D-Lib Magazine
March 2000Volume 6 Number 3
ISSN 1082-9873Editorial
Spreading the News
Each month for this magazine, I put together the "Clips and Pointers" column, listing activities that I think would be of interest to the broad digital library community. There are many digital library conferences, workshops, institutes, and professional development activities scheduled over the next few months that I would love to attend.
As I look over the preliminary programs for the events, the titles of papers and descriptions of courses and seminars are so intriguing. The names of several presenters are familiar to me. Many of them have written for D-Lib Magazine, and I've had the pleasure of meeting a few of these authors at conferences that I have been able to work into my schedule. But I have to be selective, and I am quite sure that I'm not the only one who has to balance the desire to take part in activities against the available time and budget.
Fortunately, my work on D-Lib Magazine provides me with the next best thing to being able to participate in these events in person. D-Lib Magazine strives to gather and disseminate the best, most timely news and information emerging from the many digital library activities occurring throughout the world.
We rely on our friends and acquaintances in the digital library field to help us. How? By sending pointers to information that we might have missed; by contributing items for the "In Brief" column, or contributing full-length stories about completed research and development; and by sharing opinions or submitting reports from conferences that we might not have been able to attend.
To make it easier for those who wish to contribute to D-Lib Magazine, we have now made our author guidelines publicly available at <http://www.dlib.org/dlib/author-guidelines.html>. If there is a subject regarding digital library research that you feel we have not covered adequately, please let us know. If you have attended a really great conference, send us a brief report about it. Contribute to spreading the digital library news to others in our community.
Bonita Wilson
Managing Editor
Copyright (c) 2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
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DOI: 10.1045/march2000-editorial