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D-Lib Magazine
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The Internet Under Crisis Conditions: Learning from September 11, a workshop report, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
"How the Internet does and can respond to a disaster is of great interest to relief agencies and other crisis responders, governments, national security entities, businesses, and the general public. To better understand exactly how the Internet [responded] to September 11th, the National Research Council's Computer Science and Telecommunications Board convened a workshop on March 5-6, 2002 in Washington, DC, organized by a small committee of Internet experts."
"The committee is currently preparing a short summary and synthesis report based on the workshop...The report will be available online on November 20, 2002 at 4 p.m." CSTB will mark the release of this report with a public seminar at 10:00 a.m. on November 21, 2002 at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP by November 18 to D.C. Drake (202.334.3967 or <[email protected]> ).
For further information, please see <http://www7.nationalacademies.org/cstb/project_crisisconditions.html>.
The Digital Library: A Biography, published by CLIR and DLF
"Digital libraries, once project based and largely autonomous efforts, are maturing. As individual programs have grown, each has developed its own personality, reflecting the circumstances of its creation and environment, and its leadership. A new report from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and the Digital Library Federation (DLF) draws on the results of a survey and case studies of DLF members to reveal how these influences have molded a range of organizational forms that we call the digital library."
For further information, please see <http://www.clir.org/pubs/press/2002_pub109_pr.html>.
Dimensions and Use of the Scholarly Information Environment: Introduction to a Data Set Assembled by the Digital Library Federation and Outsell, Inc., Amy Friedlander, Council on Library and Information Resources
"Users' expectations of libraries are changing as they find and obtain more information directly from the Web. To better understand how usage patterns are changing, the Digital Library Federation (DLF) and Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) commissioned Outsell, Inc., to conduct a large-scale study of undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty members from a wide range of academic institutions."
"This report includes 158 of the 659 data tables, a few summary observations, and a brief discussion of some possible implications of the findings. In addition to publishing this report, all 659 tables will be posted to the Web and CLIR will deposit the raw data tapes with the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)."
For further information, please see <http://www.clir.org/pubs/abstract/pub110abst.html>.
ERCIM News, Special Theme: Semantic Web, October 2002, No. 51
Organized under the following four categories, the October 2002 issue of ERCIM News offers 42 articles discussing the special theme, the "Semantic Web":
For further information, please see <http://www.ercim.org/publication/Ercim_News/enw51/>.
New Publications from the Netherlands Digital Preservation Testbed
For further information, please see <http://www.digitaleduurzaamheid.nl/index.cfm?paginakeuze=185&categorie=2>.
Distance Education: Growth in Distance Education Programs and Implications for Federal Education Policy, Statement of Cornelia M. Ashby, Director, Education Workforce, and Income Security Issues. Testimony Before the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate. GAO-02-1125T, United States General Accounting Office
The following has been excerpted directly from Ms. Ashby's statement.
"About 1 in every 13 postsecondary students enrolls in at least one distance education course, and the Department of Education estimates that the number of students involved in distance education has tripled in just 4 years. As the largest provider of financial aid to postsecondary students, the federal government has a considerable interest in distance education."
"My testimony will provide information on (1) the demographic characteristics of distance education students and the institutional characteristics of postsecondary schools that offer distance education; (2) federal student financial aid issues related to distance education; (3) the use of distance education at Minority Serving Institutions; and (4) the role of accrediting agencies in reviewing distance education programs. A major part of my testimony today is based on our analysis of data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), an Education database covering more than 19 million postsecondary students."
"Overall, about 1.5 million out of 19 million postsecondary students took at least one distance education course in the 1999-2000 school year. These 1.5 million distance education students differ from other postsecondary students in a number of respects. Compared to other students, they tend to be older and are more likely to be employed full-time and attending school part-time. They also have higher incomes and are more likely to be married. Most students take distance education courses at public institutions, with more taking courses from two-year schools than from four-year schools. The Internet is the most common mode of delivery for providing distance education."
To access the full statement, please see <http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d021125t.pdf>.
Preparing for the Revolution: Information Technology and the Future of the Research University, Panel on the Impact of Information Technology on the Future of the Research University, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council. Published by The National Academies Press.
"Reflecting their broad interest in the health of America's research enterprise, the National Academies launched a study in early 2000 on the implications of information technology for the future of the nation's research universitya social institution of great importance to our economic strength, national security, and quality of life."
