D-Lib MagazineMarch/April 2010 Crowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do It?Rose Holley AbstractThe definition and purpose of crowdsourcing and its relevance to libraries is discussed with particular reference to the Australian Newspapers service, FamilySearch, Wikipedia, Distributed Proofreaders, Galaxy Zoo and The Guardian MP's Expenses Scandal. These services have harnessed thousands of digital volunteers who transcribe, create, enhance and correct text, images and archives. Known facts about crowdsourcing are presented and helpful tips and strategies for libraries beginning to crowdsource are given. Keywords: Crowdsourcing, social engagement, web 2.0, text correction, digital libraries, digital volunteers, virtual volunteering, wisdom of crowds, citizen science. 1. BackgroundThis article is an abridged version of my private research paper1. I gave a keynote presentation2 on crowdsourcing to the Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance (PRDLA) annual meeting in Auckland, New Zealand on 18 November 2009. The research was undertaken in my own personal time and contains my own personal views on the potential of crowdsourcing for libraries. These views are not necessarily shared or endorsed by the National Library of Australia (my employer). 2. What is crowdsourcing?Crowdsourcing is a new term in our vocabulary. It does not yet have a clearly agreed definition, is not recognised by my spellchecker, and does not have widespread usage in the library world. Wikipedia provides a useful starting point to understand the term. An extract of their page3 from August 2009 reads as follows: "Crowdsourcing is a neologism for the act of taking tasks traditionally performed by an employee or contractor and outsourcing it to a group (crowd) of people or community in the form of an open call. For example, the public may be invited to develop a new technology, carry out a design task, refine or carry out the steps of an algorithm, or help capture, systematize or analyze large amounts of data (citizen science). The term has become popular with business authors and journalists as shorthand for the trend of leveraging the mass collaboration enabled by Web 2.0 technologies to achieve business goals. The difference between crowdsourcing and ordinary outsourcing is that a task or problem is outsourced to an undefined public rather than a specific other body. In crowdsourcing the activity is initiated by a client and the work may be undertaken on an individual, as well as a group, basis. Crowdsourcing has potential to be a problem-solving mechanism for government and non-profit use." I want to expand this definition and clarify the difference between social engagement and crowdsourcing. Social engagement is about giving the public the ability to communicate with us and each other; to add value to existing library data by tagging, commenting, rating, reviewing, text correcting; and to create and upload content to add to our collections. This type of engagement is usually undertaken by individuals for themselves and their own purposes. (In the previous issue of D-Lib I have written about user tagging4). Crowdsourcing uses social engagement techniques to help a group of people achieve a shared, usually significant, and large goal by working collaboratively together as a group. Crowdsourcing also usually entails a greater level of effort, time and intellectual input from an individual than just socially engaging. For example correcting the text of a newspaper article, or transcribing a complete shipping record involves more input than quickly adding a tag to a photograph, or rating a book on a scale of 1-5. Crowdsourcing relies on sustained input from a group of people working towards a common goal, whereas social engagement may be transitory, sporadic or done just once. Clay Shirky's book 'Here Comes Everybody'5 contains some interesting examples of both types of activity that have been enabled by web 2.0 technologies. Libraries are already proficient in the first step in crowdsourcing: social engagement with individuals, but we need to get proficient in the second step: defining and working towards group goals. Social engagement has happened for years in libraries. In the 'pre- digital library days' a user did not expect to go to a library and have a simple information transaction. They wanted the information but they also wanted to discuss with the librarian (or any other user) what they thought of the latest novel they had just read, the results of their research, what else they know about steam locomotives that was not in the book they just read, or the error they just found in your card catalogue. On the books return desk they tried to sneak back text books that had pencil or worse pen or highlighter underlinings and annotations, without the librarian noticing. If they were noticed they would be fined, or worse banned from borrowing books again! They wrote formal letters of complaint or compliment about library services to the librarian who replied on headed paper. When libraries first started delivering digital resources all these social interactions were taken away from users and they simply got an information transaction by downloading content. It has taken libraries a while to realise that users still want more than a simple information transaction and they want the same and more social interactions than they had in the 'pre-digital' days. In our digital library world they want to: review books, share information, add value to our data by adding their own content, add comments and annotations and 'digital post-its' to e-books, correct our data errors, and converse with other users. And now they are telling us they can do even more, they can organise themselves to work together to achieve big goals for libraries and make our information even more accessible, accurate and interesting. Why are we not snapping up this great offer immediately? How and why should we do it? 3. Why should libraries do it?Crowdsourcing could bring great benefits to libraries:
Examples of crowdsourcing goals for libraries could be: getting users to mark the errors in our catalogues; rating the reliability of information/records; adding information to records; verifying name authority files; adding user created content to collections; creating e-books; correcting full text; transcribing handwritten records; and most especially describing items that we have not made accessible because they are not catalogued/described yet. A prime example of this is photographs. The normal procedure in a library is that a photograph is not digitised until it has been catalogued. If instead it is digitised first and users are given the chance to describe the content this would radically open up access to a lot of 'hidden' and difficult to describe photographic collections. There are very few described examples of successful crowdsourcing projects in libraries because it is not really happening yet. In March 2009 I published my own research into the text correction activity by digital volunteers on the Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program ('Many Hands Make Light Work')6. This report generated a huge amount of positive interest in the international library community and resulted in me making contact with several other crowdsourcing projects and undertaking more research in this area. Many libraries are unwilling to take the lead/risk of being the first library to undertake something new on a significant scale, but hopefully the information in this article will lead libraries to move into this area of activity with knowledge of how to do it. 4. Crowdsourcing achievementsAustralian Newspapers Digitisation Program, National Library of Australia: Text Correction. Fig. 1. Australian Newspapers number of volunteers and achievements. Sourced from Rose Holley.
