D-Lib Magazine
November/December 2009
Volume 15 Number 11/12
ISSN 1082-9873
Authors in the November/December 2009 Issue of D-Lib Magazine
Tobias Beinert |
Tobias Beinert has been involved in several projects at the Munich Digitisation Centre at the Bavarian State Library (BSB) since 2006. January 2008 he joined the German network of competence in digital preservation (nestor) as a leader of a working group for cooperative long-term preservation. He is also an active member of a special task force on legal questions concerning digital archiving and of a working group on Ingest at the German
Institute for Standardization (DIN). As a member of the long-term preservation unit at the Bavarian State Library he contributed to the conduction of a study on business and organisational models for the archiving of retrodigitised objects in 2008. Since January 2009 he has been a member of the project team that evaluates and improves the trustworthiness and scalability of the organisational and technical infrastructure for long-term archiving at the Bavarian State Library.
To return to Tobias Beinert's article, click (here).
Markus Brantl |
Dr. Markus Brantl has been head of the Digital Library/Munich Digitization Centre since 2003 and in this function initiated digital long-term preservation at the Bavarian State Library (BSB). He started his career at BSB in 1997 as a research associate/project coordinator at the newly founded Munich Digitization Centre. Before he received his Ph.D. in historical auxiliary disciplines in 1996, he had already gained experience in several Web projects as the academic assistant at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (Munich) and research assistant for programming in a project of the German Research Association.
To return to Markus Brantl's article, click (here).
Licia Calvi |
Licia Calvi is a senior lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Breda (The Netherlands) where she teaches Interactivity and Interaction Design. She is also a (part-time) senior researcher at the Centre for User Experience Research of the K.U.Leuven, in Belgium. Her research interests are in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and digital media. In particular, she is currently interested in sociability, digital libraries, e-learning, and mobile applications. She is the author or co-author of numerous papers in international conference proceedings and journals.
To return to Licia Calvi's conference report, click (here).
Leonardo Candela |
Dr. Leonardo Candela is a researcher at the Networked Multimedia Information
Systems (NMIS) Laboratory of the Institute of Information Science and
Technologies - Italian National Research Council (ISTI - CNR). He graduated
with a degree in Computer Science in 2001 at University of Pisa and completed a Ph.D. in Information Engineering in 2006 at the University of Pisa. He joined the NMIS Laboratory in 2001. Since then he has been involved in the CYCLADES, Open Archives Forum, DELOS, DILIGENT, DRIVER and D4Science projects. He was a member of the DELOS Reference Model Technical Committee and of the OAI-ORE Liaison Group. He is currently involved in the D4Science, D4Science-II and DL.org projects. His research interests include Digital Library [Management] Systems and Architectures, Digital Libraries Models, Distributed Information Retrieval, and Grid Computing.
To return to Leonardo Candela's conference report, click (here).
Maria Cassella |
Maria Cassella is librarian coordinator of seven libraries in Humanities at the University of Turin.
She is author or co-author of manifold papers published in Italian and in English on Digital libraries. Her current research interests are in the fields of Open Access, scholarly communication, statistics and evaluation, and mobile applications. She is member of the IFLA Standing Committee on Statistics and Evaluation. She is a member of the working group of the Wiki OA Italia, the Italian wiki on Open Access (http://wiki.openarchives.it/index.php/Pagina_principale). She is also in the editorial staff of two Italian e-newsletters.
To return to Maria Cassella's conference report, click (here).
Costis Dallas |
Costis Dallas is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University, and Research Fellow of the Digital Curation Unit - IMIS, Athena Research Centre, Athens, Greece. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford. His current research focuses on digital curation theory and practice in the human sciences, scholarly activity and information practice, material culture theory, and the relationship between cultural practice and policy in the information society. He coordinates the DARIAH user requirements Working Group and is a member of the DARIAH Think Tank.
To return to Costis Dallas's conference report, click (here).
Lorcan Dempsey |
Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President and Chief Strategist, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., oversees research and participates in planning at OCLC. He is a librarian who has worked for library and educational organizations in Ireland, England and the US. Lorcan has policy, research and service development experience, mostly in the area of networked information and digital libraries. He writes and speaks extensively, and can be followed on the web at Lorcan Dempsey's weblog and on twitter. Before moving to OCLC Lorcan worked for JISC in the UK, overseeing national information programs and services, and before that was Director of UKOLN at the a national UK research and policy unit at the University of Bath.
To return to Lorcan Dempsey's article, click (here).