"The premise of this study was a simple one. Although the rapid evolution of digital technology will present numerous challenges and opportunities to the research university, there is a sense that many of the most significant issues are not well understood by academic administrators, faculty, and those who support or depend on the institution's activities."
The study had two major objectives:
For further information or to access the publication online, please see <http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10545.html>.
Point to Point
An Internet Index to the National Trust Sites and Monuments Record, Archaeology Data Service
"The National Trust Sites and Monuments Record (often referred to as the NTSMR) is a resource and repository for information on the Archaeology and historic landscapes within National Trust land. The Sites and Monuments Record includes not only a sophisticated computerised database but an extensive supporting archive."
"The ADS is now providing Internet access to an index of the complete SMR, providing details of some 36,000 archaeological sites, monuments and events associated with National Trust properties. The index includes details of site location, bibliographic references, status and reference numbers to aid research. Also, because the NTSMR is included in ArchSearch 2, it is possible to search the NTSMR independently, or to cross search the record with other important historic environment datasets."
For further information, please see <http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/catalogue/collections/blurbs/328.cfm>.
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, Version 45, by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., October 11, 2002
Developed and maintained by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, this selective periodical bibliography presents over 1,550 articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources and is focused on scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. Where available, Bailey provides links to sources listed in the bibliography.
Located at <http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html>, the bibliography is available in HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word formats.
Calls for Participation
2003 LITA National Forum: Putting Technology Into Practice, 1 October 2003, Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Call for Proposals. The deadline for submission is 21 December 2002.
"Providing effective service in libraries today is all about putting information technology into practice, to serve remote and on-site library users, search and manage collections, and create digital collections. The Forum Committee is particularly interested in presentations that highlight specific technology implementations in any type of library. Proposals on all aspects of library and information technology are welcome."
"Possible proposal topics include, but are not limited to:
"Presentations must have a technological focus and they must pertain to libraries and/or be of interest to librarians. Concurrent sessions are approximately 75 minutes in length."
"For the first time, Forum 2003 will also accept a limited number of poster session proposals. Presenters should indicate their interest in a poster session on their proposals."For additional information, please see <http://www.lita.org/forum03/propcall.html>.EUNIS 2003, 9th International Conference of European University Information Systems, Beyond the network: Innovative IT Services, 2 - 4 July 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 January 2003.
"EUNIS 2003 is organised by the Informatiseringscentrum, which is the Central Computing Services of the Universiteit van Amsterdam, and the SURF Foundation. This will be the 9th in a series of conferences initiated in 1995, under the framework of the European University Information Systems Association (EUNIS, http://www.eunis.org)."
"EUNIS 2003 is a multidisciplinary conference that aims to provide managers, researchers, teachers and practitioners from academia, with a forum to report on and to discuss the latest developments, applications and impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on all aspects of university activities...The conference will provide a unique opportunity for dialogue and synergy between academics and professionals from ICT companies."
Papers should address one or more of the following topics:
For additional information, please see <http://www2.ic.uva.nl/eunis2003/>.
ICICTE 2003, 4th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, 3 - 5 July 2003, Samos Island, Greece. Call for Plenary Sessions Papers. The deadline for submission is 6 January 2003.
Hosted by the Research and Training Institute of the East Aegean (INEAG) and the University College of the Fraser Valley (UCFV, British Columbia, Canada), with the participation of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, "the conference will provide a forum for education and training for practitioners in social, industrial and economic areas...Those attending ICTE Samos 2003 will leave with an excellent overview of current thinking and practices in applications of technology to education."
Thematic streams will include:
This is a call "for papers for plenary sessions examining the theoretical and practical applications of technology in education at all levels in both the public and private sectors."
For additional information, please see <http://www.ineag.gr/ICICTE/>.
LIDA 2003, WWW and information retrieval & WWW and libraries, 26 - 30 May 2003, Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia. Call for Papers, Workshops, Demonstrations and Posters. The deadline for submission is 10 January 2003.
LIDA aims to "address the changing and challenging environment for libraries and information systems and services in the digital world, with an emphasis on examining contemporary problems, advances and solutions...LIDA seeks to bring together researchers, practitioners, and developers in a forum for personal exchanges, discussions, and learning, made easier by being held in memorable locations...The course is oriented toward professionals and researchers in librarianship, information science, and informatics, as well as from other disciplines interested in this topic...In particular, the course will be useful for practicing librarians and information scientists, for students of library and information science, and for system administrators, system operators, web page managers, and related personnel in library and information systems."
