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D-Lib Magazine
In Print
Executive Summary of the DigiCULT Study Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow's Cultural Economy.
This DigiCULT study was conducted by Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH for the European Commission DG Information Society. The theme of the study is "Empowering Cultural Heritage Institutions to Unlock the Value of their Collections." The Executive Summary to the report is available online in English, French, German, and Italian, and in both HTML and PDF formats. The full report will be available soon in PDF format. "The DigiCULT Study gives recommendations for decision makers of European archives, libraries, museums and policy makers at European, national and regional levels."
For further information, please see <http://www.salzburgresearch.at/fbi/digicult/>.
Usage and Usability Assessment: Library Practices and Concerns, by Denise Troll Covey, January 2002, published by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), Pub 105.
Below is the abstract of the report from the CLIR website:
"This report offers a survey of the methods that are being deployed at leading digital libraries to assess the use and usability of their online collections and services. Focusing on 24 Digital Library Federation member libraries, the study's author, Distinguished DLF Fellow Denise Troll Covey, conducted numerous interviews with library professionals who are engaged in assessment."
"The report describes the application, strengths, and weaknesses of assessment techniques that include surveys, focus groups, user protocols, and transaction log analysis. Covey's work is also an essential methodological guidebook. For each method that she covers, she is careful to supply a definition, explain why and how libraries use the method, what they do with the results, and what problems they encounter. The report includes an extensive bibliography on more detailed methodological information, and descriptions of assessment instruments that have proved particularly effective."
The report may be read online or may be ordered from CLIR in paper format for $20.00. Please see <http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub105/contents.html> for more information.
HyLiFe Hybrid Library Toolkit developed by the HyLiFe Project.
Developed "as part of the HyLiFe Project, a Hybrid Library Project funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) under Phase 3 of the Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib)...[the toolkit] has been designed as a practical guide and information resource for those creating, implementing and managing hybrid library services in their organisations." According to Peter Brophy, Director, Centre for Research in Library and Information Management (CERLIM), the toolkit "provides detailed information and advice on a wide variety of operational, technical and managerial aspects of hybrid library development."
For further information, please see the HyLiFe web site at <http://hylife.unn.ac.uk/toolkit/>.
Long Term Archiving of Digital Documents in Physics, meeting report by Dr. Arthur Smith, American Physical Society, from the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) conference held 5 - 6 November 2001 in Lyon, France.
An announcement about this report appeared on the Digital-Preservation listserv. The report deals with key issues for those interested in digital preservation, and it recommends that IUPAP:
For further information, please see the report at <http://publish.aps.org/IUPAP/ltaddp_report.html>.
Conclusions from the Text-e Virtual Symposium, by Gloria Origgi and Noga Arikha, Bibliothèque publique d'information - Centre Pompidou.
Text-e, a virtual symposium, is nearing completion. Since 15 October 2001, a new subject has been introduced every two weeks. Discussions included such subjects as the future of the book, the metaphysics of the Web, the free access to scientific literature, publishing, writing, online newspapers, the intimate needs of Internet users, libraries, the architecture of sites, and intellectual authority. Now, a concluding report on the symposium is available online, along with a request from the symposium organizers for feedback from those who have participated or observed the discussions.
The concluding report is at <http://www.text-e.org/>. The site is in French, but there are links to English and Italian versions (above the list of speakers on the home page of the Text-e site).
The relevance of video games and gaming consoles to the Higher and Further Education learning experience, by John Kirriemuir, Ceangal, March 2002, JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report, TSW 02-01.
Last month, D-Lib Magazine published a similar article by John Kirriemuir on this subject. Those who would like more information about video gaming and gaming consoles and their relationship to higher education and the learning experience may wish to see this JISC report as well.
The report is available in rtf format at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/techwatch/reports/index.html>.
Point to Point
Version 41, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., February 2002.
Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, has announced the availability of Version 41 of his periodical bibliography. The selective bibliography presents over 1,550 articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources and is focused on scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. In the bibliography, Bailey provides links to sources listed, where available. The bibliography is located at < http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html >. It is available in HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word formats.
Virtual Acquisition Shelf and News Desk, Compiled and edited by Gary D. Price, Gary Price Library & Internet Research Consulting.
This site provides daily news and announcements for information professionals. One may also subscribe to a weekly weblog of highlights delivered via email every Thursday. The subscription is free of charge.
For further information, please see <http://resourceshelf.blogspot.com>.
Calls for Participation
WWW/Internet 2002, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference, 13 - 15 November 2002, Lisbon, Portugal. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2002.