Peter Doorn |
Peter Doorn is the director of Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) in the Netherlands. He studied human geography in Utrecht and defended his Ph.D. at that university. He taught computing for historians at Leiden University between 1985 and 1997. He was director of the Netherlands Historical Data Archive and head of department at the Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (NIWI). He acquired and directed a considerable number of externally funded digitisation projects and other projects in the field of humanities computing. He is the DARIAH project coordinator.
To return to Peter Doorn's conference report, click (here).
Perla Innocenti |
Perla Innocenti is a researcher at HATII, University of Glasgow and Co-Principal Investigator in the EU-funded projects SHAMAN and DL.org. She was involved in repository design and audit research as part of DPE and DCC, coordinating activities and development for the DRAMBORA Toolkit. She has contributed to usage models research within the EU-funded Planets project, investigation of the potential application of DRAMBORA for digital libraries and refinement of the DELOS Reference Model for digital preservation, conducted research on information systems for industrial design and coordinated digital library, digitization and library portal projects. Her research interests include digital preservation methodologies and technologies, preservation of media art, audit and risk assessment for digital repositories, digital libraries usage models, digitization methodologies.
To return to Perla Innocenti's conference report, click (here).
Yannis Ioannidis |
Yannis Ioannidis, is Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. His interests are in the fields of Digital Libraries (Personalization, Information Integration and Access, Cultural Heritage Systems, eHealth Systems), Database and Information Systems (Query Optimization, Heterogeneous Systems, Grid and Cloud Services), Scientific Systems (Scientific Experiment Management, Scientific Database Systems, Workflow Management), and Human-Computer Interaction (Database User Interfaces, Complex Data Visualization). He is an ACM Fellow and currently serves as the ACM SIGMOD Chair (July 2009-June 2013). He is also a member of several advisory boards, including the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for Informatics.
To return to Yannis Ioannidis's conference report, click (here).
László Kármán |
László Kármán is a computer scientist and teaches Integrated Library Management Systems, SGML/XML, Z39.50, OAI-PMH, Dublin Core, etc. at the University of Szeged (Hungary). He is the CEO of Monguz Ltd., which focuses on innovative IT solutions for libraries, museums and archives. In addition, he serves as the CTO for Békés County Knowledge Centre and Library in regard to the EuropeanaLocal project, and he is also involved in the Hungarian part of the Athena project.
To return to László Kármán's conference report, click (here).
Traugott Koch |
Traugott Koch is currently Interoperability and Metadata Research Officer at the Max Planck Digital Library, Berlin where he started working in February 2007. His main areas of interest include knowledge organization, classification and indexing; semantic interoperability; metadata; terminology services and information discovery; digital library development and e-Science. Cf. his homepage: <http://www.mpdl.mpg.de/staff/tkoch/>. Traugott is a member of the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS) network since early 1997 and served as organizer, chair and presenter at NKOS workshops and events both in the USA (since 1997) and Europe (since 2000). He was editor of two NKOS special issues in JoDI 2001 and 2004.
To return to Traugott Koch's conference report, click (here).
Marga Koelen |
Marga Koelen is Head of the Library of the International Institute for Geo-information and Earth observation, the ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands. The ITC library has the task, in the framework of ITC's mission statement, to improve access to knowledge networks for LDC's. For strengthening the educational capacity and building up a research capacity in LDC's access to relevant information is of great importance.
To return to Marga Koelen's article, click (here).
Anna Kugler |
Anna Kugler is research assistant in the Digital Library of the Bavarian State Library since 2007, where she focuses on digital long term preservation. Currently she is involved in a project to evaluate and improve the trustworthiness and scalability of the organisational and technical infrastructure for long-term archiving at the Bavarian State Library.
To return to Anna Kugler's article, click (here).
Hannes Kulovits |
Hannes Kulovits is currently a researcher at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology. He received his Master in Business Informatics from the Vienna University of Technology in 2005. He is actively involved in several research projects in the field of Digital Preservation where his main focus lies in Preservation Planning and Recommender Systems.
To return to Hannes Kulovits's article, click (here).
Brian Lavoie |
Brian Lavoie is a Research Scientist in the Office of Research at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Since joining OCLC in 1996, Brian has worked in a variety of areas, including bibliographic control, analysis of library collections, models and frameworks for library service provision, digital preservation, and analysis of the structure and content of the Web. Brian is a co-founder of the award-winning PREMIS preservation metadata working group, and currently serves on the PREMIS Editorial Committee. He also co-chairs the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access.
To return to Brian Lavoie's article, click (here).
