authorities, this strategy outlines the strategic objective, activities and guiding principles for ensuring digital public records can remain accessible, authentic and meaningful over time, in a cost-effective and strategic manner, despite the obsolescence of hardware, software and media."
Report on Libraries and Museums in an Era of Participatory Culture, by Deborah L. Mack, Nancy Rogers, and Susanna Seidl-Fox. Salzburg Global Seminar and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, 2012.
"Accepting the notion of democratic access, placing a major emphasis on public value and impact, and embracing lifelong learning were key overarching messages that emerged from deliberations at the recent seminar Libraries and Museums in an Era of Participatory Culture which was convened by the Salzburg Global Seminar in collaboration with the Washington-based Institute of Museum and Library Services. The session plunged fifty-eight library, museum, and cultural heritage leaders from thirty-one countries around the world into discussion, debate, and the development of a series of practical recommendations for ensuring maximum access to and engagement in museums and libraries, as they examined the meaning of 'participatory culture' writ large."
The Economics of Long-Term Digital Storage, David S. H. Rosenthal, Daniel C. Rosenthal, and Ethan L. Miller, et. al., Copyright David S. H. Rosenthal 2012.
Abstract: "Paper as the medium for the world's memory has one great advantage; it survives benign neglect well. Bits,
on the other hand, need continual care, and thus a continual flow of money. A Blue Ribbon panel described economic sustainability as the major issue facing long-term digital preservation. This is despite Kryder's Law, the 30-year history of the cost of digital storage media dropping exponentially. If economics are the major concern even when Kryder's Law holds, what will happen if it slows or stops? We present evidence that it will, and some simulations of the impact on digital preservation costs."
The Future of Mobile News: The Explosion in Mobile Audiences and a Close Look at What it Means for News, By Amy Mitchell, Tom Rosenstiel and Laura Houston Santhanam of the Project for Excellence in Journalism and Leah Christian of the Pew Research Center, October 2012.
"Half of all U.S. adults now have a mobile
connection to the web through either a
smartphone or tablet, significantly
more than a year ago, and this has
major implications for how news will be
consumed and paid for, according to a
detailed new survey of news use on
mobile devices by the Pew Research
Center's Project for Excellence in
Journalism (PEJ) in collaboration with
The Economist Group."
Intellectual Property Rights for Digital Preservation: DPC Technology Watch Report 12-02 by Andrew Charlesworth, University of Bristol. First published in Great Britain in 2012 by the Digital Preservation Coalition.
"While a number of legal issues colour contemporary approaches to, and practices of, digital preservation, it is arguable that intellectual property law, represented principally by copyright and its related rights, has been by far the most dominant, and often intractable, influence. It is thus essential for those engaging in digital preservation to understand the letter of the law as it applies to digital preservation, but equally important to be able to identify and implement practical and pragmatic strategies for handling legal risks relating to intellectual property rights in the pursuit of preservation objectives...."
Younger Americans' Reading and Library Habits, by Kathryn Zickuhr, Lee Rainie, Kristen Purcell, Mary Madden and Joanna Brenner, Pew Internet & American Life Project, October 23, 2012.
"The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project has taken a special look at readers between the ages of 16 and 29 because interest in them is especially high in the library world and the publishing world. This report examines how they encounter and consume books in different formats. It flows out of a larger effort to assess the reading habits of all Americans ages 16 and older as e-books change the reading landscape and the borrowing services of libraries."
Social Media and Political Engagement, by Lee Rainie, Aaron Smith, Kay Lehman Schlozman, Henry Brady, Sidney Verba, Pew Internet & American Life Project, October 19, 2012.
From the Overview: "The use of social media is becoming a feature of political and civic engagement for many Americans. Some 60% of American adults use either social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, and a new survey by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project finds that 66% of those social media users - or 39% of all American adults - have done at least one of eight civic or political activities with social media."
25% of American Adults Own Tablet Computers, by Lee Rainie, Pew Internet & American Life Project, October 4, 2012.
From the Overview: "A quarter of American adults now own tablet computers, a major increase from the first measurement of tablet ownership by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project in the late summer of 2010. In September 2010, 4% of American adults owned tablets and now 25% do, according to a survey the Project conducted from July 16-August 7, 2012."
Changes to the way we identify internet users, by Lee Rainie, Pew Internet & American Life Project, October 3, 2012.
"The Pew Internet and American Life Project has been gathering national-level data on Americans' internet use for more than 12 years. As the nature of internet use has changed over time, we have adapted our question wording to reflect new behaviors. In our surveys this summer, we added a question about mobile internet connectivity to help us capture internet users who may access the internet on mobile devices."
