D-Lib Magazine
January 1999Volume 5 Number 1
ISSN 1082-9873To the Editor
D-Lib Magazine maintains a forms-based, interactive messages space to encourage readers to respond to the magazine, to stories, or to other comments. Comments concerning the substance of a story will be forwarded to the author(s) for response, and the response posted. Comments that are not germane to digital library research issues or that are primarily commercial, promotional, or advertising in nature will be deleted.
You may also just browse the responses without adding to them, but in any case, please remember to subscribe. The subscription provides you membership in D-Lib's notification list; the magazine will continue to be publicly accessible at http://www.dlib.org/.
We are using HyperNews, which was written by Daniel LaLiberte, and is made freely available. The version we are using is not the most current, but we have postponed upgrading it until the next version becomes available.
You may go to the D-Lib Response Page now (or come back later).
You may also continue to send messages to the editor at: [email protected]. If you do not want to add to the response page, you may add your name to the subscription list (for purposes of notification) here.
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DOI: 10.1045/january99-messages