D-Lib Magazine
January/February 2007
Volume 13 Number 1/2
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the January/February 2007 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Karen Coyle is a librarian with nearly 30 years experience in digital libraries. She worked for over 20 years at the University of California, most recently for the California Digital Library, and is now a consultant on digital library technology. She has written and lectured on many technical issues, such as metadata and information retrieval, as well as social, political and policy issues that affect libraries.
To return to Karen Coyle's opinion piece, click (here).
Kenneth Crews is the Samuel R. Rosen II Professor in the Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis, with a joint appointment in the IU School of Library and Information Science. He is also director of the Copyright Management Center based at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) (See: www.copyright.iupui.edu). His principal research interest is the relationship of copyright law to the needs of higher education. His most recent book, Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators, now in its second edition, is an instructive overview of copyright law. Professor Crews has been an invited speaker on college and university campuses and at conferences in more than 40 states and on five continents. He has been a visitor at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany; he serves as a faculty member for the advanced law degree program with the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center. During 2003, he was the Intellectual Property Scholar for the Center for Intellectual Property and Copyright in the Digital Environment, University of Maryland University College.
To return to Kenneth Crews's article, click (here).
Gordon Dunsire is Depute Director of the Centre for Digital Library Research at Strathclyde University in Glasgow, Scotland. He is a member of the CILIP-BL Committee on AACR and the CILIP Committee on DDC, and is Chair of the Cataloguing and Indexing Group in Scotland. He is the principal developer of the SCONE collection descriptions service and other components of the Scottish Common Information Environment, and has been involved in several projects investigating the use of collection-level description and metadata aggregation in wide-area resource discovery.
To return to Gordon Dunsire's article, click (here).
An IBM Research Staff Member from 1963 until 2000, H.M. Gladney now offers managerial and technical consulting for digital content management and digital preservation. He designed the IBM Digital Library offered since 1993 and invented a network delivery method that combines the consistency of relational DBMS products with the high performance of distributed file services and multimedia data streaming. This method has recently been delivered in IBM Content Manager. Gladney is an ACM member and a Fellow of the American Physical Society with more than 60 refereed publications and a dozen patents. He also publishes the Digital Document Quarterly.
DDQ link: (http://home.pacbell.net/hgladney/ddq.htm)
To return to H.M. Gladney's opinion piece, click (here).
Diane Hillmann is currently Research Librarian at Cornell University Library, working primarily on the NSF-funded NSDL Registry. She was formerly Project Manager and Director of Library Services and Operations for the National Science Digital Library Project at Cornell University. She has worked in libraries and digital libraries for over 35 years, the last 30 at Cornell University Library in various capacities, including Authorities Librarian and manager of the library's MARC database. She is a past member of MARBI (the American Library Association's Committee on Machine Readable Bibliographic Information) and is currently the editor of "Using Dublin Core" (the official usage guidelines for Dublin Core) and a member of the Usage and Advisory Boards of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. She recently edited (with Elaine Westbrooks) "Metadata in Practice," published by ALA Editions (2004).
To return to Diane Hillmann's article, click (here).
Karen Markey is a Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. Prior to joining Michigan's faculty in 1987, she was a Senior Research Scientist at the OCLC Online Computer Library Center. Her research has been supported by the Council on Library Resources, Delmas Foundation, Department of Education, Institute of Museum and Library Studies, National Science Foundation, and OCLC, and focuses on improving online information systems so that the everyday people who search them find the information they want.
To return to Karen Markey's opinion piece, click (here).
Arthur Sale, Ph.D. FACS FIEAust is Professor of Computing Research at the University of Tasmania and Research Coordinator of Computing. Prior to that he was Pro Vice-Chancellor of Information Services and a University Senior Executive. Dr. Sale has been described as the 'archivangelist of Open Access in Australia' (Stevan Harnad, Canada) and a 'Living National Treasure' (John Hughes, UTS). He received the ANCAAC Award for best paper in Australia in ICT in 2001, the ICT Industry Award for contribution to the ICT Industry in 2004, and the University of Tasmania's Award for Community Engagement in December 2006. He researches in bioinformatics, mobile computing and Internet technologies.
To return to Arthur Sale's opinion piece, click (here).
Gerard van Westrienen graduated from the 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam' in economics. He worked there for 5 years and afterwards for 13 years in different positions at the Nuffic, the Netherlands organisation for international co-operation in higher education. In 2001, he switched to the SURF foundation as programme manager for IWI, Innovation of Scientific Information Supply. In 2002 IWI merged into the Platform ICT and Research. He is deputy manager of the Platform and has been involved amongst others in the inception of the DARE programme and on copyright issues in scholarly communication (the international Zwolle Group on copyright management in higher education; the joint SURF-JISC initiative and projects on copyright).
To return to Gerard van Westrienen's article, click (here).
Heather Walls is a freelance technical editor and writer with international e-learning clients. She contributes to on-going projects at the Learning Systems Architecture Lab (LSAL) and the Workforce ADL Co-Lab at the University of Memphis. Ms. Walls edited LSAL's "SCORM Best Practices Guide for Content Developers" and was the technical writer/editor for the AICC Package Exchange Notification Services (PENS) specification. Her prior experience includes several years as an editor in corporate marketing communications. She began her career as a biochemical researcher at Cornell University from where she earned her Masters degree.
To return to Heather Walls's conference report, click (here).
Dr. Nigel Ward is Director of the Australian ADL Partnership Lab where he is responsible for international outreach and technical leadership. He manages the collaborative Federated Repositories for Education (FRED) project, which supports deployment of a service-based approach to developing federations of learning content repositories throughout the Australian education and training communities. Prior to his ADL appointment, Dr. Ward was an interoperability analyst at The Le@rning Federation, an initiative of state and federal governments of Australia and New Zealand that develops online interactive curriculum content for Australian and New Zealand schools.
To return to Nigel Ward's conference report, click (here).
Copyright © 2007 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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