Measuring the Impact of
Digital Resources: The Balanced Value Impact Model, by Simon Tanner. Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London.
"The Balanced Value Impact Model is intended to aid the thinking and decision making of those wishing to engage in Impact Assessment. It also acts as a guide through the process of Impact Assessment to enable the core values most appropriate to the assessment to be brought to the fore and given a balanced consideration when evaluating outcomes. It presumes that the assessment will be measuring change within an ecosystem for a digital resource."
ARL Issue Brief - Massive Open Online Courses: Legal and Policy Issues for Research Libraries, by Brandon Butler, published by the Association of Research Libraries, October 22, 2012.
From the Executive Summary: "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) raise significant legal and policy questions for research libraries, which are often asked to support the development of MOOC courses. These questions involve information policy concerns that are central to research libraries, including the proper application of fair use, the transition to open access as the default mode of scholarly publishing, and the provision of equal access to learning materials for students with and without disabilities. Where possible, research libraries should engage in conversations around MOOCs and promote their core values. By doing so, they will also promote the continuing vitality of libraries as partners in the educational mission."
The Current State of Open Access
Repository Interoperability (2012), Working Group 2: Repository Interoperability, COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories), October 26, 2012.
From the Executive Summary to the report: "Section 1 of this report provides an overview of the current interoperability landscape and the services where
progress has been made in recent years as a result of research and development efforts....Section 2 of this report provides further details on specific initiatives that are designed to support these
services or address common challenges."
E-books: Developments and Policy Considerations, OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 208, OECD Publishing, October 29, 2012.
"This report was presented to the Working Party on the Information Economy (WPIE) in December
2011 and was declassified by the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy
(ICCP) in March 2012....This report is part of the ICCP's work on digital content. Other studies in the series include online
news, public-sector information, film and video, user-created content, mobile content, online computer
games, music and scientific publishing. For more information, please visit http://www.oecd.org/sti/information-economy."
Information Professionals 2050: Educational Possibilities and Pathways, Edited by Gary Marchionini and Barbara B. Moran, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
"This volume contains contributions to Information Professionals 2050, held June 4-5, 2012 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Towards Generous Interfaces for Archival Collections, by Mitchell Whitelaw, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra.
From the Abstract: "This paper considers the challenges and opportunities of access to digital archival collections. After the era of digitisation, collecting institutions hold vast digital treasure-troves. But the techniques we use to access these collections have been fundamentally unchanged for decades. Search remains the dominant access tool. This paper makes the case for the limitations of search, and proposes instead the concept of "generous interfaces" for digital collections."
Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ), Spring/Summer 2012, Volume 24, no. 2/3. Published by NISO.
"The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the
publication of a special themed issue of the Information Standards Quarterly
(ISQ) magazine on Linked Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums. ISQ
Guest Content Editor, Corey Harper, Metadata Services Librarian, New York
University has pulled together a broad range of perspectives on what is
happening today with linked data in cultural institutions. He states in his
introductory letter, 'As the Linked Data Web continues to expand,
significant challenges remain around integrating such diverse data sources.
As the variance of the data becomes increasingly clear, there is an emerging
need for an infrastructure to manage the diverse vocabularies used
throughout the Web-wide network of distributed metadata. Development and
change in this area has been rapidly increasing; this is particularly
exciting, as it gives a broad overview on the scope and breadth of
developments happening in the world of Linked Open Data for Libraries,
Archives, and Museums.'"
LIBRES, Volume 22, Issue 2, published by the Department of Information Studies, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia.
"In the Refereed Section of this issue:
- Getting the picture: Interviews and photo elicitation at Edmonton Public Library
Valerie Haberl, Policy Analyst, Government of Alberta, Canada
- The Role of Information Professionals in Geoscience Data Management: A Western Australian Perspective
Vanessa E Johnson, Master of Information Management, Curtin University, Perth Western Australia"
What's New, Issue 50, November 2012, a joint publication of the Digital Preservation Coalition and the Digital Curation Center.
"In this issue:
- What's On - Forthcoming events from November 2012 onwards
- What's New - New reports and initiatives since the last issue
- What's What - The 2012 Digital Preservation Awards
- Who's Who - Sixty Second Interview with Ant Miller, BBC
- One World - Digital Preservation in Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Ba-Essa and Richard Johnson, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Your View? - Comments and views from readers"
ScieCom Info, Vol 8, No 2 (2012).
"ScieCom info - Nordic-Baltic Forum for Scientific Communication is a two-year project funded by the Nordbib research funding programme. Its mission is:
- To inspire new activities and facilitate knowledge exchange between Nordic/Baltic stakeholder, and to increase the international visibility of Nordic and Baltic policies and initiatives.
