Volume 13 Number 1/2
ISSN 1082-9873
Current and Future Status of D-Lib Magazine
On previous occasions [1, 2], those of us responsible for D-Lib have pointed out that funding issues are a continuing concern for the ongoing publication of D-Lib Magazine. To date, we have resisted both subscription fees and author charges, to enable both wide readership and no impediment to the submission of articles, and have supported the magazine since its inception over ten years ago through a combination of government grants, from both DARPA and NSF, and, more recently, contributions by CNRI.
As of this issue, a combined January/February issue, we are moving to a bi-monthly publication schedule in order to help reduce costs. We plan to stay with this bi-monthly schedule through mid-year, at which point we will critically evaluate the options available to us, including the possibility of returning to a monthly publication schedule if funding permits. In the meantime, we will continue our funding efforts as well as continue to look at alternate modes of support.
From the many readers who have spoken with D-Lib's editor, Bonnie Wilson, as well as with me and others at CNRI, and from various studies such as "The Core: Digital Library Education in Library and Information Science Programs" [3], we know that D-Lib Magazine is widely appreciated as a valuable resource in the digital library community and beyond. Those who have labored on the magazine over the years very much want to see it continue as a valued, reliable, and readily available resource, publishing the best articles we can obtain from a variety of knowledgeable sources. Whether or not we will be able to continue with this approach, however, remains to be seen and depends critically on contributions from those who value the service and wish to see it continue. Toward this end, we have set a fund-raising target of $100,000 for the magazine. Please let us know if you are able to assist us in meeting this goal. Institutional supporters would be prominently acknowledged in the magazine. We would also consider advertising at very moderate rates targeted to the D-Lib readership. And finally, we would also consider author charges, but would like to know how past and prospective D-Lib authors feel about that.
As before, comments on this matter are welcome and should be sent to the D-Lib address <[email protected]>, or directly to me at <[email protected]>.
Laurence Lannom
Director of Information Management Technology
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
[1] Kahn, Robert E., Ten Years of D-Lib Magazine and Counting, http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july05/07editorial.html.
[2] Lannom, Laurence, D-Lib Funding, http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july06/07editorial.html.
[3] Pomerantz, Jeffrey, Sanghee Oh, Seungwon Yang, Edward A. Fox, and Barbara M. Wildemuth The Core: Digital Library Education in Library and Information Science Programs http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november06/pomerantz/11pomerantz.html.
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