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New Handle System Release and License
Contributed by: CNRI has released the Handle System® technology under a new public license that will allow commercial and non-commercial use of both its patented technology and the reference implementation software HANDLE.NET 6.2, and will allow the software to be freely embedded in other systems and products. This completely replaces the research and education license, which had been in place for a number of years, and is a significant step forward in the evolution of the system. Heretofore, only the International DOI Foundation, under special license from CNRI, and the "Handle System Globus Toolkit Integration Project," were authorized to operate outside the bounds of the research and education constraints. The new license allows for any legitimate use of the system, including embedding it in commercial products or services. A Service Agreement has been put in place as part of this public release. This agreement must be entered into by anyone licensing the technology who wants to use it to provide identifier and/or resolution services, whether or not they use the HANDLE.NET software. In addition to laying out certain system-wide guidelines to insure the overall integrity of the system, the agreement calls for an initial $50 registration fee for each new handle prefix and a $50 per year maintenance fee per prefix. This revenue will help support the Global Handle Registry, which is the root of the Handle System, as well as the widely used proxy server system located at hdl.handle.net; it will also help to guarantee that commercial uses do not tax the system without contributing to it. A registration fee will not be required for existing prefix holders; and neither fee applies to existing prefix holders who do not upgrade to newer versions. Older versions of the HANDLE.NET software, and their accompanying licenses, remain valid and interoperable with the new version, but the older versions are no longer available to those who have not already licensed them. Those service providers who choose to upgrade to the new version, which contains a number of improvements, will need to register at the time of the upgrade to obtain prefixes, but will not pay a registration fee. The Handle System is a general purpose resolution system used to assign, manage, and resolve persistent identifiers, known as "handles," for digital objects and other resources on the Internet. Handles may be long lasting references to digital material and can be used to locate the material even when it changes location or owner. It can also be used to return metadata related to the material. Hundreds of millions of digital objects are managed today through a globally distributed set of handle service sites. The Handle System was developed by CNRI under the overall direction of Dr. Robert Kahn, a pioneer in open-architecture networking, the co-inventor of the TCP/IP protocols, and the originator of the DARPA program that developed the Internet. He founded CNRI in 1986 as a not-for-profit organization to provide leadership and funding for research and development of the National Information Infrastructure. In referencing the new licensing approach, Dr. Kahn said that "This release is a significant step forward in CNRI's ongoing objective of advancing the technological evolution of the Internet." Long time users of the Handle System include the content industries and related sectors through the DOI® (Digital Object Identifier) system, the Library of Congress, the U.S. Defense Technical Information Center, MIT's DSpace digital library system and various other efforts. More recent users include the Globus Alliance, which produces a leading open source toolkit for building computational grids, the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) CORDRA project for federating learning object repositories, and CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center), the DNS administrator for China. The new public license can be found at <http://hdl.handle.net/4263537/5030>, and additional information on the Handle System can be found at <http://www.handle.net>. Digital Libraries Curriculum Development
Contributed by: Seungwon Yang, Ph.D. Student Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in digital library (DL) research. Much of this research has investigated how DLs can aid education, but there has been no parallel investment in supporting teaching and learning about DL development and management. The Digital Libraries Curriculum Development project (http://curric.dlib.vt.edu/wiki/) is an effort to overcome this shortcoming in DL education. The School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC SILS) and the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech (VT CS) have taken the first steps toward developing an interdisciplinary curriculum and collection of educational materials for DL education. Through a three-year NSF grant (IIS-0535060 to UNC-CH and IIS-0535057 to VT), the project will develop educational modules in accordance with the Computing Curricula 2001 (CC2001) guidelines (http://www.computer.org/portal/cms_docs_ieeecs/ieeecs/education/cc2001/cc2001.pdf) and best practices from existing internships and programs on digital librarianship. These materials are intended for use in both computer science and library and information science programs, so input is being gathered from colleagues in both disciplines. A curriculum for DL education will be developed according to the framework illustrated below. For programs emphasizing digital libraries, a 2-semester sequence might be appropriate. For more general programs, a 1-semester course may be more appropriate. Alternatively, individual modules may be implemented within courses on DL-related topics. The mission of a particular school will affect the emphasis placed on DLs within its curriculum.