Each year a different hot theme is addressed, divided in two parts; Research and Development and Applications and Practice as indicated below for 2003:
I. Research and Development: World Wide Web and Information Retrieval (IR)
"The Web is huge, highly diverse, for the most part poorly organized, hard to search, and more often than not overwhelming for a great majority of users. For these reasons, effective search and retrieval techniques are critical for use of the Web. Information retrieval (IR) has become an important, even integral, component of the Web. But the problems encountered are also an ongoing challenge for research, development and applications." Invited contributions cover the following and related topics:
II. Applications and Practice: World Wide Web and Libraries
"A great many libraries worldwide have entered the Web an even greater number is using the Web. Yet, libraries are building on their values, strengths, tradition, and trust to engage with the Web and enter into a new environment for themselves and their users. Among others, digital libraries are making available their collections and services in unique ways through the Web. The Web is providing libraries and librarians with opportunities to foster a significant library evolution in new directions, if not even a revolution. But challenges are significant as well." Invited are contributions covering the following and related topics:
For additional information, please see <http://knjiga.pedos.hr/lida/>.
CAIS/ACSI 2003, Bridging the Digital Divide: Equalizing Access to Information and Communication Technologies, 30 May - 1 June 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2003.
"Information and communication technologies (ICTs) offer the promise of an information society in which virtually unlimited quantities of information are globally available. Realizing this vision of a global, decentralized, user-controlled medium poses many challenges, but among the most fundamental of these is the challenge of equitable access."
"Each paper to be presented at CAIS/ACSI 2003 will relate to at least one of the following areas:"
For additional information and submission details, please see <http://www.cais-acsi.ca/papers2003.htm>.
ELPUB 2003, 7th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 25 - 28 June 2003, Guimarães, Portugal. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 January 2003.
"The 7th ELPUB attempts to keep the tradition of the six previous international (annual) conferences on electronic publishing, which is to bring together researchers, lecturers, developers, industrials, businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers, users and all those interested on issues regarding electronic publishing in the most different contexts. These include human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal, commercial and any other relevant aspect that such an exciting theme encompasses."
The conference welcomes authors on the following topics. However, this list is not meant to be exhaustive and submissions on any topic within the overall conference theme will be considered.
General Track
Technical Track
For additional information, please see <http://piano.dsi.uminho.pt/elpub2003/>.
IASSIST 2003, Strength in Numbers: Co-operating for a Better Tomorrow, International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology, 27 - 30 May 2003, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 24 January 2003.
"The IASSIST 2003 conference theme carries two important messages in today's world of data, whether quantitative or qualitative."
"One message is associated with the influence or power of data as evidence in scientific investigation or in policy making. 'Strength in numbers' in this context refers to the contribution of data in the formation of knowledge and policies defining our world. Access to and preservation of data are critical in the role of data in science and policy making. An important focus of this conference will be on the issues of data access and preservation."
"A second meaning associated with 'strength in numbers' is to express the importance of working together in collaboration. In this sense, the greater the number of people and organizations working together, the more that can be accomplished. Our sub-theme emphasizes channeling collaboration into building of a better future in social science data services and provides another theme for papers."
"The conference also presents opportunities to discuss the collaboration among data professionals and researchers in the metadata life cycle and on projects that have employed emerging standards for integrating data and documentation."
"Presentations are also welcome that address issues of statistical and data literacy and the instructional uses of data in substantive, mainstream courses. One aspect of creating 'strength in numbers' is building a data culture in which all of society is enfranchised in the use of numeric evidence. The following list provides some ideas for the sessions, papers, and presentations that we see flowing from the themes of this Conference and for which we are seeking submissions."
For additional information, please see <http://iassist2003.ssc.uwo.ca/>.
ALT-C 2003, 10th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, 8 - 10 September 2003, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 1 March 2003.
"The integration of learning technology into tertiary education has led to the development of special interest networks to promote good practice in research and implementation. ALT-C 2003 will focus on communities of practice growing around these networks, with the following sub themes:
"The conference is aimed at established practitioners and researchers and those interested in introducing technology at all levels in further and higher education. ALT-C 2003 will promote reflection, evaluation and interactivity."
"A distinctive feature of ALT-C 2003 will be its research strand for refereed papers on e-learning and the use of learning technology."