*Unknown exactly how many volunteers there are since users do not have to register to correct text and users that are registered do not all correct text. This figure is a minimum estimate. Picture Australia, National Library of Australia: Creation and addition of images. Fig. 2. Picture Australia number of volunteers and achievements. Sourced from Fiona Hooton.
FamilySearchIndexing, Latter Day Saints: Text transcription of records. Fig. 3. FamilySearchIndexing number of volunteers and achievements. Sourced from Mark Kelly.
Distributed Proofreaders (DP), Project Gutenberg: Creation of Ebooks. Fig. 4. Distributed Proofreaders number of volunteers and achievements. Sourced from Juliet Sutherland.
* cumulative registered users. Of these 3000 are active per month. ** approximately 2000 E-texts consistently produced per year. Wikipedia: creation of digital encyclopaedia; improving personal names authority file at the German National Library; Wikisource. Fig. 5. Wikipedia number of volunteers and achievements. Sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Statistics.9
* The number of registered volunteers has grown to millions. Most volunteers are not regular contributors, however. An unknown, but relatively large, number of unregistered contributors also contribute. In 2005 volunteers at Wikimedia Deutschland worked with the Deutsche Bibliothek (DDB) (German National Library) on the Personal Names Data Authority File project. The Personennamendatei (PND) has library datasets for more than 600,000 persons and contains more than 2 million names. Deutschland Wikipedia also has a person's name file and 20% of the articles in the encyclopedia are for individual people. A project to enrich articles in the German Wikipedia with PND numbers and links back into the DDB's catalogue was arranged. There were benefits for both organisations since Wikipedia gained persistent and controlled links to literature from and about specific people and the DDB got thousands of corrections and updates to the PND by volunteers who checked and matched each Wikipedia authority file against the PND authority file. After 2 weeks 20,000 Wikipedia articles had links added to the PND. A Wikimedia article10 and a conference paper11 outline the project more fully. Another Wikimedia project, Wikisource, is transcribing public domain books into Ebooks. UK MPs Expenses Scandal, The Guardian: Tagging subject content of records/archives. Fig. 6. The Guardian MP Expenses Scandal number of volunteers and achievements. Sourced from Simon Willison and Guardian website.
Galaxy Zoo, International University Collaboration: Classification of digital photos Fig. 7. Galaxy Zoo number of volunteers and achievements. Sourced from Galaxy Zoo website.
