Volume 11 Number 2
ISSN 1082-9873
More Than Meets the Eye
If you've been reading D-Lib Magazine for some time, you may wish to skip the editorial this month. It is aimed to those who may not be familiar with all the resources the magazine has to offer. Although we have designed the magazine to be as clear and user-friendly as possible, we can't assume that our design has resulted in a web site that is intuitive to everyone who visits.
The link to D-Lib Magazine (http://www.dlib.org) leads to the magazine's home page. To new readers of the magazine, the list of articles and other main features listed in the center of this page may look like the entire table of contents, but it is actually only one part of the current issue contents. The magazine has much more to offer than meets the eye on this page.
The best way to learn what resources D-Lib makes available is to follow the navigational links on the left and right sides of the home page. Some of those links are to archived content, such as the author and title indexes and the back issues pages. Others are to current issue content such as the "Clips & Pointers" and "In Brief" columns. A little explanation of the organization of those two columns may be helpful as well.
"Clips & Pointers" has five sections: In Print, Point to Point, Calls for Participation, Goings On, and Deadline Reminders. In Print provides links to recently published books, reports, magazines, white papers, etc. that have been selected with an eye to the varied interests of the digital library community. (Please note: although most of the In Print resources are available via open access, most are copyrighted works, just as are the articles in D-Lib Magazine.) Point to Point "points" to other web sites that point to still other resources. In other words, Point to Point lists selected bibliographies, weblogs, pathfinders, portals, and similar collections. The section entitled Calls for Participation provides information about upcoming events for which calls for papers, proposals, panels, posters, and the like have been solicited. The Calls listed in this section have submission deadlines at least two months in advance of the current issue month. Similarly, Goings On, which is a list of upcoming events, lists events that will take place two months in advance of the current issue. Deadline Reminders, on the other hand, lists both Calls and events that have deadlines or that will take place within six weeks.
The "In Brief" column is used to bring attention to new projects, software and toolkits, as well as to awards and scholarship programs. A separate section of the "In Brief" columnIn the Newsprovides excerpts of news and press releases and announcements. D-Lib Magazine does not, however, provide press releases that are primarily commercial or promotional in nature.
I hope that you will take time to explore the D-Lib web site to find the resources that most meet your needs. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for making the magazine even better, please let us know.
Bonita Wilson
Copyright© 2005 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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