D-Lib Magazine
July/August 2006
Volume 12 Number 7/8
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the July/August 2006 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Ann Blandford is Director of UCL Interaction Centre and Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at UCL. She teaches and conducts research on the evaluation of interactive systems, both alone and in the context of the users' broader activities and working life. Much of her recent work has focused on the usability and use of digital libraries whether supporting academic work or the work of professionals such as doctors, journalists and lawyers.
To return to Ann Blandford's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Kristine Brancolini is Dean of University Libraries at Loyola Marymount University, a position she assumed in July 2006. From 1999 to 2006, She was Director of the Indiana University Digital Library Program (http://www.dlib.indiana.edu), which was established in 1997, and librarian for the David S. Bradley Film Collection. During this time, she directed numerous grant-funded digital library projects. At the time she left IU, she was director and co-principal investigator on two IMLS grants that began in October 2004, "Developing a Digital Libraries Education Program," which focused on the development of a digital library concentration with the School of Library and Information Science at IU Bloomington; and "IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana," a project to catalog and digitize 10,000 pieces of Indiana-related sheet music with the Lilly Library, Indiana State Library, the Indiana Historical Society, and the Indiana State Museum.
To return to Kristine Brancolini's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Lorcan Dempsey is VP of Research for OCLC. He oversees the work of OCLC Research and participates in OCLC's Strategic Leadership Team. Lorcan was named OCLC Chief Strategist in March 2004. He joined OCLC in Summer 2001. Before this, Lorcan worked for the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee), based in London, for UKOLN (University of Bath), and for a while in public libraries in his native Dublin, Ireland. He was recently elected to the Board of NISO, and writes at Lorcan Dempsey's WebLog.
To return to Lorcan Dempsey's article, click (here).
Jeremy Gow is a computer scientist interested in the design and use of digital library systems. Since 2001 he has been a research fellow at University College London's Interaction Centre (UCLIC), where his work has included developing information tools for mathematicians and formal modeling of interactive systems. His current research focuses on improving digital library design in the humanities. He holds a Ph.D. in Informatics from the University of Edinburgh.
To return to Jeremy Gow's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Jane Greenberg is an Associate Professor in the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (SILS/UNC-CH) and Director of the SILS Metadata Research Center. She is the Principal Investigator the Memex Metadata (M2) for Student Portfolios project, a member of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Advisory Board, and Co-Chair of the DCMI Tools Working Group. Jane was the Principle investigator of the AMeGA (Automatic Metadata Generation Applications) project and the Metadata Generation Research (MGR). She master's degree in Library Science from Columbia University and a doctorate in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh.
To return to Jane Greenberg's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Carolyn Hank is a TRLN Doctoral Fellow at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is currently involved in a campus-wide initiative to develop a pilot institutional repository and digital preservation program. Dr. Helen Tibbo serves as her academic advisor. Prior to her fellowship at UNC-CH, Hank was a research assistant at OCLC Office of Research, working under Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Consulting Research Scientist, and Dr. Chandra Prabha, Senior Research Scientist. She has her MLIS from Kent State University and a BA in Psychology from Antioch College.
To return to Carolyn Hank's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Geneva Henry is the Executive Director of Rice University's Digital Library Initiative and is currently a 2006 Distinguished Fellow for the Digital Library Federation (DLF). Prior to joining Rice, she was a Senior I/T Architect and Program Manager with IBM, where she was involved in planning, managing, and architecting a number of digital library solutions for universities and museums world-wide, as well as for the US Department of Defense. Her career has included applied research in artificial intelligence (expert systems and natural language processing), text search, data modeling, and digital libraries at IBM, TRW and the RAND Corporation.
To return to Geneva Henry's article, click (here). To return to her JCDL doctoral consortium report, click here.
Thomas Hickey helped found the Office of Research at OCLC in 1977, and has been Chief Scientist at OCLC since 1994. His interests include electronic publishing, information retrieval and display, and metadata creation and editing systems. In addition to working on FRBR work-level algorithms, he leads a group investigating how to harvest and derive relationships from diverse metadata objects. He also serves as chair of the standards committee of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (http://www.ndltd.org). Dr. Hickey did his graduate work at SUNY Geneseo and at the University of Illinois.
To return to Thomas Hickey's article, click (here).
Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich is Metadata Coordinator for Digital Library Systems and Services at Stanford University Libraries / Academic Information Resources. In that capacity, Nancy coordinates metadata services for Stanford Libraries' digital production activities, digital repository development and implementation, and educational technology services. She has been a member of the METS Editorial Board since 2002 and is currently serving as co-chair. Nancy has been active in a number of information and educational technology specification efforts including that of PREMIS (for preservation metadata), and several of IMS Global specifications related to packaging, repository and resource list interoperability. She is currently involved with the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee's RAMLET project, and continues to monitor various groups working on practices related to the use of digital rights expression languages.
