M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 7
Volume 23, Number 3/4
ISSN: 1082-9873
Research Data Challenges
Editorial by Laurence Lannom, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
ReplicationWiki: Improving Transparency in Social Sciences Research
Article by Jan H. Höffler, University of Göttingen, Germany
Abstract: In empirical social sciences research, only a small minority of study material is publicly available, therefore allowing full replication. The number of replication studies published in academic journals is even smaller. Our wiki documents the results of more than 300 replications, so far mainly in economics. It includes a database of more than 2,600 empirical studies. For each study we provide information about the availability of material for replication. This helps instructors to identify practical examples for courses focusing on empirical methods or on particular topics. Furthermore, it gives researchers better access to information on previous studies they can build on or compare their work with. We provide an overview of journals and their policies regarding data availability and publication of replications. The project has attracted interest from various fields and is open for expansion.
Broken-World Vocabularies
Article by Daniel Lovins, New York University (NYU) Division of Libraries; Diane Hillmann, Metadata Management Associates LLC
Abstract: There is a growing interest in vocabularies as an important part of the infrastructure of library metadata on the Semantic Web. This article proposes that the framework of "maintenance, breakdown and repair", transposed from the field of Science and Technology Studies, can help illuminate and address vulnerabilities in this emerging infrastructure. In particular, Steven Jackson's concept of "broken world thinking" can shed light on the role of "maintainers" in sustainable innovation and infrastructure. By viewing vocabularies through the lens of broken world thinking, it becomes easier to see the gaps and to see those who see the gaps and build maintenance functions directly into tools, workflows, and services. It is hoped that this article will expand the conversation around bibliographic best practices in the context of the Web.
The Landscape of Research Data Repositories in 2015: A re3data Analysis
Article Maxi Kindling, Stephanie van de Sandt, Jessika Rücknagel and Peter Schirmbacher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin School of Library and Information Science (BSLIS), Germany; Heinz Pampel, Paul Vierkant and Roland Bertelmann, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 7.4 Library and Information Services (LIS), Germany; Gabriele Kloska and Frank Scholze, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), KIT Library, Germany; Michael Witt, Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Abstract: This article provides a comprehensive descriptive and statistical analysis of metadata information on 1,381 research data repositories worldwide and across all research disciplines. The analyzed metadata is derived from the re3data database, enabling search and browse functionalities for the global registry of research data repositories. The analysis focuses mainly on institutions that operate research data repositories, types and subjects of research data repositories (RDR), access conditions as well as services provided by the research data repositories. RDR differ in terms of the service levels they offer, languages they support or standards they comply with. These statements are commonly acknowledged by saying the RDR landscape is heterogeneous. As expected, we found a heterogeneous RDR landscape that is mostly influenced by the repositories' disciplinary background for which they offer services.
Open Access to Scientific Information in Emerging Countries
Article by Joachim Schöpfel, University of Lille, GERiiCO Laboratory
Abstract: Access to information plays a critical role in supporting development. Open access to scientific information is one solution. Up to now, the open access movement has been most successful in the Western hemisphere. The demand for open access is great in the developing world as it can contribute to solving problems related to access gaps. Five emerging countries, called BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa play a specific and leading role with a significant influence on regional and global affairs because of their large and fast-growing national economies, their demography and geographic situation. In order to better understand open access in each of the five countries, in this paper we take a look at specific conditions in each country, relying on data from information professionals and scientists from BRICS, with an empirical approach focused on country-specific characteristics and challenges. The paper is an updated and enriched synthesis of a recent work on open access in the BRICS countries published by Litwin, Sacramento CA.
Workshop Report: CAQDAS Projects and Digital Repositories' Best Practices
Conference Report by Sebastian Karcher and Christiane Pagé, Syracuse University
Abstract: An increasing number of qualitative researchers are relying on dedicated software for the analysis of qualitative data, often referred to as CAQDAS computer-assisted qualitative data analysis applications. These applications allow users to annotate, analyze, and visualize qualitative data. To understand and work towards solutions to the challenges of sharing CAQDAS data, the Qualitative Data Repository (QDR) convoked a one-day workshop with CAQDAS developers, practitioners, and repository specialists, on October 28, 2016. This report describes the workshop sessions, participants' areas of interest, and future challenges.
N E W S & E V E N T S
In Brief: Short Items of Current Awareness
In the News: Recent Press Releases and Announcements
Clips & Pointers: Documents, Deadlines, Calls for Participation
Meetings, Conferences, Workshops: Calendar of Activities Associated with Digital Libraries Research and Technologies
Texas Tech University (TTU) is located among the dust and tumbleweeds of Lubbock, Texas. As a founding member of the Texas Digital Library, the TTU Libraries partners with research libraries from across the state, providing intellectual resources digitally. The university has two distinct digital archives, one hosted by the main library that consists of the institutional repository ThinkTech, and one hosted at the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library.
ThinkTech is host to over 40,000 digital items, including 20,988 theses and dissertations. Highlights of the collections include: Digital Dickens-All the Year Round. All the Year Round, edited by Charles Dickens, was a weekly literary magazine published in England during the latter half of the 19th century. This collection contains the first series and part of the new series; La Ventana, the TTU yearbook, scanned and made openly available; Dyal Ship Collection which is the private research collection of author and former Dean of Libraries', Dr. Donald H. Dyal.; papers from the Water Research Center on campus; papers from the International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies; proceedings from the International Conference on Environmental Systems which are indexed by NASA.
The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library (SWC) at Texas Tech University holds archives of national and international significance. Its physical holdings encompass over 60 million leaves of documents, over 100,000 books, and approximately 2 million photographs. The SWC also steward thousands of oral histories, reels of microfilm, and films and videos on a vast number of topics. The SWC digital collections highlight marquee segments of 37 distinct archival collections containing 5,500 images organized at both the item and folder level of description.
Prominent examples of SWC holdings include the papers of Dr. Tetsuya Theodore "Ted" Fujita, the meteorological scientist responsible for the creation of the F-Scale; Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad architectural renderings of structures, such as "Hermit's Rest" at the Grand Canyon; correspondence of the notorious New York politician William "Boss" Tweed; and the complete newsletters of the American Agriculture Movement. In addition, the SWC digitally provides 28,000 photographs, 130,000 regional and statewide newspapers dating from the 1836 Texas Revolution to the present day, over 100 rare maps covering centuries of North American history, and a large selection of oral history interviews.
D - L I B E D I T O R I A L S T A F F
Laurence Lannom, Editor-in-Chief
Allison Powell, Associate Editor
Catherine Rey, Managing Editor
Bonita Wilson, Contributing Editor