"The IADIS WWW/Internet 2002 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within WWW/Internet. WWW and Internet had a huge development in recent years. Aspects of concern are no longer just technical anymore but other aspects have aroused. This conference aims to cover both technological as well as non-technological issues related to these developments. Main tracks have been identified (see below). However innovative contributions that don't fit into these areas will also be considered since they might be of benefit to conference attendees."
Topics related to WWW/Internet are of interest. For example, some of the suggested digital library topics include:
Please see the conference web site for a full list of suggested topics.
The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions:
For additional information, please see <http://www.iadis.org/icwi2002/>.
ACM CIKM 2002, Eleventh International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 4 - 9 November 2002, McLean, Virginia, USA. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 20 May 2002.
"The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances on data and knowledge bases. The purpose of the conference is to identify challenging problems facing the development of future knowledge and information systems, and to shape future directions of research by soliciting and reviewing high quality, applied and theoretical research findings."
"Companion meetings to be hosted in conjunction with ACM CIKM 2002 are:"
Fifth International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP | ||
Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS'02) | ||
Call for Papers: The Submission deadline is 10 May 2002 | ||
Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'02) | ||
Call for Papers: Abstracts are due on 24 May 2002 |
ACM CIKM 2002 Call for Papers
"For the last ten years, CIKM has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers from several areas of information and knowledge management, database management systems (DBMS) and information retrieval (IR)."
A sample of some of the topics of interest for papers include:
Please see the conference web site for the full list of suggested topics.
"Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered in another forum. At least one author will be required to attend the conference to present the paper. Electronic submission of manuscripts is required, preferably in PDF."
"Further information and detailed instructions for electronic submission are available at <http://www.cikm.org/2002/>."
Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'02), 8 - 9 November 2002, McLean, Virginia, USA. Call for Papers. Abstracts are due on 24 May 2002.
"The Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng '02) is an annual academic conference devoted to the dissemination of research on document engineering. DocEng '02 seeks high-quality, original papers and panels that address the theory, design, development, and evaluation of computer systems that support the creation, analysis, or distribution of documents in any medium."
"...the organizers of DocEng '02, hold to an expansive notion of documents. A document is a representation of information designed for reading by, or played-back to, a person. It may be presented on paper, on a screen, or played through a speaker and its underlying representation may be in any form and include data from any medium. A document may be stored in final presentation form or it may be generated on-the-fly, undergoing substantial transformations in the process. A document may include extensive hyperlinks and be part of a large web of information. Furthermore, apparently independent documents may be composed, so that a web of information may itself be considered a document."
Conceptual topics relevant to the symposium include (but are not limited to):
Technology that is relevant to the symposium includes (but is not limited to):
For additional information, please see <http://www.documentengineering.org/>.
International Digital Libraries Collaborative Research and Applications Testbeds, NSF-02-085 Program Solicitation. Call for Proposals. The deadline for submissions is 27 May 2002.
The new program seeks to fund projects that demonstrate how modern information and communications technologies can fundamentally change the way in which topical material is represented and delivered to diverse communities of users. Projects are expected to disseminate findings widely and serve as exemplars for the international digital libraries community.
Proposals should have the overall goals of advancing digital libraries research and infrastructure needs and enable users to access and exploit information in new and productive ways. Research issues include information structure, organization, access, scalability and security techniques for worldwide data systems, and tools to search, store, and deliver information in different media or languages.
Specific research areas in this program follow below. This topic list is not intended to be entirely inclusive, but to illustrate and encourage research that opens exciting new areas, and gives promise of user benefits from coordinated international research and testbed activities.
Eligibility: Multi-country, multi-team projects are required, and proposals to this program must involve at least one team in the United States and one in another country.
The complete NSF program solicitation may be found at <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf02085/nsf02085.html>.
Evaluating Human Language Technology: General Applications to Information Access and Management, A Special Issue of Knowledge Organization on Evaluation of Human Language Technology. Guest Editor: Widad Mustafa El Hadi, University of Lille 3, France. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 31 May 2002.
The following call for submissions was submitted by Widad Mustafa El Hadi:
"The last few years have seen a growing interest in evaluating human language technology (HLT) in general and its applications to information access and management in particular. Several initiatives have been conducted in Europe and in the United States. The first initiatives on HLT evaluation can be traced back to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Japanese programs on Machine Translation Evaluation. The DARPA/NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Projects continued on a more regular basis and particularly with the Text Retrieval Conferences (TREC) and the Message Understanding Conferences (MUC). More projects are gaining momentum, be they independent or part of the famous TREC Tracks (Language Engineering Track, Question & Answering (Q & A) track), or within the context of the Translingual Information Detection, Extraction, and Summarization (TIDES) Document Understanding Conference (DUC), Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR), Text Summarization Systems, Filtering, or Spoken Document Retrieval."
