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D-Lib Magazine
In Print
Semantic Web Technologies, by Dr. Brian Matthews, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report Number TSW0502.
"This TechWatch report provides an introduction to the Semantic Web – the vision, programme and technologies, but also explains where we currently are in its development and what the likely impact will be on education in areas such as information management and discovery tools, digital libraries, supporting Web-based interaction, and e-learning. It also proposes some realistic timescales for adoption and outlines the current and potential role of the UK F&HE community."
For more information about this and other reports, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=techwatch_ic_reports2005_published>.
Creating an Institutional Repository: LEADIRS Workbook, by Mary R. Barton, MIT Libraries, mbarton@mit.edu and Margaret M. Waters, consultant, margaret_waters@earthlink.net with sponsorship from The Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI). Copyright © 2004 MIT Libraries.
From the Introduction: "The Learning About Digital Institutional Repositories Seminars programme (LEADIRS) aims to describe and illustrate how to build an online institutional repository....This workbook book supplements the seminar presentations and offers practical advice as well as work sheets you can use to get started with your own repository programme. Where possible, we point you to real-world examples of planning aids or presentations used by university library teams in the UK and around the world."
The workbook can be read online at <http://dspace.org/implement/leadirs.pdf>.
Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, The National Academies Press: Washington, DC, 2004.
From the Executive Summary: "Under the sponsorship of the Keck Foundation, the National Academies Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research examined the scope of IDR [Interdisciplinary Research]. It drew conclusions and made recommendations based on the committee's deliberations and on suggestions it received from undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, researchers, academic and nonacademic institutional leaders, funding organizations, and professional societies at its convocation and via its survey; the focus groups held at the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Conference; and interviews with leading scholars."
This monograph can be ordered in print copy for $37.80 - $42.00 or read online free of charge, please see <http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11153.html> for more information.
Ariadne, Issue 43, April 2005, ISSN: 1361-3200.
"Main articles include:
For more information, please see <http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue43/>.
Point to Point
VRD 2004 Online Proceedings, Selected presentations from the Virtual Reference Desk Conference held in November 2004.
"The VRD 2004 Online Proceedings offers presentations, handouts, models, papers, and other materials presented at the VRD 2004 Digital Reference Conference in Cincinnati, OH, on November 8-9, 2004. Other papers not appearing in this online proceedings will be published in a print publication entitled Creating a Reference Future to be published by Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. in 2005."
For more information, please see <http://www.vrd2004.org/proceedings/index.cfm>.
Internet Public Library: Special Collection on Blogs, Internet Public Library, Regents of the University of Michigan.
This is site not only has a subject-classified list of links to blogs but also provides internal and external links to information about blogs.
For more information, please see <http://www.ipl.org/div/blogs/>.
Blogwithoutalibrary.net, by Amanda Etches-Johnson.
"Here you will find discussion about and links to some of the very interesting and engaging ways libraries are making use of blogs, as a format, tool, and technology, and RSS to serve their users, whomever they may be."
For more information, please see <http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/>.
Calls for Participation
2005 International Symposium on Wikis, 17 - 18 October 2005, San Diego, California, USA. Call for demonstrations. The submission date is 1 July 2005.
"The 2005 International Symposium on Wikis brings together wiki researchers, implementers, and users for the first time. The goal of the symposium is to find a voice for the community. The symposium has a rigorously reviewed research paper track as well as plenty of space for practitioner reports, demonstrations, and discussions. We are honored to announce that Ward Cunningham, the inventor and host of the original WikiWikiWeb, will present the opening keynote talk at WikiSym 2005. Anyone who is involved in using, researching, or developing wikis is invited to WikiSym 2005."
For more information, please see <http://www.wikisym.org/>.
HDL 2005: Healthcare Digital Libraries Workshop 2005, 22 September 2005 (in conjunction with the European Conference on Digital Libraries), Vienna, Austria. Call for papers. The submission date is 10 July 2005.
"Like in the two previous years, the objective of the 3rd HDL workshop is to provide an informal forum for researchers from academia, industry and health care institutions to present their work on digital libraries in healthcare, share their experience and discuss mutual technical and user-centred interests in order to bridge the gap between academic research and industrial and real-world project needs. An impact evaluation of digital libraries in real-world settings is an essential part of DL research that can answer the fundamental question: Do healthcare DLs make any difference to clinical practise and patient care?"
For more information, please see <http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~patty/HDL2005/HDL%202005%20Workshop%20Top.html>.
First on-Line conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR'05), 21 - 30 November 2005. Call for papers. The submission date is 25 July 2005.
"The First on-Line conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR'05) focuses on four metadata research areas:
For more information, please see <http://www.metadata-semantics.org/>.
ICADL2005: The 8th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, 12 - 15 December 2005, Bangkok, Thailand. Call for panel/tutorial/workshop proposals. The submission date is 31 July 2005.
