A Bucket Demo
This demo and the one in Appendix 2 are recorded in the QuickTime format. Software to replay this demo can be found at: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/. This demo shows manipulation of URL arguments and command line editing of bucket contents. This is done for illustrative purposes only and these operations are generally handled through bucket tools.
The bucket demo QuickTime file is approximate 13MB in size. If you have the QuickTime plug in, you may run the demo by clicking here.
Transcript of Actions
- Begin with the NACA TN sample bucket from section 3.
- Invoke the "metadata" method on the bucket
- Click on the "scanned pages" section of the bucket.
- Paginate through the report (both thumbnails and large pages).
- Invoke the "get_preference" method on the bucket, notice that "thumbnail_increment" is set to 10.
- Invoke the "set_preference" method on the bucket, changing the "thumbnail_increment" preference to 18.
- Re-invoke the "get_preference" method, noting that "thumbnail_increment" is now 18.
- Re-click on the "scanned pages" section of the bucket, notice that 18 pages are now displayed at a time.
- Invoke the "display" method on the bucket, but pass in keywords to make bold.
- Invoke the "display" method, keep the bold keywords, but also specify the "view" suitable for LaRC staff.
- From the listing of TIFFs, click on one (this machine does not have the proper application to view TIFFs)
- Click on the sample maintenance page. Within this context:
- Click on the link that invokes the "get_log" method.
- Click on the link that invokes the "list_tc" method, but this fails because our IP address is not permitted to perform this action.
- Switch to a vt100 terminal, add the IP address to the T&C file.
- Re-click the link that invokes the "list_tc" method, and it succeeds this time, listing the source code for the "index.cgi" portion of the bucket.
- Add arguments to the "list_tc" method to list the source code for the "display" method then the "version" method.
- Re-invoke the "list_tc" method, highlighting the T&C necessary for the "lint" method.
- Click on the link that invokes the "lint" method, and give the required username and password for this action. "lint" provides lots of diagnostic output.
- Re-invoke the "list_tc" method, notice that another user is required for the "delete_bucket" method.
- Invoke the "delete_bucket" method, notice that the user "maly" is denied this action.
- Switch to a vt100 terminal running the Pine email client. Notice that we have received 2 emails: 1 from the "inform" T&C directive telling us that someone successfully invoked the "metadata" method, and a second telling us that someone unsuccessfully invoke the "delete_bucket" method. Notice that the email has the HTML source necessary to recreate the action should we wish to approve the attempted action.
- Return to the original NACA TN bucket, and invoke the "list_methods" method
- Invoke the "get_preference" method, notice the preference "method_server" has the value "internal".
- Switch to a vt100 terminal, edit the value of "method_server" to point to a filesystem location outside the bucket.
- Re-invoke the "get_preference" method, notice the new value of "method_server".
- Invoke the "list_methods" buckets. There are much fewer methods, plus a new method named "silly".
- Invoke the "silly" method.
- Switch back to the vt100 terminal, reset the value for "method_server" to "internal".
- Re-invoking the "silly" method now fails.
- Re-invoke the "get_preference" method, noticing that "method_server" is back to internal.
- Re-invoking the "list_methods" method shows a full list of methods.
- Switch to a demo page for bucket mobility.
- Click on the first bucket, and browse its contents (text + audio).
- Click on the empty bucket (bucket exists, but no contents).
- Click on the link that invokes the "pack" method on the first bucket. Save this bucket stream on the local machine.
- Using the HTML provided form for file upload, invoke the "unpack" method on the empty bucket, passing in the bucket stream from the first bucket. Ignore the diagnostic messages.
- Clicking on the empty bucket reveals that it now has the same contents as the first bucket.
- Invoking the "get_log" method on the (former) empty bucket shows when the "unpack" method was invoked on it.
- Verify that the first bucket still exists.
- Invoke the "delete_bucket" method on the first bucket.
- Clicking on the link to the first bucket now produces an http error because that bucket no longer exists.
Copyright© 2001 Kurt Maly. (Although he is a co-author of this article, Michael Nelson is not listed as a copyright holder because his work on this project was done as an employee of the U.S. Federal Government.)