"Some evaluation projects have been supported within the programs of the European Commission (EAGLES, ELSE, ISLE, SQALE, etc.) others have been conducted within national programs (the French evaluation projects: GRACE Project for evaluating part-of-speech taggers, the AUF four Projects on evaluating Text Retrieval Systems, Alignment Technology, Terminology Acquisition System Evaluations, and Message Understanding). These many endeavors show the relevance of HLT evaluations. Researchers and practitioners in the field of information are interested, by an assessment of the contribution of these technologies in order to measure the progress achieved, to compare different approaches to a given problem and to assess system usability and user satisfaction."
"This Special Issue of Knowledge Organization (scheduled as volume 29, number 3/4) will aim at bringing together the community of researchers in the field of HLT from the perspective of Knowledge Organization, Information Access and Management. Moreover, it will look forward to providing an overview of the state-of-the-art of HLT, discuss problems, exchange information on the use of this technology in monolingual and multilingual environments, discuss evaluation methodologies and metrics and promote initiatives for international cooperation in these areas."
Questions regarding submission of material for the special issue should be directed to: Widad Mustafa el Hadi, <[email protected]>, UFR IDIST, Université Charles De Gaulle Lille 3, BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve D'Ascq, France.
ICDM '02, the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. The conference date has been changed to 9 - 12 December 2002, Maebashi City, Japan. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 5 June 2002.
"The 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM '02) provides a leading international forum for the sharing of original research results and practical development experiences among researchers and application developers from different data mining related areas such as machine learning, automated scientific discovery, statistics, pattern recognition, knowledge acquisition, soft computing, databases and data warehousing, data visualization, and knowledge-based systems. The conference seeks solutions to challenging problems facing the development of data mining systems, and shapes future directions of research by promoting high quality, novel and daring research findings. As an important part of the conference, the workshops program will focus on new research challenges and initiatives."
"Topics related to the design, analysis and implementation of data mining theory, systems and applications are of interest."
For additional information, please see <http://wi-lab.com/icdm02/>.
ICADL 2002, Digital Libraries: People, Knowledge & Technology, 11 - 14 December 2002, Singapore. Call for Papers. Abstracts are due on 20 June 2002.
"When Vannevar Bush envisioned his hypertext "memex" in 1945, he dreamed of a personal microfiche-based system that would help him tackle the problem of information overload at that time. In recent years, the information on the Web, the overwhelming example of a shared world-wide collection of information, has been converted into many digital libraries by individuals or groups that select, organise, and catalogue large numbers of documents. We are in the process of creating a global infrastructure that will interconnect many computer networks and various forms of information technologies around the world, digital libraries being one of them."
Held in conjunction with WISE 2002 (the 3rd international Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering), "ICADL'02 is the fifth in a series of annual Asian Digital Libraries conferences, and focuses on the use, adoption and adaptation of digital libraries, which include work surrounding digital libraries and related technologies, the management of knowledge in digital libraries, and the associated usability and social issues."
"Participations from diverse backgrounds are encouraged. Previous conferences have included practitioners, researchers, educators and policy makers from a variety of disciplines such as computer science, library and information sciences, archival and museum studies, knowledge management, and many areas in the social sciences and humanities."
A sample of suggested topics follows. See the ICADL web site for a full list of suggested topics.
For additional information, please see <http://www.cais.ntu.edu.sg:8000/icadl2002/>.
Goings On
What Scholars Need to Know to Publish Today: Digital Writing and Access for Readers , 8 April 2002, Albany, New York, USA.
"The advent of networked systems for scholarly communication promises to provide unprecedented access to scholarly works. Digital information is fundamentally different from print in how it can be used, distributed, and applied. Scholars and librarians want to ensure the widest possible access to vital, original research. Knowing the essential features required within electronic documents which will facilitate the most effective retrieval for fellow scholars is an increasingly important set of skills for scholars and advanced students. Should these important features be required in all electronic documents produced by our faculty and students? Or is there a need to evaluate policies and curricula regarding these important skills? Should the University at Albany faculty take steps to join publishing and archiving consortium efforts currently underway? This program will examine these questions from a variety of perspectives, and provide options for policies and activities."
Specific session titles include:
For further information, please see <http://library.albany.edu/symposium/>.
DLM-FORUM 2002, 7 - 8 May 2002, Barcelona, Spain.