To return to Nancy Hoebelheinrich's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Michael (Mick) Khoo's background is in anthropology and organizational studies, and his research focuses on the ethnographic and qualitative analysis of organizational communication and knowledge in collaborative projects. He is particularly interested in the interactions between various communities of practice (such as developers and users) in distributed organizations. Since 2000 he has conducted formative and summative evaluations with several digital libraries, including the Digital Water Education Library (DWEL) and the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE), and he is currently evaluating the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). Mick's work has informed the design of knowledge and communication tools that support and facilitate these projects. In carrying out these analyses, Mick draws on a range of theoretical approaches from cultural anthropology, organizational knowledge and communication, participatory design, and science, technology, and society studies; and he practices a range of research techniques, including ethnography, interviews, surveys, focus groups, and user interface testing.
To return to Mick Khoo's JCDL 2006 Conference report, click (here).
Brian Lavoie is a Senior Research Scientist in the Office of Research at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Since joining OCLC in 1996, he has worked on projects in many areas, ranging from expanding and updating the Cutter tables, to analyzing the content of the Web. Brian's research interests include the economics of information, digital preservation, and data-mining.
To return to Brian Lavoie's article, click (here).
Andrew McHugh earned a degree in Scots Law from Glasgow University (2000) and went on to complete a MSc in Information Technology (2001). Since then has been employed within HATII (the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute at the University of Glasgow) in various capacities including taking responsibility for revolutionizing the information infrastructure in the Department of Music. In late 2004 he joined the Digital Curation Centre in the position of Advisory Services Manager, leading a world-class team of digital curation practitioners in offering leading-edge expertise and insight in a range of issues to a primarily higher and further education audience. His most recent work at the DCC has involved leading its work in trusted repository Audit and Certification. He also lectures on multimedia systems and design on the MSc in Information Technology run by the Computing Science Department at Glasgow.
To return to Andrew McHugh's article, click (here).
Dr. Javed Mostafa received his Ph.D. in information science from The University of Texas at Austin (1994). He is currently the Victor H. Yngve Associate Professor of Information Science and Associate Professor of Informatics at Indiana University, Bloomington. He also has formal faculty affiliations with the Cognitive Science Program at Bloomington (core faculty) and the Computer & Information Science Department (adjunct) at IUPUI, Indianapolis. Dr. Mostafa is an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Information Systems (http://www.acm.org/tois), and he is the head of the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research in Indiana University, Bloomington (http://lair.indiana.edu). He has received several grant awards from the National Science Foundation, including a recent one that explores the utility of new privacy-protection measures in the provision of personalized health information.
To return to Javed Mostafa's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Seamus Ross is Professor of Humanities Informatics and Digital Curation and Founding Director of HATII (Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute) (http://www.hatii.arts.gla.ac.uk) at the University of Glasgow. He is an Associate Director of the Digital Curation Centre in the UK (http://www.dcc.ac.uk), a co-principal investigator in the DELOS Digital Libraries Network of Excellence (http://www.dpc.delos.info/), and Principal Director of DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE) (http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu). He was Principal Director of ERPANET, a European Commission activity to enhance the preservation of cultural heritage and scientific digital objects (http://www.erpanet.org), and a key player in The Digital Culture Forum (DigiCULT Forum) that worked to improve the take-up of cutting edge research and technology by the cultural heritage sector (http://www.digicult.info). Before joining the University of Glasgow he was Head of ICT at the British Academy and a technologist at a company specialising in knowledge engineering. He earned a doctorate from the University of Oxford. Some of his publications are available at <http://eprints.erpanet.org> During 2005/6 Seamus Ross is Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
To return to Seamus Ross's article, click (here).
Thomas Severiens, Associate Researcher and Project Manager, University of Osnabrück, Germany. Born in 1970 Thomas Severiens studied Physics at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg. In 1995 he started to develop PhysNet. After graduating, together with some colleagues he founded the Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg (ISN). Since 2004 he has worked as a lecturer for Information Engineering and as a researcher at the University of Osnabrück, is one of the chairs of Dublin-Core Working Group "Tools" and was a member of W3C Working Group "XQuery" from 2001 until 2005. His research interests include the development of distributed library systems, user oriented scientific information portals, strategies for long-term preservation of the scientific research output, and development tools for full-text semantics.
To return to Thomas Severiens's JCDL workshop report, click (here).
Robert Tansley, now at Google, Inc., joined HP Labs in December 2000
as a senior research scientist, where he was the architect and lead
developer of DSpace, and was part of the team that designed OAI-PMH.
Previously he completed a Ph.D. in multimedia information systems at the
University Of Southampton, UK in 2000, where he also designed and
implemented the eprints.org repository software.
To return to Robert Tansley's article, click (here).
Jeffrey A. Young received his B.S. in computer science from Ohio State University and graduated Beta Phi Mu with an M.L.S from Kent State University. He has worked for OCLC since 1987 and in the Office of Research since 1996. In addition to his involvement with OAI and NDLTD, other areas of research include authority control and web services.
To return to Jeffrey Young's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2006 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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