For additional information, please see <http://www.shef.ac.uk/alt/index.html>.
Goings On
HICSS-36, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 6 - 9 January 2003, Big Island, Hawaii, USA.
"There are nine tracks offered at HICSS-36:
"Papers in each of these tracks have in recent years made significant contributions to the application of information systems technology. Many have been republished in various journals, transactions and magazines, or have appeared as chapters in books."
"The objective of HICSS is to provide a unique environment in which researchers and practitioners in the information, computer and system sciences can exchange ideas, techniques and applications. To realize this objective and to facilitate lively discussion and interaction, the number of available registrations is limited...There is a high degree of interaction and discussion among the conference participants because the meeting is conducted in a workshop-like setting. All registrants are expected to attend the entire conference and actively engage in these discussions."
For additional information, please see <http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/>.
Maintaining Momentum and Making Progress, 2nd Annual EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference for Information Technology Professionals in Higher Education, 15 - 17 January 2003, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
"The conference theme for 2003 is Maintaining Momentum and Making Progress. As an IT professional in higher education, you're challenged with balancing the demands of technology with the unique mission of your institution, in a time of constrained resources. Don't miss this chance to build the skills and vision you need to keep your organization strong and productive (whether your institution is large or small, public or private), and also to build a successful and fulfilling career."
"At the center of the conference are its practical how-to sessions that offer valuable, region-specific information and ideas to help you manage and lead IT at your institution. Join us for preconference seminars on January 15 and the full conference program January 16�17. The sessions will follow 6 key tracks:
"Whether your focus is administrative services, information resources, teaching and learning, technology infrastructure, or management within higher education, you'll find opportunities to learn, share, and connect with others in your field and from your part of the country."
For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/marc/2003/>.
VDA 2003, Visualization and Data Analysis, 20 - 24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA.
"This conference covers all aspects of visualization and issues affecting successful visualizations. The conference has grown rapidly over the years and has attracted participants from throughout the world...Quality papers covering research results as well as works-in-progress [have been invited]. The papers from this conference will be published in a bound proceedings available from SPIE." The strongest conference papers have been offered the option of having extended versions of their papers reviewed for publication in the Journal of Electronic Imaging or a future special issue of the Journal of Electronic Imaging focusing on visualization.
"Example topics include, but are not limited to:
For additional information, please see <http://vw.indiana.edu/vda2003/>.
Open Forum on Metadata Registries 2003 , 20 - 24 January 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
"This is the sixth in a series of international conferences on this topic. Participants will explore the capabilities, uses, content, development, and operation of registries and related technologies. Emphasis is on managing the semantics (meaning) of data that is shared within and between organizations or disseminated via the World Wide Web."
"This Open Forum will concentrate on the following technologies:
"Tutorials will be given on these technologies and on the relevant standards. A theme will be cooperation and interoperation of these technologies."
"This Open Forum will highlight ongoing efforts with tracks that describe and demonstrate the practical use of the technologies. The tracks will gather standards developers, software developers, and practitioners in these fields to demonstrate accomplishments and to discuss experiences. The tracks are:
"The level of the presentations will vary from high-level descriptions to technical-level specifics. Presentations and discussions will cover tutorials, implementation plans and experiences, and software capabilities."
For additional information, please see <http://metadata-stds.org/OpenForum2003/>.
11th Information Online Conference and Exhibition, Information Specialists Group of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), 21 - 23 January 2003, Sydney, Australia.
"Come and exchange information, explore new developments and major issues concerning online and multimedia information and communications. Come and socialise with librarians, information professionals and others in our region interested in online information."
"From a wonderful range of papers offered to us by colleagues, we have chosen papers on a wide range of topics we hope you will find interesting, challenging, stimulating and useful. Topics include:
"Speakers from most states in Australia and different working environments will be presenting papers. We have also invited some top speakers from other countries. Many are well known in Australia; others are probably less well known, but they are all knowledgeable and interesting. Several special satellite events are being held to make it even more worthwhile to visit Sydney for Information Online."
"The exhibition will be in the much bigger Hall 5 and, in addition to over 100 booths, will include a large Internet lounge as well as a theatrette for over 100 people to hear Product Reviews and Tips and Tricks sessions. The caf� in Hall 5 will be open for the entire event, and delegates will enjoy sit down lunches in Hall 5!"