"The third multidisciplinary European DLM-Forum on electronic records will take place in Barcelona on 7 and 8 May 2002. The opening of the exhibitions and preconference activities will take place on 6 May 2002."
"The DLM-Forum 2002 will welcome specialists and executives representing different disciplines: public administration, archives, the ICT-industry and research. A large number of participants from the EU Member States, regions, candidate states and other European countries are expected."
"The DLM-Forum 2002 [has been] organised by the Secretariat for the Information Society of the Catalan government together with other Catalan institutions and departments of the Spanish central government. They benefit from the support of the European Union Presidencies of Sweden, Belgium, and Spain, the European Commission (Secretariat General, DG Information Society) and representatives from the ICT-industry. The DLM-Forum 2002 [has been] organised in close cooperation with the EU Member States and regions."
For more information, please see <http://europa.eu.int/historical_archives/dlm_forum/doc/forum2002announcement_en.pdf>.
The 11th International World Wide Web Conference, 7 - 11 May 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
"The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) provides a public forum for the WWW Consortium (W3C) through the annual W3C track...International researchers, technologists and leaders from industry, academia, and government will gather at WWW2002 to define, refine, present, demonstrate and discuss the latest ideas and developments in web technologies."
"Organized by the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2), the University of Hawaii and the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC), the conference will consist of a three-day technical program, preceded by a day of tutorials and workshops and followed by a "Developers Day." The technical program will include refereed paper presentations, alternate track presentations, plenary sessions, panels and poster sessions describing current work. The tutorials and workshops will provide in-depth looks at specific areas of current interest. Developers Day will be devoted to in-depth technical sessions designed specifically for web developers."
For further information, please see <http://www.www2002.org/>.
9th California Academic Research Libraries Conference, 9 - 12 May 2002, Monterey, California, USA.
"It seems like just yesterday that the media pronounced our libraries a thing of the past. Yet we are still here, working with our users to generate the desired knowledge. In fact, more than ever, we recognize the ongoing need for old-fashioned services, albeit with new twists. And more than ever, we understand the complexity of our task. New technology provides greater access to information, but also generates more confusion. How well are we empowering our users? Even as new technology requires us to cooperate, it also enables us to create new ways to communicate with one another. How can we empower one another? This year our conference will look at these and other questions."
For further information, please see <http://library.csumb.edu/CARL2002/>.
CUMREC 2002 - Bringing HEAT Up North: Exploring New Landscapes for Administrative Technology, 12 - 15 May 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
The CUMREC 2002 Program offers multiple tracks and preconference seminars. Solutions to the hottest problems—technological, administrative, or managerial will be presented. Besides the valuable opportunity to network with other CUMREC participants, one of the best features of the conference is meeting with corporate participants presenting their latest offerings.
For more information, please see <http://www.cumrec.org/cumrec2002/>.
InfoToday 2002, 14 - 16 May 2002, New York, New York, USA.
InfoToday 2002 "features three simultaneous conferences: National Online, KnowledgeNets, and E-Libraries. Each of these events is a unique, community-oriented conference, but combined, the conferences are also meant to highlight and leverage the common interests of all those involved in these three fields."
National Online
"National Online continues its focus on information content as well as on information delivery technologies. It brings together a stimulating blend of information industry innovators and practitioners from around the world." The conference " hosts two concurrent tracks throughout the three conference days, allowing attendees the opportunity to pick and choose the sessions that best fit their interests and educational needs."
KnowledgeNets 2002
"KnowledgeNets 2002 provides complete coverage of knowledge management and its applications within today's organization. The conference includes practical programs and case studies on the theories, practices, processes, tools, and solutions for enterprise knowledge networks. KnowledgeNets 2002 includes two concurrent tracks over the 3-day conference."
"E-Libraries covers the latest developments in library and information center systems and services. This conference focuses specifically on the distribution and management of information through libraries and information centers and also via digital means. During this 3-day event, in two concurrent tracks, E-Libraries will address the technology and patron service issues that arise in a rapidly changing library world. With new software and systems being added (and subtracted) every day, E-Libraries provides an important forum for discussing today's technological state of the art for delivery of library services as well as digital collections management."
For further information, including topics covered in each of the three conferences, please see <http://www.infotoday.com/it2002/>.
Shaping the Network Society, DIAC-02 Symposium, 16 - 19 May 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA.
"Researchers, community workers, social activists, educators and students, journalists, artists, policy-makers, and citizens are all concerned about the shape that [the new information and communication] infrastructure will take. Will it meet the needs of all people? Will it help the citizenry address current and future issues? Will it promote democracy, social justice, sustainability? Will the appropriate research be conducted? Will equitable policies be enacted?"