Paolo Manghi |
Paolo Manghi is Research Fellow at the NMIS lab of the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy. His interests are in the fields of Data Models for Digital Libraries, Types for Compound Objects in Digital Repositories, Digital Library Systems and Services, Service-Oriented Infrastructures for Digital Libraries, Database Systems, Type systems for XML languages, Query languages for XML data, XML P2P database systems. He is a member of the core expert group of Europeana and of the DL.org working group on content interoperability.
To return to Paolo Manghi's conference report, click (here).
Julien Masanès |
Julien Masanès is the Director of the European Archive, a non-profit foundation for web preservation and digital cultural access. Before this he directed the Web Archiving Project at the Biblioth�que Nationale de France. He also actively participated in the creation of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), which he has coordinated during the first two years. Julien Masanès is a curator and received a degree in Librarianship at enssib (Lyon) in 1999. He is member of the board of the EU-funded project Living Web Archives (LiWA), and he has also launched and presently chairs the International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW) series, the main international rendezvous in this domain. He has published several articles and contributions in this field and recently edited the first book on the topic (Web Archiving, Springer 2006).
To return to Julien Masanès's conference report, click (here).
Nick Nicholas |
Nick Nicholas, Ph.D., is a business analyst with Link Affiliates; he has worked with the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae digital library and at the University of Melbourne. He received his BEE/BSc in 1993, MEngSc (CogSc) in 1994, and Ph.D. in Greek historical linguistics in 1998, all from the University of Melbourne. His interests include Computing in the Humanities, Natural Language Processing, and Character Encoding. His recent work covers persistent identifiers, repository federation, and student identity, including formal modeling and policy formulation as well as requirements and systems analysis.
To return to Nick Nicholas's article, click (here).
Nicola Orio |
Nicola Orio has a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, working with the Information Management Systems Research Group coordinated by Professor Maristella Agosti. His main research interests are in the development of novel methodologies for music access and retrieval, focusing on the automatic identification of audio recordings and on the efficient computation of melodic similarity measures aimed at content-based music retrieval. He has been involved in a number of projects on the design and development of multimedia digital libraries.
To return to Nicola Orio's conference report, click (here).
Pasquale Pagano |
Pasquale Pagano is Senior Research Associate at the at the NMIS lab of the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy. His interest are in the fields of Data Models for Digital Libraries, Digital Library Systems and Services, Service-Oriented GRID Infrastructures for Digital Libraries. He is currently technical director of the D4Science and D4Science II projects and member of the DL.org Architecture working group.
To return to Pasquale Pagano's conference report, click (here).
Carol Peters |
Carol Peters is employed by the Institute for Information Science and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council (ISTI-CNR), Pisa. Her current research activities are focussed on the development of multilingual access mechanisms for digital libraries. She is member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Digital Libraries and ERCIM News, the journal of the European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics. Since 2000, she has coordinated the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF), which promotes research into multilingual information access system development and organizes annual evaluation campaigns. CLEF is an activity of the TrebleCLEF Coordination Action (http://www.trebleclef.eu).
To return to Carol Peters's conference report, click (here).
Jonathan Arthur Quaye-Ballard |
Jonathan Arthur Quaye-Ballard is a lecturer at the Department of Geomatic Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana. His research interests include: Geo-Information, Cartographic Visualization, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Computer Programming, Usability Testing and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL).
To return to Jonathan Quaye-Ballard's article, click (here).
Andreas Rauber |
Andreas Rauber is Associate Professor at the Department of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology. He is president of the Austrian Association for Research in IT and a Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute, University of Glasgow. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology. In 2001 he joined the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) in Pisa as an ERCIM Research Fellow, followed by an ERCIM Research position at the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, France, in 2002. From 2004-2008 he was also head of the iSpaces research group at the eCommerce Competence Center. His research interests cover the broad scope of digital libraries and information spaces, including specifically text and music information retrieval and organization, information visualization, as well as data analysis, neural computation and digital preservation.
To return to Andreas Rauber's article, click (here). To return to his conference report on WEMIS 2009, click (here) and his conference report on IWAW 2009 click (here).
Daniel Rehak |
Daniel R. Rehak, Ph.D., is an independent consultant and director and founder of the LSAL (Learning Systems Architecture Lab). He has been Co-Director of the Workforce ADL Co-Laboratory and Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his BS in 1973 and MS in 1975 from Carnegie Mellon University and Ph.D. in 1981 from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. His work focuses on information architecture and design with emphasis on learning technologies. He has authored over 100 technical publications and is a member of the IEEE Computer Society.
