D-Lib Magazine
June 2005
Volume 11 Number 6
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the June 2005 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Neil is responsible for developing and managing digital partnership activities between the UK Joint Information Systems Committee and the British Library, a post he took up in early January 2004. Prior to this he was a Programme Director in JISC for digital preservation. He has played a major role in developing strategies for digital preservation in the UK including founding the Digital Preservation Coalition and overseeing development of the UK Digital Curation Centre. He was the international consultant to the US National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP). Before joining JISC he was Assistant Director of the Arts and Humanities Data Service. He has an international reputation across the archive, library, and research sectors in the management of digital collections and preservation of digital materials.
To return to Neil Beagrie's article, click (here).
Jeroen Bekaert received a Masters in Engineering (Architecture and Urbanism)
in 2001 from Ghent University, Belgium. In October 2002, he obtained a
fellowship as a Research Assistant from the Fund for Scientific Research
(Flanders, Belgium) to conduct doctoral research. He is doing this research
at the Faculty of Engineering of the Ghent University. In March 2003, Jeroen
joined the Digital Library Research and Prototyping Team at the Los Alamos
National Laboratory, focusing his research on the possible synergy between
Digital Library and MPEG-21 architecture. He is actively involved in the
MPEG-21 DID and MPEG-21 DII work of ISO/MPEG. His research interests include
the current MPEG standardization efforts, digital library architecture and
interoperability, and digital preservation.
To return to Jeroen Bekaert's article, click (here).
Since 2000, Michael J. Giarlo has served as Systems Administrator for the Scholarly Communication Center, a division of the Libraries at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey focused primarily on digital library research and development. His bachelor's degree is in linguistics and philosophy, and in December he will be completing the Master of Library and Information Science program at Rutgers where he has concentrated on information systems and information retrieval. Michael has been working in information technology within academic libraries since 1999, devoting much of the past two years to work on the infrastructure of the University's institutional repository and the New Jersey Digital Highway project, a statewide digital initiative to discover and provide access to cultural heritage materials. In January, he will be studying computational linguistics at the University of Washington in Seattle.
To return to Michael Giarlo's article, click (here).
Ron Jantz is the Social Sciences Data Librarian at Alexander Library, Rutgers University. He has a Master's degree in mathematics from the University of Michigan and a Master's in Library Science from Rutgers University. In his previous career at AT&T Bell Labs (now part of Lucent Technologies), Ron was both a software developer and manager. At Bell Labs, he participated in the development of the Audix Voice Mail system and the Definity Business Communications System (a digital PBX). As a librarian, Mr. Jantz is applying his technology experience in order to improve access to digital materials. His research interests are in digital libraries and digital preservation, with an emphasis on special formats such as numeric data and digital maps. Ron has been the PI or Co-PI on grants for developing the New Jersey Environmental Digital Library and the Eagleton Poll Archive for public opinion data.
To return to Ronald Jantz's article, click (here).
Edmund Lee is the Standards and Guidelines Manager at English Heritage, the UK government advisor on the historic environment. He has been working on data standards for the UK heritage sector since 1996, and was responsible for editing the first edition of 'MIDAS' in 1998. He was the Co-ordinator to the Forum on Information Standards in Heritage (FISH), following its formation in 2000 and was the project manager to the FISH Interoperability Toolkit during 2003-5. Edmund lives in Cricklade, a medieval town in south England, with his wife Helen and two cats.
To return to Edmund Lee's article, click (here).
Herbert Van de Sompel graduated in Mathematics and Computer Science at Ghent University, and also obtained a Ph.D. there. He has held positions as Head of Library Automation at Ghent University, Visiting Professor in Computer Science at Cornell University, and Director of e-Strategy and Programmes at the British Library. Currently, he is the team leader of the Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team at the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has played a major role in creating the Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services, and the SFX linking server.
To return to Herbert Van de Sompel's article, click (here).
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