"The focus of this symposium will be on 'patterns' that people can use to help them develop and use communication and information technology in ways that affirms human values."
For further information, please see <http://www.cpsr.org/conferences/diac02/>.
Issues and Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Organizations, Information Resources Management Association 2002 International Conference (IRMA 2002), 19 - 22 May 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA.
"IRMA is an international professional organization dedicated to furthering the professionalism of its members. IRMA brings together researchers, practitioners, academicians, and policy makers in information technology management. The diverse membership consists of professionals from over 50 countries worldwide...The primary objective of IRMA is to assist organizations and professionals in enhancing the overall knowledge and understanding of effective information resources management in the 1990s and beyond."
A sample of IRMA Tracks include:
Please see the IRMA conference web site at <http://www.irma-international.org/> for a complete list of tracks as well as other important conference information.
Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA 2002), 19 - 22 May 2002, Sydney, Australia.
"ALIA 2002 is breaking new ground in conference delivery by offering a new approach to the program and seeking an agreed issues policy document for the sector as an outcome of the conference discussions. The conference will focus on policy and practice issues of relevance right across the sector and to the wider community and be a forum for delegates to debate and discuss issues of significance. Satellite (pre or post) activities may be linked to the main conference - watch the web site for details as activities are announced. This will also be the first time appropriate technologies have been utilised to broaden delegate participation to beyond those able to physically attend the conference venue."
"...All sessions will be plenaries. Presentations and papers will be given by prominent Australian and overseas speakers, who are all leaders in their fields."
"New technologies will be utilised to maximise participation through the Issues Forum and online chat sessions with speakers during the conference."
For further information, please see <http://www.alia.org.au/conferences/alia2002/>.
AMIA 2002 Spring Congress Program, American Medical Informatics Association, 20 - 22 May 2002, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
The following is an excerpt from the press release about this conference:
"Washington, DC, February 27, 2002 - Over 3 billion medications are prescribed each year in the US at a cost of over $120 billion. New drug patents have more than doubled in the past decade, and $30 billion are spent annually on pharmaceutical research and development. Meanwhile, inpatient medication errors cost the US $2 billion annually. Crucial to understanding these challenges is the effective use of information at every point in the life of a drug. To help address these issues, the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) will host a conference entitled A Drug by Any Other Name: The Role of Informatics from Drug Development through the Point-Of-Care. The conference will focus on how better application of medical informatics can advance the introduction of and safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals. The conference will be held at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona, May 20-22, 2002."
"There are many professional organizations and industries that are devoted to grappling with difficult information technology issues related to medications. Unfortunately, many are working in isolation, producing a fragmented industry in which many different segments independently labor to perform related research and solve conceptually similar problems. This causes significant duplication of effort and increases opportunities for errors. The goal of this meeting is to introduce all participants to the broad range of issues of mutual concern and to acknowledge that information technology is a thread running through all the different disciplines in the industry. Understanding the information technology issues is therefore crucial to the success of all of these endeavors. Medical informatics is a discipline that provides a set of tools and principles that can be applied to overcome core challenges across the entire pharmaceutical domain."
For further information, please see <http://www.amia.org/meetings/spring/current/main.html>.
XML Europe 2002 Conference and Exposition, Down to Business: Getting Serious About XML, 20 - 23 May 2002, Barcelona, Spain.
"XML Europe provides [a] European forum for the XML community, spanning the worlds of electronic business, publishing, the Internet, software and standards development. This year's conference takes as its theme "Down to Business: Getting Serious About XML," reflecting the growing body of experience in deploying XML: from the birth of new XML standards to the practicalities of developing software and schemas, from business advantages of using XML to potential legal and regulatory impacts."
This conference brings together "experienced and influential people and companies in the XML industry, delivers realistic and practical instruction and insight and is a fertile ground for the creation of new ideas and partnerships."
XML Europe 2002 is an event "for XML practitioners of all kinds, whether business or technically oriented." XML Europe 2002 is expected to attract an audience from around the world including "key decision-makers and players from corporate, government, and non-profit organizations who are exploring new ways to deploy XML technology to streamline their operations."
For further information, please see <http://www.xmleurope.com/>.
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), Tracks: Integrating Information Seeking and IR, and Information Services - Practice and Research, 21 - 26 May 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The general aim of this conference "is to address the changing and challenging environment for libraries and information systems and services in the digital age, with an emphasis on examining contemporary problems, advances and solutions. This year the theme of the course addresses two topics, Information Seeking Integrated with Information Retrieval in the Digital Age, and Practice and Research Related to Information Services."