World War 2 Peoples War, BBC: Creation of content 5. Known facts about crowdsourcing5.1 Volunteer numbers and achievements Wikipedia, Distributed Proofreaders, Australian Newspapers and FamilySearchIndexing all released their services 'quietly' with little or no advertising, but clear group goals. All had fewer than 4000 volunteers in their first year. These figures rose dramatically in subsequent years as the communities passed the word on and viral marketing (i.e. hearing of the project by blogs, forums, e-mail) took place. Currently Distributed Proofreaders, the Wikimedia Foundation and FamilySearchIndexing have been established for more than 4 years and all have about 100,000 active volunteers. An active volunteer is defined as someone who works at least once a month on a regular basis. They all have far more registered volunteers, with FamilySearchIndexing reporting 160,000 volunteers in January 2009. 5.2 Volunteer Profile Distributed Proofreaders, FamilySearchIndexing, Wikimedia Foundation and Australian Newspapers have independently undertaken their own analysis of volunteer makeup and have discovered the same things:
5.3 Motivational factors The factors that motivate digital volunteers are really no different to factors that motivate anyone to do anything15:
"Why do I spend 6 hours a day on Galaxy Zoo? Simply because it gives people who are not lucky enough to be a part of the scientific community a chance to take part in something that furthers the understanding of not only Galaxy's but our future as well. I'm just loving my time here." "Why do I spend 8 hours a day on Australian Newspapers? The Australian Newspapers digitisation program is the best thing that has ever happened to me in twenty years of family history research. It is a wonderful resource and so valuable for folk who can only do research on-line. Correcting electronically translated text is a worthwhile and enjoyable task and I am happily correcting text to help record Australian history." By observation and surveys, site managers reported that volunteers were generally highly self motivated but there were a few things that noticeably increased their motivation:
5.4 Types of acknowledgement and reward offered Many of the crowdsourcing sites were unable or had not thought to offer any acknowledgement or reward to volunteers. Being non-profit organisations, most were limited in the type of reward or acknowledgement they could offer anyway. In all cases digital volunteers were proving to do great work without reward systems and had volunteered on the basis that there would be no reward. However some of the sites were now thinking about this more. The following ideas, that cost little or nothing, but worked have been used:
5.5 Management of volunteers Most of the crowdsourcing sites had either no paid staff or very limited staffing to manage and co-ordinate hundreds and thousands of volunteers. Because of this they had done two things:
The main task of the paid staff in regard to management of volunteers was to create, establish or endorse guidelines, FAQs, and policies for the digital volunteer processes. The site manager may also keep an eye on the forum activity and spot anything which may become an issue and resolve it through FAQ, policy or guidelines. All site managers agreed this was the way to handle large online communities. No attempt should be made to seek paid staff to 'manage' digital volunteers. Erik Moeller at Wikimedia Foundation endorses this viewpoint, and they have 10 million registered volunteers. 6. Tips for crowdsourcing
Figure 8. Rose Holley's checklist for crowdsourcing.
![]() After talking to other crowdsourcing site managers and asking them "what lessons have you learnt?" and taking my own experiences into account I am able to provide a combined, comprehensive list for librarians of tips for crowdsourcing. No site I looked at had utilised all the tips. If a new site follows these tips I have no doubt they will be very successful. The tips are illustrated with example screenshots where appropriate.
You might know what you want to do, but you must tell your volunteers this as well and keep the message clear and prominent. It helps if your goal is massive and appears to be unachievable, or if you keep upping the size of your goal or the task.
Figure 9. Goal - Family Search Index.
Figure 10. Goal - Australian Newspapers.
Figure 11. Goal - Galaxy Zoo.
Simon Willison of the Guardian says "Any time that you're trying to get people to give you stuff, to do stuff for you, the most important thing is that people know that what they're doing is having an effect. It's kind of a fundamental tenet of social software. ... If you're not giving people the 'I rock' vibe, you're not getting people to stick around." You must let volunteers know how well they are doing to keep their motivation up.
Figure 12. Progress - The Guardian MP's expenses - home page.
Figure 13. Progress - The Guardian MP Expenses - MP page.
Figure 14. Progress - the Distributed Proofreaders.
Figure 15. Progress - Wikipedia.
Figure 16. Progress - Wikipedia.
The usability of your system is really important. If you haven't done usability testing beforehand then solicit and act on user feedback as you develop the system. Load testing is also necessary since speed and reliability of the system are as important as usability. Uses will drop off as quickly as they came if the system fails them in this respect. Simon Willison of the Guardian said "We kind of load-tested it with our real audience, which guarantees that it's going to work eventually." Wikipedia noted in their statistics "The big slowdown in the rate of article creation in June-July 2002 was caused by major server performance problems, remedied by extensive work on the software". Make it as easy as possible for users to do work and options for this include no requirement to login (e.g., Australian Newspapers), a very simple sign up process and an easy login method.
Figure 17. Easy and Quick to use - Australian Newspapers no login required.
Make it like a game and keep it light hearted. After all the volunteers are doing this for nothing. The easier and more fun it is the more likely they are to join in and keep doing it.
Figure 18. Easy and Fun - The Guardian MP's expenses.
Figure 19. Easy and Fun - Galaxy Zoo.
Figure 20. Easy and Fun - Australian Newspapers.