For additional information, please see <http://www.alia.org.au/conferences/online2003/>.
Open Access to Scientific and Technical Information: State of the Art and Future Trends, 23 - 24 January 2003, Paris, France.
This two-day seminar jointly organizing by the Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the French National Center for Scientific Research (INIST-CNRS), the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), and the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI), will bring together international experts from the public and private sectors to discuss the impact of Open Access initiatives.
"The seminar, which has a European focus, concerns authors/researchers, publishers, specialized libraries and document centers, funding bodies, information service providers, technical standards developers, public authorities, policy makers and international development agencies. Its objective is two-fold:
For additional information, please see <http://www.inist.fr/openaccess/index_en.php>.
NLII Annual Meeting: Teaching, Learning, Technology, and the New Academy, 26 - 28 January 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
"Since the feedback from the 2002 Annual Meeting, the NLII has been experimenting with conferences and meetings that are more participatory and interactive. For 2003, we will offer only two plenary sessions. In addition, small group working sessions will be scheduled on Tuesday afternoon. Finally, we continue to offer two types of sessions introduced in 2001:
"Another element to help you get the most out of the conference is continuing our tradition of supplemental readings for before and after the meeting. We've asked our plenary and featured session speakers to recommend white papers, Web sites, articles, and other resources that would be helpful to attendees with an interest in a particular topic. These readings will be listed on this Web page as we receive them."
For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/nlii/meetings/nlii031/>.
Deadline Reminders
ASIST 2002: Information Connections and Community, 18 - 21 November 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM02/index.html>.
CCS 2002: 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 18 - 22 November 2002, Washington, DC, USA. Workshops held in conjunction with CCS 2002:
For additional information, please see <http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigsac/ccs/>.
ICONIP'02, SEAL'02, FSKD'02, 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning, 2002 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 18 - 22 November 2002, Convention City, Singapore.
For additional information, please see <http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/nef/>.
Archiving - whose problem is it?, ALPSP 9th Publishing and the Internet Seminar, 29 November 2002, London, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://www.alpsp.org/s291102.htm>.
ACM MultiMedia 2002, 1 - 6 December 2002, Juan Les Pins, France. For further information, please see <http://mm02.eurecom.fr/>.
Online Information 2002, 3 - 5 December 2002, London, United Kingdom. For further information, please see <http://www.online-information.co.uk/online/>.
2nd Workshop on Open Access to Hidden Resources, The Open Archives Forum, 5 - 7 December 2002, Lisbon, Portugal. For additional information, please see <http://www.oaforum.org/workshops/lisb_invitation.php>.
WEDELMUSIC 2002, International Conference on Web Delivery of Music, 9 - 11 December 2002, Darmstadt, Germany. For further information, please see <http://www.wedelmusic.org/wedelmusic2002/>.
ICDM '02, the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. The conference date has been changed to 9 - 12 December 2002, Maebashi City, Japan. For additional information, please see <http://wi-lab.com/icdm02/>.
ICADL 2002, Digital Libraries: People, Knowledge & Technology, 11 - 14 December 2002, Singapore. For additional information, please see <http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/icadl2002/>.
WISE 2002, 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 12 - 14 December 2002, Singapore. For additional information, please see <http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/wise2002/>
EBL 2003 (Evidence Based Librarianship), Improving Practice Through Research: Current Perspectives, Future Prospects, 4-6 June 2003, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Call for Papers and Posters. The deadline for submission is 13 December 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.ualberta.ca/~pryan/EBL2003.html>.
MW2003, Museums and the Web, 19 - 22 March 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Call for Demonstrations. The deadline for submission is 15 December 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.archimuse.com/conferences/mw.html>.
CALIBER-2003: Mapping Technology on Libraries and People (MTLP), 10th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutes, INFLIBNET. Please note that the conference dates and location have changed to 13 - 15 February 2003, Ahmedabad, India. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission has been extended to 15 December 2002. For additional information, please see the D-Lib July 2002 Call for Participation or <http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/calibers/caliber03.html>.
DECABES 2002, International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, 16 - 20 December 2002, Wuxi, Jiangsu, P.R. China. For further information, please see <http://www.dcabes2002.net/intros.htm>.
(Unless otherwise noted, text enclosed in quotation marks above is quoted from the web sites for those items or events or from press releases received by D-Lib Magazine from the hosting or event-affiliated organizations.)
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DOI: 10.1045/november2002-clips