D-Lib Magazine
December 2006
Volume 12 Number 12
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the December 2006 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
David Bearman, Founding Partner of Archives & Museum Informatics in Toronto, consults for cultural institutions on information strategy. Since leaving the Smithsonian Institution (where he was Deputy Director of the Office of Information Resources Management) in 1986, Bearman has directed his own consulting firm which specializes in developing new business models and economic frameworks for archive and museum consortia, that take advantage of information technologies to rethink their approaches to management and delivery of cultural resources. Bearman has been responsible for guiding the development of a national information system for archives in the U.S., national policies towards electronic records management in several countries, national and international museum collaborations and network initiatives, and the definition of a variety of archival, museum, library and publishing non-profits that exploit and develop information standards.
To return to David Bearman's opinion piece, click (here).
Cindy Boeke is the assistant curator for The American Society for Cell Biology's Image & Video Library (http://cellimages.ascb.org). She has experience in digital library development, user surveys, web design, distance learning, cataloging, video production, and marketing. Examples of include: "Streaming in Digital Libraries: A Survey of Current Trends and Applications"; four online user surveys for the Library of Congress's FLICC/FEDLINK division; the HTML web site design for the XML-based digital library on the Dada poetess Baroness Elsa von Freytag; environmental scan wiki for Library of Congress, including a section on library trends; "The Future of Cataloging: A Survey of Trends and Issues"; and training courses on wikis and online surveys. For more details, see http://trainingwiki.pbwiki.com/Cindy%20Boeke.
To return to Cindy Boeke's conference report, click (here).
Dr. J. Stephen Downie is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign (UIUC). He is Director of the "International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory" (IMIRSEL). Professor Downie is Principal Investigator on the "Human Use of Music Information Retrieval Systems" (HUMIRS) and the "Music-to-Knowledge" (M2K) music data-mining projects. He has been very active in the establishment of the Music Information Retrieval and Music Digital Library communities through his ongoing work with the ISMIR series of MIR conferences as a member of the ISMIR steering committee.
To return to Stephen Downie's conference report, click (here).
Brad Edmondson is vice president of epodunk.com, a website that provides in-depth information on thousands of places in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. He is the former editor-in-chief of American Demographics magazine. His freelance articles have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, The Washington Post, and other publications. He has been covering people and events in the National Science Digital Library since 2003. He is a 1981 graduate of Cornell University.
To return to Brad Edmondson's conference report, click (here).
Janet Eke (MLIS) is the project coordinator of the ECHO DEPository
(http://www.ndiipp.uiuc.edu), a 3-year NDIIPP-partner digital preservation research and development project based at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Previously she provided research services at a fee-based custom research unit of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at UIUC, and taught the GSLIS master's course in online searching. She also worked for many years in public libraries.
To return to Janet Eke's article, click (here).
Sean Fox is the technical lead at the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC). He is responsible for the direction and development of the technical infrastructure that underpins the websites hosted by SERC. He is a participant in the NSDL Technical Committee including involvement in their webmetrics pilot. His professional interests center on how to appropriately align the affordances of information technology with the needs of educators. Prior to joining SERC he was the Academic Computing Coordinator for the Natural Sciences at Carleton College.
To return to Sean Fox's article, click (here).
Thomas G. Habing is a Research Programmer at the Grainger Engineering Library Information Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where since 1998 he has worked on various digital library projects. In addition to his technical support for various ongoing OAI-PMH related projects at UIUC, including being the developer of the UIUC OAI Registry, Tom is a technical lead for the Library's NDIIPP ECHO DEPository grant project. Before the OAI-era, Tom was a lead developer on the Library's NSF-funded Digital Library Initiative (DLI I) project, and the DARPA-funded D-Lib Test Suite projects. Prior to returning to the midwestern U.S. in 1997, Tom was a Senior Computing Methods and Technology Engineer for The Boeing Company in Seattle, Washington, where he had been employed since 1986 doing systems analysis, programming, and graphical user interface design.
To return to Thomas Habing's article, click (here).
Patricia M. Hswe is currently a Digital Library Fellow in the M.S. program in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois. She works part-time as a graduate assistant on the ECHO DEPository project, the UIUC component of NDIIPP. In 2004-2006, also at Illinois, she held a CLIR Post-Doctoral Fellowship and contributed to digital projects in the Slavic and East European Library. Her doctorate is in Slavic
Languages and Literatures from Yale.
To return to Patricia Hswe's article, click (here).
Ellen Iverson is an evaluator and programmer at the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College. Her work includes the usability and evaluation efforts that ground SERC projects and websites in the reality of educator practice. Her professional interests include understanding how faculty use the web and digital libraries in their class preparation, and the assessment of these resources. Prior to her work with SERC she spent 14 years in industry working with IBM and as the Technology Manager for Marathon Multimedia.
To return to Ellen Iverson's article, click (here).
Joanne Kaczmarek is the Archivist for Electronic Records at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Currently she is a team member of the ECHO DEPository project and is participating in several institution-wide initiatives to gain better controls of information resources, ranging from administrative records to scholarly output. Prior to her current position Joanne was the project coordinator for the Mellon-funded UIUC OAI-PMH Cultural Heritage Repository project.
To return to Joanne Kaczmarek's article, click (here).
Cathryn A. Manduca is the Director of the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College where she is involved in a variety of projects that support improvements in geoscience and science education. Her work includes serving as a community leader, organizing workshops and other activites for faculty and educators of all types, and developing web-resources that link teaching resources, pedagogy and discussion. She is President of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and the 2004 recipient of AGU's Excellence in Geophysical Education Award.
To return to Cathryn Manduca's article, click (here).
Carol Minton Morris (Terrizzi) is the Communications Director for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) <http://NSDL.org> and a research associate in the digital libraries research group in Cornell Information Science <http://www.infosci.cornell.edu/dl/dl-people.html>. Her research interests are informed by her background in the publishing industry and visual arts and include establishing collaborative communications systems and tools such as On Ramp, an NSDL content and communications management system for distributed content creation. She is the founding editor of Whiteboard Report <http://content.nsdl.org/wbr/Issue.php?issue=current> featuring information from NSDL projects and programs nationwide since 2000.
To return to Carol Minton Morris's conference report, click (here).
Lisa Schiff is the Technical Lead for the Publishing Group of the California Digital Library (CDL), which provides an open access repository for scholarly content (eScholarship Repository) and is partners with the University of California Press and the Mark Twain Papers to build a digital critical edition of the writings of Mark Twain. She holds a Ph.D. in Library and Information Studies from UC Berkeley and is the author of the book Informed Consent: Information Production and Ideology, published by Scarecrow Press in 2003, which examines how commonly held understandings shape and are shaped by the tools and practices used to generate data.
To return to Lisa Schiff's article, click (here).
Colleen Whitney recently earned her Masters degree from the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley. Her interests incorporate topic areas including information design and architecture, information retrieval and information visualization. Complementing her academic work, she served as a programmer and project coordinator for the California Digital Library's Melvyl Recommender Project (http://www.cdlib.org/inside/projects/melvyl_recommender/). This experimental research and prototyping project explored information retrieval strategies for enhancing service to library patrons, including usefully ranked results, spelling correction and recommendations. She is currently a Consultant at Mark Logic.
To return to Colleen Whitney's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2006 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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