To return to Daniel Rehak's article, click (here).
David Rizo |
David Rizo has an MSc in computer engineering and will defend his Ph.D. dissertation this year. He has been a part-time lecturer since 2002 at the Department of Software and Computing Systems of the University of Alicante, which organized the 10th European Conference on Digital Libraries in 2006. His research is focused in music information retrieval and computer musicology, both in symbolic representations. He is working on the description of music from a musicological point of view and its hierarchical representation in order to improve current music similarity measurement techniques. He is also active in automatic musical genre description and classification, and in tonal analysis by means of computers.
To return to David Rizo's conference report, click (here).
Astrid Schoger |
Dr. Astrid Schoger received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Technical University Munich. Since 1998 she has been a staff member of the Munich Digitisation Centre at the Bavarian State Library. She leads the Digital Preservation Subject Group, which conducted several research and development projects (BABS - Library Archiving and Access System, and nestor - network of competence in digital preservation). She is a member of two technical committees of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) and the International Standards Organisation (ISO), which are concerned with the standardisation of long-term preservation issues.
To return to Astrid Schoger's article, click (here).
Samson C. Soong |
Dr. Samson Soong is University Librarian at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has over 30 years of academic and research library work experiences in the United States and Hong Kong. Prior to working at HKUST, he had worked in libraries at Rutgers University and Harvard University. In addition to a Masters degree in Library and Information Science from The Catholic University of America, he has received a BA degree from Taiwan University, an MA degree from Tufts University, as well as an MBA degree and Ph.D. from Rutgers University. Dr. Soong is an active member of professional associations. He was the Chair of the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee, which consists of directors of major university libraries in Hong Kong. He teaches on an adjunct basis in the Masters Degree Program in Library and Information Management at the University of Hong Kong.
To return to Samson Soong's article, click (here).
Marc Spaniol |
Dr. Marc Spaniol has received a doctorate in computer science from RWTH Aachen University and is now a post doctoral researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics (MPI-INF) in Saarbr�cken, Germany. At MPI-INF he serves as a workpackage leader for the EU Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) on Living Web Archives "LiWA" and the EU Large-Scale Integrated Project (IP) on "Living Knowledge: Facts, Opinions and Bias in Time". His research interests and publications are in the area of Web data quality, temporal Web mining and knowledge evolution.
To return to Marc Spaniol's conference report, click (here).
Cristina Tofan |
Cristina Tofan is the Web Specialist for the Eastern Kentucky University Libraries. Cristina's interests are in digitization of library resources, user experience and usability, and patron-focused website design. Cristina is fascinated by emerging technologies and their potential for libraries and is planning to spend the next years working in library technology.
To return to Cristina Tofan's article, click (here).
Daniel Tofan |
Daniel Tofan is currently an Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) and is a Sun Certified Java Programmer. His research interests include the use of programming and databases in chemistry, as well as web applications. His expertise in Java servlet programming and SQL prompted the collaboration with the EKU Library for the implementation of a fast and efficient search engine for digital resources, as well as statistics collection via an Access database. Daniel and Cristina founded INTELOT (http://www.intelot.com) a start-up company that provided software for chemistry instruction.
To return to Daniel Tofan's article, click (here).
Eleni Toli |
Eleni Toli is working at the Department of Informatics and
Telecommunications at the University of Athens. She is project manager in EU-funded projects related to ICT, Data Research Infrastructures and Digital
Libraries. Her work focuses on the development and promotion of cooperation
opportunities and synergies among various e-Infrastructure communities.
To return to Eleni Toli's conference report, click (here).
Nigel Ward |
Nigel Ward, Ph.D., is technical director with Link Affiliates where he provides technical and strategic advice on interoperability issues to Australian education and training sectors. Prior to his work with Link Affiliates, Nigel was an interoperability analyst at The Le@rning Federation, an initiative of state and federal governments of Australia and New Zealand that develops online interactive curriculum content for Australian and New Zealand schools. In previous roles Nigel led research teams investigating context sensitive access to information, socially mediated information exchange, metadata for the recordkeeping community, and architectures for resource discovery. He received his BSc (Honors) in 1989 and his Ph.D. in 1994, both from the University of Queensland. Nigel has technical expertise in distributed systems, service oriented approaches, persistent identifiers, usability, accessibility, and formal specification.
To return to Nigel Ward's article, click (here).
(The author bio for László Kármán was added to this web page on 11/17/09.)
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