"ICADL2005 is the 8th in a well-established series of annual conferences on Asian Digital Libraries, and focuses on the creation, adoption, implementation and utilization of digital libraries. It provides an international forum for sharing experiences among researchers, educators, practitioners, and policy makers from a variety of disciplines such as computer science, library and information science, archival and museum studies, and knowledge management – as well as many areas in the social sciences and humanities. Submissions of panels, tutorials, and workshops are invited in all areas of digital libraries and related technologies, the management of knowledge in digital libraries, and the associated usability and social issues."
For more information, please see <http://www.icadl2005.ait.ac.th/>.
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS). Call for papers.
"The Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) seeks high-quality papers reporting research related to education and training for the information professions. JELIS is a quarterly scholarly publication of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). The ALISE Special Interest Groups (http://www.alise.org/about/sigs.html) and LIS Research Areas Classification Scheme (http://www.alise.org/research_class_guide.html) suggest the broad scope of education-related topics of interest to JELIS readers."
For more information, please see the JELIS author guidelines at <http://www.alise.org/publications/jelis_submission_guidelines.html>.
Goings On
The IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology - ICET 2005, 4 - 6 July 2005, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
"The primary objective of the IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2005) is to act as a major forum for presenting the latest developments in the field of technology and education. It will encourage the exchange of information and experiences between educators, researchers, students and policy makers."
For more information, please see <http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2005/calgary/icet.htm>.
The IASTED International Conference on Web Technologies, Applications, and Services - WTAS 2005, 4 - 6 July 2005, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
"The primary objective of the IASTED International Conference on Web Technologies, Applications, and Services (WTAS 2005) is to act as a major contact venue for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research, ideas, developments, and applications in this field. WTAS 2005 aims to strengthen relations among universities, research laboratories, and industry. Particular emphasis will be on the new trends affecting web applications and services."
For more information, please see <http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2005/calgary/wtas.htm>.
FIS2005: Third Conference on the Foundations of Information Science, 4 - 7 July 2005, Paris France.
"Topics of the pluridisciplinary Conference FIS2005 include:
For more information, please see <http://www.mdpi.org/fis2005/>.
LIBER 34th Annual Conference 2005: Strategic Choices, Current Thinking 5 - 9 July 2005, University Library of Groningen, The Netherlands.
"The four-day LIBER conference includes a pre-conference: 'Converging and dissolving the University Library?' to be held on Tuesday, July 5. Keynote speakers are Professor dr. Gert Holstege, researcher neuroscience whose talk is entitled "Information Provision: the good and the wrong thing" and Dr. Leo Waaijers, information expert Dutch university libraries, whose talk is entitled, "Information Provision: what has to be changed". Sessions cover such topics as: strategic and technical developments in collection storage; current collaborative preservation and conservation research; collaborative collection management; and others. "
For more information, please see <http://liber.ub.rug.nl/index.html>.
7th ISKO-Spain Conference, 6 - 8 July 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
"The focus of the 7th ISKO-Spain Conference is on orienting users of systems and applications of information organization and retrieval in companies, public administration, archives and document centres, portals or Internet services, databases and digital libraries."
For more information, please see <http://bd.ub.es/isko2005/en/>.
DSpace Federation 2nd User Group meeting, 7 - 8 July 2005, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
"This second meeting of the DSpace Federation User Group will focus on issues that are specific to the architecture and functionality of the DSpace platform and will reflect both the need for a DSpace-specific agenda and the international character of the DSpace Federation."
For more information, please see <http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/dspace/usergroup2005/>.
2005 IASL Conference: Information Leadership in a Culture of Change, 8 - 12 July 2005, Hong Kong, China.
"Hong Kong, in its fifth year of educational reform, looks to the future of information technology in education. Central to this evaluation is a recognition that information literacy will be at the top of the agenda. The 2005 IASL conference further acknowledges that to achieve sustainable change and build information literate schools also requires leadership. The theme was chosen to encompass all significant issues relating to visionary decision-making regarding information in schools and society....The conference will focus on five key sub themes: information literacy, information policy, knowledge management, social responsibility, and leadership."
For more information, please see <http://www.iasl-slo.org/conferences.html>.
2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2005), 12 - 15 July 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA.
"ICWS is a forum for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of Web Services, as well as to identify the emerging research topics and define the future of Web Services computing. ICWS 2005 is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Services Computing and will be co-located with the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2005)."
For more information, please see <http://conferences.computer.org/icws/2005/>.
ECAR 2005 Summer Symposium, 13 - 15 July 2005, New Castle Island, New Hampshire, USA.
" The ECAR Symposium is ECAR's signature event of the year, bringing together two representatives from each of the participating subscriber institutions with experts from academe, industry, think tanks, and other knowledge centers to discuss research findings uncovered in ECAR work over the course of the year. The ECAR Symposium is designed to foster dialogue from a variety of perspectives on the key issues surrounding the selection, deployment, management, and socialization of new information technologies in higher education. The symposium is also designed to foster reflection and introspection among participants."
For more information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/Symposia/96>.
3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2005), 14 - 17 July 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA.
" Relationships between Education/Training and Information/Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasing acceleratingly, sometimes in unexpected ways, with original ideas and innovative tools, methodologies and synergies. Accordingly the main purpose of EISTA '05 is to bring together researchers and practitioners from both areas, in order to support the bridging process between education/training and ICT communities."