"The course is oriented toward professionals and researchers in librarianship, information science, and informatics, as well as from other disciplines interested in this topic. In particular, the course will be useful for practicing librarians and information scientists, for students of library and information science, and for system administrators, system operators, web page managers, and related personnel in library and information systems."
"The conference will bring together well-known experts from around the world for lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and workshops. The first day of the course will cover information research issues. The second day will be mostly devoted to pragmatic information services, while the third day will concentrate on research related to information services, including their evaluation. One to two workshops are planned at the end of each day, while the fourth day of the course will be mostly devoted to tutorials."
For further information, please see <http://www.ffzg.hr/infoz/lida/>.
Multimedia Archive Preservation: a practical workshop, 22 - 24 May 2002, London, United Kingdom.
"80% of audio and video archive content is at risk, according to the results of EC project PRESTO. Unless preservation procedures are funded and implemented � quickly � unique heritage and commercially valuable material will be lost. This workshop will provide, in a concentrated three days, the combined experience of ten major European broadcast archives, and the new technology developed by PRESTO."
Workshop content:
For further information, please see <http://presto.joanneum.ac.at/may.asp>.
Creating a New Reference Librarianship, OCLC Institute, 20 - 22 May 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
"Designed especially for reference and public services librarians at all levels, this all new OCLC Institute seminar will help you take a more active role in creating a new reference librarianship�in your own career, work unit, library, or larger spheres of influence and concern. Over an intensive 2.5 days that includes provocative lectures, facilitated group discussions, and hands-on laboratory sessions, you will be challenged to ask the difficult questions, gain hands-on experience with new technology applications, and create an action plan for change."
"Intended audience: Heads of reference/public services, reference and public service librarians, corporate librarians, solo librarians, and anyone interested in creating change in reference services."
For further information, please see <http://www.oclc.org/institute/calender/location/las_vegas.htm>.
Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 27 May - 2 June 2002, Canary Islands, Spain.
"In the framework of the Information Society, the pervasive character of Human Language Technologies (HLT) and their relevance to practically all the fields of Information Society Technologies (IST) has been widely recognised. Two issues are considered particularly relevant: the availability of language resources and the methods for the evaluation of resources, technologies, products and applications. Substantial mutual benefits can be expected from addressing these issues through international cooperation."
"The aim of this Conference is to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, discuss problems and opportunities, exchange information regarding language resources, their applications, ongoing and planned activities, industrial use and requirements, discuss evaluation methodologies and demonstrate evaluation tools, explore possibilities and promote initiatives for international cooperation in the areas mentioned above."
For further information, please see <http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2002/index.html>.
ICTs and Development: New Opportunities, Perspectives & Challenges, Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) WG9.4, 29 - 31 May 2002, Bangalore, India.
"Early encounters of developing countries with ICTs were characterized by uncertainty of meeting with an unfamiliar or alien tool and were distinguished by rare successes and apprehensions of increasing the developmental divide. Subsequently, as greater consensus emerged on the potential of these technologies, the focus was one of localizing associated methodologies and work practices. Increasingly, however, the potential for enablement and participation in new economic and governmental systems is visible. Some of these have been in terms of opportunities for developing countries provided by new economies for which the conference city of Bangalore with its cluster of software service providers and global software companies is a well-publicized example. At a micro level, ICTs are providing opportunities for individuals and small firms to participate in economies at a local or larger scale."
"ICTs, in addition, provide the unique potential to enable and sustain communicative participatory processes at global and local levels. Increasing access to information and communication media has often enabled small groups and individuals to be heard on global debates and forums. They have enabled small cultural and ethnic groups to overcome disadvantages of physical distance. At a more local level they are enabling creation of a virtual �public place' wherein effective democratic processes of public participation can take place. For instance, in many developing countries, local government authorities are actively considering using ICTs as a means to catalyze initiatives towards democratic decentralization and the empowerment of citizens to participate in the process of design and delivery of civic services. These attempts of using ICTs are part of a broader agenda of democratic reform in local governance and typically include a number of other initiatives such as the formation of decentralized committees, reforms in systems of administration and privatization of civic services."
"On the other hand, many of the old challenges in terms of inappropriate focus and resource allocation remain. The cost of missed opportunities is also increasing. Limitations of existing structures and decision-making processes at higher levels in conjunction with greater demands placed on them increase the risk of a reverse spiral of enlarging deprivation. Addressing these challenges is an essential part of the ongoing debate. We aim to address these issues and also the evident tension that exists for developing countries as they try to balance global and local priorities through the adoption and use of ICTs."