- To stress the importance of Open Access in the Nordic and Baltic countries and to describe both theoretical and best-practice models for financing, rights management and other fundamental issues.
- To disseminate to both a Nordic/Baltic and an international readership information about successful initiatives and other activities in the Nordic and Baltic countries."
NISO Working Group Connection, October 2012, published by the National Information Standards Organization.
"NISO Working Group Connection provides information and news from and about the various NISO work groups and committees."
OSTI.gov Newsletter, October/November 2012, US Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
"In this issue:
- Science.gov, Now with Multimedia, New Search Features; Spanish Version Debuted
- The Manhattan Project: A 70th Anniversary Observance
- Exploring DOE Data Treasure
- DOE Programs Designate Technical Information Officers for DOE Scientific and Technical Information Program
- Meet Associate Director Brian Hitson
- Statistically Speaking: OSTI by the Numbers
- DOE Science Showcase - Dark Matter and Dark Energy"
Point to Point
DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books, provided by OAPEN Foundation in cooperation with SemperTool.
"The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. Metadata will be harvestable in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books. The directory will be open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access and should contain as many books as possible, provided that these publications are in Open Access and meet academic standards."
Calls for Participation
Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec2013), 4 - 6 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 December 2012.
"[This conference] aims to enable researchers build connections between different digital applications. The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics:
- Cyber Security
- Digital Forensic
- Information Assurance and Security Management
- Cyber warfare and Physical Security"
Second International Conference on e-Technologies and
Networks for Development (ICeND 2013), 4 - 6 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 December 2012.
"The objective of this conference is to provide a medium for professionals, engineers, academicians, scientists, and researchers from over the world to present the result of their research activities in the field of
Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. ICeND 2013
provides opportunities for the delegates to share the knowledge,
ideas, innovations and problem solving techniques."
17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 13 - 14 June 2013, Karlskrona, Sweden. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 10 January 2013.
"The main theme of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB) will be extracting and processing data from the vast wealth of digital publishing and the ways to use and reuse this information in innovative social contexts in a sustainable way."
15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2013, 3 - 7 July 2013, Angers, France. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 30 January 2013.
"The purpose of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems (ICEIS) is to bring together researchers, engineers and
practitioners interested in the advances and business applications of
information systems. Six simultaneous tracks will be held, covering
different aspects of Enterprise Information Systems Applications, including
Enterprise Database Technology, Systems Integration, Artificial
Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Analysis and
Specification, Internet Computing, Electronic Commerce, Human Factors and
Enterprise Architecture."
Goings On
Eighth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS 2012), 17 - 19 December 2012, Tianjin, China.
"AIRS aims to bring together researchers and developers to exchange new ideas and latest achievements in the field of information retrieval (IR).
The scope of the conference covers applications, systems, technologies and theory aspects of information retrieval in text, audio, image, video, and multimedia data."
CurateGear 2013: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections, 9 January 2013, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
"CurateGear 2013 is an interactive day-long event focused on digital curation tools and methods. See demonstrations, hear about the latest developments, and discuss application in professional contexts.
This event is sponsored by Institute of Museum and Library Services, University of North Carolina School of Information and Library Science and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation."
21st BOBCATSSS Conference, 23 - 25 January 2013, Ankara, Turkey.
"BOBCATSSS is an annual symposium organised by students at a number of universities in Europe. It takes place under the auspieces [sic] of EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) and deals with themes from library and information science."
ALA Winter Meeting and Exhibits, 25 - 29 January 2013, Seattle, Washington, USA.
"Highlights of the American Library Association (ALA) Winter Meeting include:
- ERT/Booklist Author Forum
- Ribbon Cutting & Exhibits Opening Reception
- The conversation starts here...Three Sessions of Facilitated Conversation
- ALA Masters Series
- Auditorium Speaker Series
- ALA President's Program
- Youth Media Awards
- Arthur Curley Memorial Lecture
- Book Buzz Theater
- Discussion Groups
- Meetings
- Networking Uncommons
- ALA Joblist Placement Center
- Exhibits Closing & Wrap Up/Rev Up Celebration"
The Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2013), 29 January - 1 February 2013, Adelaide, Australia.
"The relentless growth in Internet functionality and broadband access has enabled a new wave of innovations that is transforming the way people and organizations interact, communicate, and collaborate. The inaugural Australasian Web Conference (AWC) focuses on presenting original contributions on research, development, and applications, related to all fields of Web research."
Deadline Reminders
(Unless otherwise noted, text above enclosed in quotation marks is quoted from the web sites for those items or events or from press releases received by D-Lib Magazine from the hosting or event-affiliated organizations.)