For more information, please see <http://www.confinf.org/eista05/website/default.asp>.
2005 International Conference on Digital Archive Technologies (ICDAT2005), 16 - 17 July 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.
"ICDAT 2005 is the third in a series of International Conferences on Digital Archive Technologies sponsored by the R. O. C. Taiwan's National Digital Archives Program. The purpose of this conference is to provide unique opportunities for participants to share their research results and best practice experiences in the utilization of advanced technologies for and the approaches to the development of digital archives/libraries/museums."
For more information, please see <http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/ICDAT05/>.
Digital Preservation Management: Implementing Short Term Strategies for Long Term Problems 17 - 22 July 2005, Ithaca, New York, USA.
"The Digital Preservation Management workshop series is intended for those who are contemplating or implementing digital preservation programs in libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions. The goals of this initiative are to foster critical thinking in a technological realm and to provide the means for exercising practical and responsible stewardship of digital assets."
For more information, please see <http://www.library.cornell.edu/iris/dpworkshop/>.
7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology 2005, 18 - 22 July 2005, Munchen, Germany.
"CEC is a primary forum for the exchange of information regarding advancements in the state of the art of theory and practice in E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future of E-Commerce technology, applications and service-oriented computing....The 2005 conference theme is 'Service-Oriented E-Commerce'."
For more information, please see <http://cec05.in.tum.de./>.
5th International Conference On Knowledge, Culture And Change In Organisations, 19 - 22 July 2005, Rhodes, Greece.
"The conference will offer a comprehensive overview of current thinking in the area broadly described as knowledge management. Its perspectives will range from big picture analyses in keynote addresses by internationally recognised experts in the field of management, to detailed case studies of management practice. It will traverse a broad terrain, from theory and analysis to practical strategies for action."
For more information, please see <http://managementconference.com/>.
11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 22 - 27 July 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
"The conference objective is to provide an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical, generic, and applied areas of HCI, usability, internationalization, virtual reality, universal access and cognitive ergonomics. This will be accomplished through the following six modes of communication: plenary presentation, parallel sessions, demonstration and poster sessions, tutorials, exhibitions and meetings of special interest groups. The six-day conference will start with three days of tutorials."
For more information, please see <http://www.hci-international.org/>.
Syllabus 2005, 24 - 28 July 2005, Los Angeles, California, USA.
"The speakers on stage at Syllabus2005 are the stars that reflect this year's Hollywood, CA conference theme 'Spotlight on Innovation, Integration, and Collaboration.' [The] five keynotes are veteran performers who will speak about their work with leading-edge academic, administrative, and networking and communications technologies that blend together to serve the new expectations of learners and the expanding campus community. And more than 150 panel, breakout session, seminar, and poster presenters will share their expertise with attendees coming from campuses across the country and around the world."
For more information, please see <http://www.syllabus.com/conferences/summer2005>.
The XML Summer School, 24 - 29 July 2005, Wadham College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
"This five-day residential course, the sixth annual event held by CSW Group Ltd., brings together delegates from across the world to learn and gain practical experience of XML and related technologies from some of the world's leading industry experts at the University of Oxford."
For more information, please see <http://www.xmlsummerschool.com/introduction.htm>.
Fifth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2005), 25 - 29 July 2005, Sydney, Australia.
"The Fifth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2005) aims at bringing together the international community of experts in Web Engineering research, practice and education, to share their experiences and to foster discussion on the present status of and future trends in this rapidly growing field....The conference focuses on the methodologies, techniques and tools that are the foundation of Web Engineering and support the development, use, and evaluation of complex Web applications."
For more information, please see <http://www.icwe2005.org/>.
International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Vision: CGIV05, 26 - 29 July 2005, Beijing, China.
"CGIV05 aims to focus on the interdisciplinary methods and affiliated research done among various science disciplines, medicine, engineering, media and commerce. This three-day event will focus on the research and developments conjured to meet the roaring demand of today's "Visual culture" through the medium of computing, accentuating on the linkage that shapes academia and industry with the goal of stimulating views and providing a forum where researchers and practitioners can discuss the latest developments linked to Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation."
For more information, please see <http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/cgiv05/>.
SIGGRAPH 2005: 32nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 31 July - 4 August 2005, Los Angeles, California, USA.
"Over 25,000 computer graphics and interactive technology professionals from six continents will gather at SIGGRAPH 2005 to showcase their best work to a multi-disciplinary international community. A comprehensive technical program and special events focusing on research, art, animation, games, interactivity, and the web are planned. SIGGRAPH 2005 includes a three-day exhibition of products and services for the computer graphics and interactive marketplace from 2 - 4 August 2005."
For more information, please see <http://www.siggraph.org/s2005/>.
Deadline Reminders
(Unless otherwise noted, text above enclosed in quotation marks is quoted from the web sites for those items or events or from press releases received by D-Lib Magazine from the hosting or event-affiliated organizations.)
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