Something about the content must be really interesting. Regular drawcards are history, science, personal lives, scandals, genealogy, and animals.
Topics in the news can have a big impact on user activity the primary example being the UK MP's scandal which led to 20,0000 volunteers signing up and completing work in the first two weeks. Take advantage of news events, special occasions, historical anniversaries etc. to get your volunteers to do more work or special targeted bits.
Keeping the site current, expanding the amount of data and continually developing the site are all important in keeping your volunteers motivated. Crowdsourcing is still quite new and there is no one site that has got it all totally right. New development as well as new content keeps volunteers busy.
Some volunteers like to be able to choose subjects, and types of work they do, whilst others prefer to be directed to what to do next. Good ideas are to have a 'pick your work' and a 'do the next thing that needs doing' option. Distributed Proofreaders, the Guardian MP Expenses and Wikipedia all give both choices. In addition, Wikipedia and FamilySearchIndexing give options to select projects from different countries, and Wikipedia and Galaxy Zoo also have different language interfaces. Distributed proofreaders, Wikipedia and others also have different tasks for novices and experienced users. All these things extend your volunteer base.
Some interesting results (aside from achieving your main goal) may come out of the work and it is important to share these with the volunteers as soon as you find them, because if it wasn't for them the those results would never have happened. Volunteers are especially interested in new discoveries and research arising out of what they have done.
Figure 21. Results - Galaxy Zoo.
Figure 22. Results - Distributed Proofreaders.
Figure 23. Results - The Guardian's MP's expenses.
Figure 24. Results - BBC People's WorldWar2.
Let users have the option to use/display their real name or a pseudonym, to add a photograph, and to make themselves visible to other volunteers and/or the users of the site. Names may be credited on the site and/or against the item they have worked on.
Figure 25. Acknowledgement Picture Australia.
Putting in a ranking table is easy and costs nothing, yet it makes a big difference to your volunteers and helps to motivate them.
Figure 26. Reward - Australian Newspapers.
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Figure 27. Reward - Guardian's Expenses.
![]() ![]()
Remember that your 'super' volunteers are usually doing more than half of the entire work so treat them well. Anything they have to say to you should be of interest, especially their feedback on your system and process because they are your heaviest site users. If they recommend something, give it go.
Experience shows that the greater the level of freedom and trust you give to volunteers the more they reward you with hard work, loyalty and accuracy. Rather than assuming everything will go wrong and spending valuable time putting systems in place to stop vandalism, assume volunteers will do their best and monitor and help each other. Give them as much freedom as you are able. 7. Next Steps for LibrariesThe potential of crowdsourcing for libraries is huge. Libraries have a massive user base and both broad and specific subject areas that have wide appeal. Libraries could get hundreds of thousands of volunteers if they really publicized and appealed for help. Anyone with an Internet connection is a potential volunteer. A shift in thinking is required by libraries to fully embrace the potential of crowdsourcing. Up until now libraries have been in control of creating, collecting and describing data and have held the power to do this. Individuals as well as organisations such as Google can now easily create, organise and describe content which is seen by some as threatening the role of libraries. Giving users the freedom to interact with and add value to data as well as create their own content and upload it into our collections is what users want, and helps libraries maintain their relevance in society. Libraries need to think globally rather than individually about crowdsourcing. There could be a centralized global pool of volunteers and projects rather than each library trying to establish its own volunteer base. Digital users do not care about institutional walls. Libraries know this and have worked hard to break down the walls or make them invisible to users when they are searching digital collections. There should be no walls in crowdsourcing projects either. For example if someone wants to improve resources on shipping lists - they should be able to come to a central portal to find all the projects and countries involving shipping lists instead of having to discover and find for themselves that there are shipping lists which can be corrected in 3 different projects, for example, Australian Newspapers, Mariners and Ships in Australian Waters, and FamilySearchIndexing. Libraries and archives will never have the resources to fully do what they or the users want so crowdsourcing is an opportunity that should be seriously considered. Governments in the UK and Australia are now taking digital social engagement seriously and looking at developing policies for this and the utilisation of web 2.0 technologies into their government departments, including libraries. The Australian Government 2.0 Taskforce16 is in the final stages of preparing its recommendations. But libraries do not need to wait for taskforce instructions to engage with users, this has been their 'modus operandus' for years, and is seen by many librarians simply as excellent customer service. So what should libraries be thinking about in relation to crowdsourcing?
