Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress. Courtesy of the William Blake Archive. Used by permission. About this image: Ah! Thel is like a watry bow, and like a parting cloud.The quotation and the detail image of Thel above is from The Book of THEL, The Author & Printer Willm Blake. 1789. |
January 1999The William Blake ArchiveA free site on the World Wide Web since 1996, http://www.iath.virginia.edu/blake, the
William Blake Archive was conceived as an international public resource that would provide
unified access to major works of visual and literary art that are highly disparate, widely
dispersed, and often severely restricted. The Archive integrates editions, catalogues,
databases, and scholarly tools into an archive with fully searchable texts and images. Its
hallmarks, its advanced principles of design and high standards of execution, are the
result of intensive collaboration between the editors and the Institute for Advanced
Technology in the Humanities. In the first phase of development we concentrated on site
design and the incorporation of Blake's 19 illuminated books from 8 major American and
British collections. In the second phase we intend to complete the design work and
incorporate a full range of drawings, paintings, prints, manuscripts, and typographical
works. This extended Archive aims to set a new standard of accessibility to a vast array
of visual and textual materials that are central to an adequate grasp of the art and
literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The William Blake Archive is edited
by Morris Eaves, Robert N. Essick, and Joseph Viscomi.
DOI: 10.1045/january99-featured.image |