"This conference, therefore, aims to examine the new opportunities, perspectives and challenges provided by information and communication technologies for developing countries in terms of the following sub themes:
For further information, please see <http://is.lse.ac.uk/ifipwg94/>.
CAIS/ACSI 2002 - Advancing Knowledge: Expanding Horizons for Information Science, 30 May - 1 June 2002, Toronto, Canada.
"Information science (IS) is the interdisciplinary, scholarly study of information and its application within a diversity of social, cultural, political, technological, organizational, and individual contexts. In a dynamic world environment, where global interconnections and rapidly developing e-content are challenging established approaches to the creation, organization, dissemination, and use of information, continuously evolving theories and applications are expanding the "reach" and recognized value of IS research. Advancing knowledge speaks, not only to a process, but also to the state of the "data to wisdom continuum" that, through the lens of knowledge management, links human intellectual capital, tacit and explicit knowledge, and information technologies within a broader organizational or societal context."
"In celebration of its 30th conference year, CAISACSI 2002 will again provide a forum for presentation, discussion, and debate of new ideas, original perspectives, engaging controversies, and innovative applications. This conference will explore the richness of Information Science from five diverse, though related, dimensions."
For further information, please see <http://www.fis.utoronto.ca/cais-acsi2002/>.
Off the Wall and Online: Providing Web Access to Cultural Collections, presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center, 30 - 31 May 2002, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA.
This conference, being offered for the first time by NEDCC, "will explore the powerful potential of digital technology to transform education, outreach, and marketing activities in museums and other cultural institutions of all sizes. The faculty will include museum professionals, technical experts, educators, and administrators, who will discuss new digital access possibilities as well as the complexities of producing meaningful digital products. Topics will include:"This conference is designed for museums and other cultural institutions that are digitizing or planning to digitize collections, as well as for those that simply wish to make their Websites more interesting. Museum administrators, curators, and digital project managers are the primary audience. Staff from other cultural institutions, such as libraries, archives, and historical societies will also find much relevant content in the sessions offered. An audience of 200 or more attendees is expected."
For further information, please see <http://www.nedcc.org/owol/owol1.htm>.
Deadline Reminders
Web-Wise 2002: Building Digital Collaborations, 20 - 22 March 2002, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For further information, please see <http://webwise.mse.jhu.edu/>.
Web-archiving: managing and archiving online documents and records, Digital Preservation Coalition, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), 25 March 2002, London, United Kingdom. For further information, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/dner/preservation/prescoalition.html#Events>.
OCLC Institute "Steering by Standards" Videoconference Series:
Digital Library - IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millennium, An International Conference, 9 - 11 July 2002, Beijing, China. Call for Papers. Papers must be received by 31 March 2002. For additional information, please see <http://www.nlc.gov.cn/dloc/>.
IMLS Program Deadlines - FY2002, Institute of Museum and Library Services. Call for Program Proposals. The deadlines are:
New Developments in Digital Libraries, the Second International Workshop, 2 - 3 April 2002, Ciudad Real, Spain. For more information, please see <http://www.iceis.org/workshops/nddl/nddl-cfp.htm>.
Texas Distance Learning Association (TxDLA) 2002: On the Right Track, 2 - 4 April 2002, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.txdla.org/events/2002Conf/>.
Copyright Management in Higher Education: Ownership, Access, and Control, 4 - 5 April 2002, Adelphi, Maryland, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.umuc.edu/distance/odell/cip/copy_manage2002/>.
EEI21-Memphis-2002, The Ethics of Electronic Information in the 21st Century, an annual scholarly symposium at the University of Memphis, 24 - 27 October 2002, Memphis Tennessee, USA. Call for Presentations. The deadline is 5 April 2002. "Proposals for EEI21-2002 presentations, including a brief bio of the author(s), should be 250 words long and should be sent via e-mail by April 5, 2002 to: Mr. Tom Mendina, Chairman, EEI21 - MEMPHIS, [email protected], 901-678-4310."
3rd European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC 2002), 5 - 6 April 2002, Athens, Greece. For more information, please see <http://www.alba.edu.gr/OKLC2002/>.
Thesaurus Design for Semantic Information Management, 6 April 2002, Manhattan, New York, USA. For additional information, please see contact the Division of Library and Information Science, St. John's University, <[email protected]>, phone (718) 990-6200, fax (718) 990-2071.
IVETA - TEND 2002: Bridging the Divide - Strategies for Change, 7 - 9 April 2002, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. For more information, please see <http://crm.hct.ac.ae/tend2002/call/it2002.htm>.
3rd International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 8 - 10 April 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~srimani/itcc2002/cfp.html>.
