D-Lib Magazine
June 2006
Volume 12 Number 6
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the June 2006 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Ms. Carroll is founder and president of Information International Associates, a small business providing information management and technology services. She has been advisor to federal scientific and technical information (STI) programs including DOE, USGS, NASA, and LC. She is Executive Director of CENDI, an interagency cooperation of STI managers of 12 federal agencies. Before going into private business, she worked at DOE/OSTI, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Cornell University. She has an MSLS from Columbia and a BA from Cornell.
To return to Bonnie Carroll's commentary, click (here).
Lois Mai Chan, Professor, School of Library and Information Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, is the author of eight books and numerous articles and co-editor of two collections in the areas of knowledge organization and subject indexing. Chan is the recipient of several awards. In 1989, she was awarded the Margaret Mann Citation for Outstanding Achievement in Cataloging and Classification given by the American Library Association. In 1992, she received the Distinguished Service Award from the Chinese-American Librarians Association. In 1999, Chan and Diane Vizine-Goetz were chosen for the Best of LRTS Award for the Best Article Published in 1998. In 2006, Chan received the Beta Phi Mu (International Library Science Honorary Society) Award for Distinguished service to education for librarianship. From 1986 to 1991, Chan served as the chair of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee. Currently, she is a member of the IFLA Standing Committee on Knowledge Management. Her research interests include knowledge organization, subject vocabulary, authority control, metadata, and organization and retrieval of Web resources.
To return to Lois Mai Chan's article, click (here) for Part I and (here) for Part II.
June Crowe is a Researcher and Project Manager for Information International Associates, Inc. (IIa). She has over 20 years of experience in providing scientific and technical reference and research services for governmental and commercial entities. She currently manages IIa research and development projects related to web-based open source document identification, collection, and analysis. She is a member of the Special Libraries Association, Grey Literature Network, AIIP, SCIP and Foro Trinacional de Bibliotecas. In addition, she is an author of numerous publications and is a presenter. Ms. Crowe has an MLS from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
To return to June Crowe's commentary, click (here).
Peter Murray is the Assistant Director for Multimedia Systems at OhioLINK, a consortium of higher education libraries in Ohio. He received an MLIS from Simmons College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Analysis from Miami University. Peter's current activities include the creation and promotion of the Ohio Digital Resource Commons a general purpose digital object repository to store, discover, and share the rich assets of Ohio's educational and cultural heritage communities. His other interests include the application of JPEG 2000 for long-term access and preservation to still and moving image content, distributed identity management systems, and with the moniker "The Disruptive Library Technology Jester" the rapid advancement of library services in a "Web 2.0" world.
To return to Peter Murray's article, click (here).
Abby Smith is a historian and consulting analyst focusing on the creation, preservation, and use of the cultural record in a variety of media. She works with the Library of Congress's National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program in development of its national strategy to identify, collect, and preserve digital content of long-term value. Until recently director of programs at the Council on Library and Information Resources, she has also worked at the Library of Congress managing programs relating to preservation of and access to cultural heritage collections. She is currently working with several universities on identifying content of long-term value, understanding various risk factors to its persistence, and analyzing organizational strategies for its long-term access.
To return to Abby Smith's article, click (here).
Michael Teets is Vice President Global Product Architecture, OCLC Online Computer Library Center. With staff in four North American locations, Mike oversees development of many of OCLC's flagship services including OCLC Connexion, WorldCat Resource Sharing, and the OCLC FirstSearch service. Mike is a member of the Internet2 InCommon Federation Steering Committee and Chair of the NISO Metasearch Authentication and Access task group. Mike recently introduced the Open Worldcat service, making OCLC WorldCat records of library-owned materials available to Web searchers. He also introduced WebJunction, an online community for library staff.
To return to Michael Teets's article, click (here).
Walter Warnick, director of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information, champions an aggressive effort to capitalize on technological advances to provide state-of-the-art information tools and services to the DOE community and the public. He was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2005 for leadership in efforts to significantly advance access to government scientific information. In 2004, he was chosen by the Public Printer of the United States to serve a three-year term on the 15-member Depository Library Council. He holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland and a Bachelor of Engineering Science from The Johns Hopkins University.
To return to Walter Warnick's commentary, click (here).
David Wojick is senior consultant with Innovations for Scientific Knowledge and Advancement (ISKA), a strategic initiative of DOE's Office of Scientific and Technical Information. He has worked on the theory and practice of scientific knowledge diffusion for 35 years, including serving on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University and the staffs of the Chief of Naval Research and the Naval Research Laboratory. He helped set up the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in OMB. David holds a Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Pittsburgh.
To return to David Wojick's commentary, click (here).
Marcia Lei Zeng is Professor of Library and Information Science at Kent State University. She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Information Sciences at University of Pittsburgh and an M.A. from Wuhan University in China. Her scholarly publications include over 60 papers and two books, as well as many national and international conference presentations. She is the P.I. and Co-P.I. of two NSDL projects. She is a member of the Advisory Group for NISO Z39.19-2005 Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies and a member of the IFLA Working Group on IFLA Guidelines for Multilingual Thesauri. Her services include Chairs of the SLA Cataloguing Committee and Technical Standards Committee, Chair of IFLA Classification and Indexing Section, and Chair of the IFLA Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (FRSAR) Working Group.
To return to Marcia Lei Zeng's article, click (here) for Part I and (here) for Part II.
Copyright © 2006 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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