8. ConclusionCrowdsourcing has not been attempted on any significant scale by libraries to date, but could prove to be the most useful tool a library can have in the future. If the facts known about crowdsourcing and the tips outlined in this article are applied any crowdsourcing project that is 'for the common good' and initiated by a non-profit making organisation such as a library is likely to be successful. If the public are given a high level of trust and responsibility they will respond with loyalty and commitment as has been demonstrated in the crowdsourcing sites discussed. There is huge potential for libraries to harness digital volunteers. Libraries need to give up 'power and control' thinking and look to freedom instead. Harriet Rubin, business publisher and author talking about success says "Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash"17. And librarians need to be courageous about this. Dr John C. Maxwell , leadership expert and author talking on how to generate momentum in the workplace says "Passion energizes your talent and rubs off on those around you. If you have courage then you will influence people based on your passionate convictions"18 . Do we have the courage, and dare we give users something greater than power freedom? 9. NotesI would like to acknowledge and thank the people below who gave their time to me to provide statistics and quotes, and discuss crowdsourcing techniques and social engagement ideas and strategies. They also provided candid information on the lessons they had each learnt about their respective crowdsourcing projects. Kent Fitch (Lead System Architect, National Library of Australia) URLs of crowdsourcing sites: Australian Newspapers: http://ndpbeta.nla.gov.au 10. References1. Holley, Rose (2009) Crowdsourcing and social engagement: Potential, Power and Freedom for Libraries and Users. Research Paper. http://eprints.rclis.org/17410/ 2. Holley, Rose (2009) Crowdsourcing and social engagement: Potential, Power and Freedom for Libraries and Users. PowerPoint presentation given at PRDLA 2009 meeting. http://www.prdla.org/2009/10/crowdsourcing-and-social-engagement 3. Wikipedia (2009) Article on crowdsourcing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowdsourcing. Viewed August 2009. 4. Holley, Rose (2010) Tagging full text searchable articles: An overview of social tagging activity in histori Australian Newspapers , August 2008 August 2009. D-Lib Magazine, vol 16, no 1/2, 2010. [doi:10.1045/january2010-holley] 5. Sharky, Clay (2009) Here Comes Everybody: How Change Happens When People Come Together, Penguin Books, ISBN 9780141030623. 6. Holley, Rose (2009) Many Hands Make Light Work: Public Collaborative OCR Text Correction in Australian Historic Newspapers, National Library of Australia, ISBN 9780642276940. http://www.nla.gov.au/ndp/project_details/documents/ANDP_ManyHands.pdf 7. Hooton, Fiona (2006) Picture Australia and the flickr effect. Gateways, number 80, April 2006. http://www.nla.gov.au/pub/gateways/issues/80/story01.html 8. Lih, Andrew (2009) The Wikipedia Revolution: How a bunch of nobodies created the world's greatest encyclopedia, Aurum Press Ltd, ISBN 9781845134730. 9. Wikipedia (2009) Wikipedia Statistics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Statistics. Viewed October 2009. 10. Voss, Jakob (2005) Metadata with Personendata and beyond. Wikimania 2005 paper. http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Transwiki:Wikimania05/Paper-JV2 11. Danowski, Patrick (2007) Library 2.0 and User Generated Content: What can the users do for us? Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. 73rd IFLA Conference Paper, 19-23 August 2007, Durban, South Africa. http://ifla.queenslibrary.org/IV/ifla73/papers/113-Danowski-en.pdf 12. Anderson, Michael (2009) Four crowdsourcing lessons from the Guardian's (spectacular) expenses-scandal experiment. June 23 2009. http://www.niemanlab.org/2009/06/four-crowdsourcing-lessons-from-the-guardians-spectacular-expenses-scandal-experiment/ 13. Wikipedia (2009) Article on Galaxy Zoo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Zoo. Viewed October 2009. 14. BBC (2009) WW2 People's War: Project History: How the site worked: User Journey. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/about/project_07.shtml#personalpages. Viewed August 2009. 15. Jorgensen, John (2007) 21 Proven Motivation Tactics. Published online in Pick the Brain, August 23 2007. http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/21-proven-motivation-tactics/ 16. (2009) Australian Government 2.0 Taskforce website, blog, draft report. http://gov2.net.au/ 17. Fast Company (1998) The Fast Pack, Fast Company Magazine, Issue 13, January 31, 1998, page 5. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/13/fastpack.html 18. Maxwell, John C. (2010) Momentum breakers vs momentum makers. http://www.giantimpact.com/articles/read/article_momentum_breakers_vs_momentum_makers/ About the Author