E-Content 2002: Dreams and Realities, an LITC Conference, 10 April 2002, London, United Kingdom. For further information, please see <http://litc.sbu.ac.uk/econtent/>.
4th DELOS Workshop, Evaluation of digital libraries: Testbeds, measurements, and metrics, 6 - 7 June 2002, Budapest, Hungary. Call for Workshop Papers. The deadline for abstract submission is 10 April 2002. For further information, please see <http://www.sztaki.hu/conferences/deval/>.
NetLab Conference, 10 - 12 April 2002, Lund, Sweden. For additional information, please see <http://www.lub.lu.se/netlab/conf/>.
Content Management for Information Professionals, A Joint LITC/LAMIT Conference, 11 April 2002, London, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://litc.sbu.ac.uk/cm/>.
Censorship and Free Access to Information in Libraries and on the Internet, 11 April 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark. For further information, please see <http://www.db.dk/kon/temadag/Censurogytringsfrihed_eng.htm>.
Access to Learning Award, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Call for Applications. The deadline for application submission is 15 April 2002. For further information, please see <http://www.clir.org/fellowships/gates/gates.html>.
Seventh Search Engine Conference: Search Engines and Beyond, 15 - 16 April 2002, San Francisco, California, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.infonortics.com/searchengines/>.
National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSDL) , Program Solicitation, NSF-02-054. Call for proposals. The deadline for full proposals is 17 April 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.ehr.nsf.gov/ehr/due/programs/nsdl>. For proposal preparation and submission instructions, please see the solicitation at <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf02054/nsf02054.html>.
ELAG 2002: Semantic Web and Libraries, European Library Automation Group, 17 - 19 April 2002, Rome, Italy. For further information, please see <http://www.ifnet.it/elag2002/>.
Museums and the Web 2002, Archives & Museum Informatics, 17 - 20 April 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.archimuse.com/mw2002/>.
ISMIR 2002 - 3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 13 - 17 October 2002, Paris, France. Call for participation. The submission deadline for proposals is 19 April 2002. Detailed information about the conference, its organization, and the call for participation can be found at <http://ismir2002.ircam.fr/>.
Workshop on Distributed Computing Architectures for Digital Libraries, 18 - 21 August 2002, Vancouver, Canada. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 20 April 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.cs.odu.edu/~jbollen/icpp2002>.
The First Eurasian Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 29 - 31 October 2002, Tehran, Iran. Call for Submissions. The submission deadline for abstracts is receipt by 22 April 2002, with papers due before 1 May 2002. For additional information, please see <http://www.eurasia-ict.org/>.
Knowledge Management - Methods & Systems, OCLC Institute, 22 - 24 April 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.oclc.org/institute/calender/location/las_vegas.htm>.
INFO'2002 - Information, Knowledge and Society: Challenges of a New Era, 22 - 26 April 2002, Havana, Cuba. For further information, please see <http://www.congreso-info.cu/venglish.htm>.
CLIR International Workshop on Digital Preservation, 24 - 25 April 2002, Washington, DC, USA. Information about the Workshop may also be found at the CLIR website <http://www.clir.org/>.
Planning in a Time of Rapid Technological Change, OCLC Institute, 25 - 26 April 2002, Wheeling, West Virginia, USA. For further information, please see <http://www.oclc.org/institute/events/PlanningInATimeOfRapidTechnologicalChange_04-25-2002.htm>.
Milestones Conference, The European Library (TEL) - The Gate to Europe's Knowledge, 29 - 30 April 2002, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. For further information, please see <http://www.europeanlibrary.org/>.
Symposium 2003 - Preservation of Electronic Records: New Knowledge and Decision-making, 15 - 18 September 2002, Ottawa, Canada. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 30 April 2002. Please send your submission to: Symposium 2003 Program Coordinator, Canadian Conservation Institute, 1030 Innes Road, Ottawa ON K1A 0M5, Canada. Telephone: (613) 998-3721. Fax: (613) 998-4721. E-mail: <[email protected]>.
International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts (SIBMAS), 2 - 7 September 2002, Rome, Italy. Call for Papers. The deadline is 30 April 2002. For more information, please see <http://www.theatrelibrary.org/sibmas/Call24th.htm>.
ICONIP'02, SEAL'02, FSKD'02, 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning, 2002 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 18 - 22 November 2002, Convention City, Singapore. Call for Papers. The submission deadline is 30 April 2002. For additional information, please see <http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/nef/>.
(Unless otherwise noted, in the listed items or events above text enclosed in quotation marks is quoting from the web sites for those items or events.)
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DOI: 10.1045/march2002-clips