Educational materials will be developed at three levels of granularity: 1) specific lessons that can be implemented within the context of a DL course or a related course; 2) modules covering an individual topic; and 3) course outlines appropriate for one or two semester-long courses. At present, the investigators are undertaking an analysis of the published literature on DLs, and existing courses on DLs in Library and Information Science and Computer Science programs. This analysis will identify the "state of the art" in DL research and development and education, and will serve as a basis for the development of the planned modules. OCLC Designated Maintenance Agency for OpenURL Standard
Contributed by: Following the recommendation of an independent committee, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has accepted OCLC's proposal to serve as Maintenance and Registration Agency for The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services (ANSI/NISO Z39.88-2004). The review committee was chaired by Eric Van de Velde, Director of Library Information Technology at CalTech, who also headed NISO's committee responsible for developing the OpenURL standard. The original OpenURL technology proposed by Herbert Van de Sompel in 1999 has provided a reliable means to help users obtain the full-text of journal articles and other electronic content no matter where they find the citation. This has allowed online service providers the ability to provide direct access to full-text and has provided libraries and archives new ways to make information in their collections directly available to users working both inside and outside their own web site. The OpenURL Framework (Z39.88) extends this concept to provide a means for developing new services or applications. These applications or services are possible because the standard provides a common means of describing information objects and their context. The means for extending the framework is a family of registries. "OpenURL has significantly improved the world's access to electronic journal content," said Mike Teets, Vice President, OCLC Global Product Architecture. "It is now progressing to bring the same access to a much broader set of services for electronic resources. As the use of OpenURL expands and more services are automated using this critical infrastructure, there is a growing need for a registry supporting the communication and extension of the current standard as well as the development of community profiles. OCLC has committed our reliable architectures to supporting the OpenURL community and its continued success." OCLC's term as maintenance and registry agent is five years, with a performance review occurring after 18 months. As the maintenance and registry agent, OCLC will manage the process of maintaining the standard. This includes responding to defect reports and requests for change. Because OpenURL is truly an architecture for creating applications, OCLC's role as the registry agent is just as important. OCLC will provide a technical infrastructure that allows organizations interested in using the framework to submit new items and provides access to the existing elements in the registry. Currently, NISO and OCLC are working jointly to recruit an Advisory Committee that will work with OCLC throughout its term as Maintenance Agency. This Advisory Committee will work with OCLC and NISO to build a community of OpenURL implementers and users. This community can then serve as the forum for discussing and growing future applications and services. OCLC and NISO are also recruiting a Review Panel that will review and approve new registry items. VERSIONS: Versions of Eprints - user Requirements Study and Investigation Of the Need for Standards
Contributed by: Introduction to the VERSIONS Project The VERSIONS Project addresses issues and uncertainties relating to version identification in digital repositories and open access research collections. VERSIONS is looking at researchers' attitudes and current practice towards producing, archiving, disseminating and accessing electronic papers at different stages in the lifecycle. The project has a focus on eprints in economics, and takes a comparative view by drawing on established partnerships with European libraries specialising in economics. Information is being collected via a user requirements study and a publications list analysis. The results will be used to develop a set of guidelines on good practice in relation to version identification, to produce a toolkit of guidelines for academic researchers and to make recommendations on standards for versions. Funded by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) under the Digital Repositories Programme,1 VERSIONS is led by the Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science,2 with the Nereus Consortium of European research libraries in economics3 as associate partners. Nereus is a collaborative project aiming to build an open access service based on research papers from leading European economics researchers. Progress to date Interviews with European academics, repository staff and students investigated current usage of, and attitudes towards, open access repositories. In addition, information about authors' retention of their own work was obtained. The main findings were as follows:
The above findings were used to develop an online survey. Responses have now been collected from two questionnaires; one addressed to researchers as authors and as readers; the second addressed to other interested parties such as library staff, the repository software community, publishers, research funders and university senior management. At the time of writing the questionnaires had been answered by 592 respondents and the project team were beginning to analyse all results. Further Information For further information, please visit the VERSIONS website at http://www.lse.ac.uk/versions or contact the project team (Frances Shipsey - Project Manager and Louise Allsop - Project and Communications Officer) at <versions@lse.ac.uk>. Notes1. JISC Digital Repositories Programme <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=programme_digital_repositories>. 2. Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science <http://www.lse.ac.uk/library/>. 3. Nereus Consortium <http://www.nereus4economics.info>. In the NewsExcerpts from Recent Press Releases and AnnouncementsJorum: registered institutions reach the 200 markJuly 20, 2006 - "The College of North West London is the 200th institution to sign up for the Jorum User service since its launch in January of this year." "Funded by JISC and jointly run by EDINA and MIMAS, Jorum is a free online repository service for teaching and support staff in FE and HE, helping to build a community for the sharing, reuse and repurposing or adapting of learning and teaching materials." "...Over 800 individual users from registered institutions have signed up to Jorum User since January 2006, giving them access to all its learning and teaching resources in a wide range of subject areas." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=jorum_200th>. The Jorum website is at <http://www.jorum.ac.uk/>. More Cultural Heritage Accessible via The European LibraryJuly 19, 2006 - "This year has seen more digitised items and collections of the European National Libraries added to The European Library." "...Currently, The European Library provides searchable access to collections from 19 of the 45 member libraries of the Conference of European National Librarians. In September a new project will be launched to bring the remaining EU/EFTA member states of Belgium, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain and Sweden into The European Library network as full-partners. As a result, by mid 2007, two thirds of CENL will be accessible via The European Library." For more information, including a list of available resources, please see the full press release at <http://libraries.theeuropeanlibrary.org/press/TELOfficePressReleases/ Institute of Museum and Library Services Announces $16.9 million for Museums for AmericaJuly 18, 2006 - "Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, today announced the 2006 Museums for America recipients, the nation's largest federal funding program for museums. Museums of all types from art to zoo, 177 in all, will share $16,955,577. The recipients will match the federal funds with an additional $29,774,193. Four hundred and forty-eight museums nationwide urban and rural, large and small competed for grants, requesting over $41.7 million. Click here for a contact list of the recipients organized by state with descriptions of their grant projects." "'Museums for America will help strengthen museum service in communities across the United States,' said Radice. 'These awards will support hundreds of hands-on educational programs, the digitization of thousands of objects in museum collections, and exciting ventures using new technology. Museums will use these funds to advance community partnerships; spur cultural tourism; and support classroom teachers with educational curriculum, training and much more.'" For more information, please see <http://www.imls.gov/news/2006/071806.shtm>. Theses unbound: consultation on a national e-theses service for the UKJuly 17, 2006 - "The UK currently lacks a coherent national service to support access to, and preservation of, electronic PhD theses. At present, PhD theses are discovered by potential users in a variety of more or less ad hoc ways, and delivered to those users largely by physical document delivery. It is widely recognised that PhD theses are an under-exploited research resource, and that when they are made available electronically, their use increases substantially." "JISC has funded an 18-month project, EThOS, whose aim is to deliver a fully operational, easily scaleable and financially viable prototype UK online electronic PhD theses service, and supporting infrastructure. JISC wishes to consult relevant stakeholders in the higher education community about their views on a range of issues relating to e-theses, and on the extent to which the EThOS model is a suitable basis for a sustainable, national service designed to ensure long term open access to electronic PhD theses." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=etheses_consultation>. ACLS Opens Competitions for 2006-2007 Fellowship & Grant AwardsJuly 13, 2006 announcement from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS): "The ACLS is pleased to announce the opening of the 2006-2007 competitions for [the following] fellowships and grants:"
For more information and application procedures, please see <http://www.acls.org/ex-felcomp.htm>. The best of the web: Intute launched todayJuly 13, 2006 - "Intute the new face of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN) is launched at an event today at the Wellcome Trust in London. Intute is a free national service enabling lecturers, researchers and students to discover and access quality Internet resources. Intute supports education and research by promoting the most intelligent use of the Internet." "...Intute is hosted by MIMAS at The University of Manchester, and is a collaboration between a whole host of partners and contributors. At the heart of the organisation is a consortium of seven universities, bringing together a wealth of expertise and knowledge. Intute is funded by JISC, with support from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=intute_launch>. Open Access to S. R. Ranganathan at dLISTJuly 13, 2006 announcement from Michael May, dLIST Classics Editor: "The editors of dLIST, the Digital Library of Information Science & Technology, are pleased to announce that the dLIST Classics Project has received permission from the Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS) to provide open electronic access to the following works by S. R. Ranganathan
"Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972) was a pioneer in the field of Library and Information Science. S.R. Ranganathan's The Five Laws of Library Science, the main premise of which is "books are for use," is arguably the most influential work in LIS to date. A preliminary scan of the prefatory matter and first chapter from the original 1931 edition of S.R. Ranganathan's Five Laws is now available at dLIST: <http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/1220/>." "dLIST editors thank the following individuals for making open access to S.R. Ranganathan's works possible: A. Neelameghan, K. N. Prasad, and K. S. Raghavan (SRELS, Bangalore, India, and Documentation Research & Training Centre, Bangalore), and S. Arunachalam, dLIST Advisory Board Member (MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India)." "dLIST is a cross-institutional, subject-based, open access digital archive for the Information Sciences. dLIST Classics is a new project that is making fundamental and leading Library and Information Science texts openly accessible in dLIST. For more information, please visit dLIST at: <http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/>." OCLC and LIBER exchange bibliographic records to support digital preservation effortsJuly 10, 2006 - "The European Research Library Organisation LIBER and OCLC have agreed to exchange bibliographic records about digital masters. By this agreement, full information about digitized print material from both European and US libraries will be united in a central Registry of Digital Masters, which will be freely accessible for online searching. This collaboration is the first step toward a global registry. The next step is to involve libraries and groups in more regions of the world to ensure comprehensive coverage in this new registry" "'This is a significant step in building a global infrastructure to support digital preservation,' said Phyllis Spies, OCLC Vice President of Collection Management Services. 'OCLC's collaboration with LIBER and EROMM to broaden the scope of the Registry of Digital Masters benefits all libraries involved to build trust in each other's commitment to digital preservation, and to provide more visibility to the unique digital resources in the world's libraries.'" For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.oclcpica.org/dasat/index.php?cid=100697&conid=101653&sid= JSTOR Announces Open Africa InitiativeParticipation Fees Waived for Journal Archive to All Higher Education, Research, and Not-for-Profit Institutions in Africa July 7, 2006 - "As part of its dual mission to create an archive of scholarly literature and extend access to that archive as broadly as possible, JSTOR announced today that all participation fees will be waived for the JSTOR archive to any higher education, research, or not-for-profit institution on the continent of Africa." "Through the Open Africa initiative, JSTOR will offer African institutions access to its entire archive of online journal literature, which now contains 13 collections, 620 journals and more than 20 million pages of content. This will also include access to any content added to the archive during the period of participation." "JSTOR's participation fees will be waived for a minimum of three years, and will remain waived as long as economic conditions in the institutions and within the country dictate, at which point JSTOR will evaluate whether conditions or circumstances have changed significantly enough to warrant a change in policy. The Open Africa initiative affects new participants as well as the 40 institutions in 16 African nations that are now participating in JSTOR." For more information, please contact Jason Phillips at <jason.phillips@jstor.org>. MLA in the international arenaJuly 5, 2006 - "The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council has launched new international pages on its website." "Practical information on topics such as funding possibilities and international networks, inspiring case studies, and material to help develop the case for working internationally sit alongside information on MLA's recent activities in the international arena." "MLA has put together a series of factsheets to provide useful information about international work. Information is available to help site users learn about sources of funding, what opportunities professional organisations can provide, and major current and future international issues." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.mla.gov.uk/webdav/harmonise?Page/@id=82&Section Nature Publishing Group unveils groundbreaking protocol resource - Nature ProtocolsOnline database of scientific protocols launches as first major resource to combine high-quality, peer-reviewed articles alongside the enabling technology of Web 2.0 July 5, 2006 - "Scientific publisher Nature Publishing Group (NPG) today announced the launch of Nature Protocols (http://www.natureprotocols.com), an online database of commissioned, peer-reviewed Nature Protocols combined with a forum, Protocols Network, where scientists can comment on existing protocols and post their own lab protocols. Nature Protocols combines NPG's editorial and production values with the principles of 'Web 2.0' to create a unique, dynamic protocols resource...." "...The site has two protocol streams: "The Protocols Network consists of protocols uploaded to the site by scientists in the community and are not commissioned or peer-reviewed. This part of the site provides an opportunity for scientists to share the experimental protocols they have developed in the course of their research. Any scientist can upload their protocols to the site, and authors of articles published in Nature and Nature research journals have already contributed." "Scientists are encouraged to add comments, tips and advice to protocols within Nature Protocols and Protocols Network to continually refine and update this resource. Access to the full content presented in Nature Protocols is available through an institutional site license. Protocols and comments published in Protocols Network will remain publicly viewable without charge." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.nature.com/press_releases/Nature_Protocols_launches.pdf>. Second Partnership for a Nation of Learners Videoconference Attracts Nearly 1,000 Museum, Library, and Public Broadcasting Professionals NationwideJuly 5, 2006 - "Forty-five public broadcasting stations across the country hosted the second Partnership for a Nation of Learners videoconference on June 19, 2006. An Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) initiative, Partnership for a Nation of Learners (PNL) encourages libraries, museums, and public broadcasters to work together to address locally identified lifelong learning needs." "The videoconference, entitled "Mission Possible," focused on real-life partnerships and featured 15 library, museum, and public broadcasting professionals currently working together on six PNL Community Collaboration Grant projects. Ray Suarez, Senior Correspondent for The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, once again served as the national host. 'IMLS and CPB know that their constituents libraries, museums, and public broadcasters share the same educational mission, and possess complementary assets,' said Suarez. 'Fifteen grantees are here proving that collaborative partnerships are mission possible.'" "Museum, library, public broadcasting, and community organization professionals convened at the 45 stations throughout the country to view the videoconference, participate in partnership-building activities, and brainstorm ways to secure support for local collaborative projects. CPB President and CEO Pat Harrison and IMLS Director Anne-Imelda M. Radice welcomed the nearly 1,000 participants throughout the country from the WETA studio in Arlington, Virginia." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.imls.gov/news/2006/070506.shtm>. Announcement of a Comment Period for the Five Year Review of the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) StandardJune 29, 2006, announcement from David L. Giaretta, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory "In compliance with ISO and CCSDS procedures, a standard must be reviewed every five years and a determination made to reaffirm, modify, or withdraw the existing standard. The 'Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)' standard was approved as CCSDS 650.0-B-1 in January 2002 and was approved as ISO standard 14721 in 2003. While the standard can be reaffirmed given its wide usage, it may also be appropriate to begin a revision process. Our view is that any revision must remain backward compatible with regard to major terminology and concepts. Further, we do not plan to expand the general level of detail. A particular interest is to reduce ambiguities and to fill in any missing or weak concepts. To this end, a comment period has been established." "Comment Process We are soliciting recommendations for updates that will reduce ambiguities or improve missing or weak concepts. We also want to know if you prefer that no changes be made. Please categorized your comments for changes under one of the following:
"Please be as specific as possible with your suggestions. For this consideration, comments must be received by 30 October, 2006." "Comments may be submitted to: <OAIS-support@delight.gsfc.nasa.gov>." "Should the decision be taken to update the OAIS Reference Model, there should be an opportunity to participate in the process. Please also express your interest in participating and, if known, an indication of your expected level of effort." First Lady Laura Bush Announces More Than $20 Million in Librarian Recruitment and Education Grants from the Institute of Museum and Library ServicesJune 28, 2006 - "First Lady Laura Bush announced $20,869,145 in grants from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Thirty-five awards will go to universities, libraries, and library organizations across the country today to recruit and educate librarians. The grants are designed to help offset a current shortage of school library media specialists, library school faculty, and librarians working in underserved communities, as well a looming shortage of library directors and other senior librarians, many of whom are expected to retire in the next 20 years." "...The grants benefit 26 doctoral, 361 master's, 3,201 continuing education, and 289 pre-professional students across the country. Since First Lady Laura Bush first announced the President would support a multi-million initiative to recruit new librarians in 2002, the Institute has funded 1,898 master's degree students, 145 doctoral students, 949 pre-professional students, and 3,579 continuing education students. The multi-faceted grant program supports tuition assistance, curriculum development, service expectations, job placement, recruitment of non-traditional library students, support for doctoral candidates to teach library science, and research." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.imls.gov/news/2006/062806.shtm>. JISC welcomes RCUK's statement on access to research outputsJune 28, 2006 - "JISC today welcomed the RCUK's position statement on access to research outputs, saying that the statement represents 'an important step' in helping to ensure that the fruits of UK research are made more widely available. With individual research councils beginning to set out their guidance for implementing the RCUK principles, the statement will have major repercussions for the future of UK research." "Published today, the statement reaffirms the RCUK's belief in the value of repositories as a means of improving access to the results of publicly-funded research. It also restates its encouragement given last year to UK researchers to deposit their outputs in e-print repositories, suggesting that deposit should take place at the earliest opportunity." "ISC fully supports this principle and is investing significantly in the development of institutional repositories in the UK through its £3.5m digital repositories programme and the £13.8m repositories and preservation strand of its capital programme. JISC is also supporting the development of UK PubMed Central as a repository for research outputs in bio-medicine. JISC is therefore well placed to ensure that repositories are available for researchers who wish to deposit their outputs in them, and that the necessary national infrastructure is in place to support access and resource discovery across institutional and subject-based repositories." "To access the RCUK statement, please go to: RCUK." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=rcuk_jiscresponse>. Oxford Journals release preliminary findings from open access experimentsJune 27, 2006 - "Findings from three studies into the effects of open access on authors, readers, usage, and citations have today been made available online. The reports, conducted by LISU, CIBER, and Oxford Journals, were shared with the research community as part of a one-day workshop earlier this month."
"Martin Richardson, Managing Director, Oxford Journals, commented: 'This report presents the preliminary findings of our research to date. We hope that making this data available will stimulate others to share their experiences of open access, in order to help to foster a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of open access and subscription-based business models.'" "To download a copy of the full report, click here" For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.oxfordjournals.org/news/2006/06/27/ APA Announces "Retirement" of the Print Index Psychological AbstractsSuccess of the Comprehensive PsycINFO Online Database Has Minimized Print Subscriptions June 24 2006 - "The American Psychological Association (APA) has announced that Psychological Abstracts (ISSN: 0033-2887), one of the oldest and most respected abstract and index publications, will cease publication in print, after 80 years of publication. APA based this decision on the small number of remaining print subscriptions following many years of subscriber migration to APA's PsycINFO database." "The final issue, Vol. 93, No. 12, will be published in December 2006." "Questions about the discontinuation of Psychological Abstracts may be directed to PA at 800-374-2722 or 202-336-5652, or e-mailed to psycinfo@apa.org" OCLC to Participate in CLOCKSS InitiativeJune 23, 2006 - "Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) is the newest member to join CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), a not-for-profit community approach to securing access to electronic scholarly content for the long term. More than 53,000 libraries in 96 countries and territories around the world use OCLC services to locate, acquire, catalog, lend and preserve library materials." "...OCLC's partnership with CLOCKSS coincides with a recent contract from the Library of Congress to the CLOCKSS partnership for collaboration with the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program." "...Developed through a community-based and open process that ensures complete transparency, the CLOCKSS partnership uses the robust technology underpinning the acclaimed LOCKSS Program. CLOCKSS provides additional functionality to that of the use of the LOCKSS system, which is widely known as a technology to help preserve a library's local collections in the long term. CLOCKSS aims to provide a long-term global archiving solution that will serve the joint library and publisher communities in the event of a long-term business interruption or in making orphaned or abandoned works readily available to the scholarly community." For more information, please see a copy of the full press release at <http://www.lockss.org/clockss/Home>. Governing Board Adopts Financial Model for GBIF's Next PhaseJune 23, 2006 - "GBIF [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] Voting Participants voted on 16 June 2006 to accept a new funding scale for GBIF, thus endorsing its activities for another 5 years." "GBIF will continue to work to make biodiversity data and information freely and universally available via the Internet. Its efforts will focus on building Internet infrastructure that enables users to query many databases at once. GBIF also strongly encourages and promotes increases in the amount and quality of biodiversity data available to users on the Internet. Input from communities of users for the data that GBIF makes available is considered essential in GBIF operations." "During its first 5 years, GBIF prototyped its Internet-based information delivery mechanisms, and during this new phase will move the prototype toward full operations. The next phase will also see GBIF building upon the strong partnerships it has developed with other international activities, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.gbif.org/Stories/STORY1151084711>. Copyright 2006 © Corporation for National Research InitiativesTop |
Contents doi:10.1045/july2006-inbrief |